
gù liàn
  • fixation
固恋[gù liàn]
  1. 他对她有一种固恋。

    He has a fixation about her .

  2. 他依然固恋着那些令他想起自己母亲的遗物。

    He remains fixated on objects which remind him of his mother .

  3. 但我固恋“屏幕玩耍”&我想象着那是一杯冰冻的啤酒而寿司则变得油腻且卷着日本特色菜。

    But my sense is that the state I found myself in , of playful fixation on a screen , imagining the bite of the ice-cold beer and the unctuousness of the sushi , contained something peculiarly Japanese .