
  • 网络expression;verbal expression;verbalization
  1. 神经系统查体:收缩压130mmHg,舒张压80mmHg熏神清,言语表达能力差,命名困难,其他神经系统检查未见异常。

    Neural systemic examination : systolic pressure was 130 mmHg and diastolic pressure was 80 mmHg , with clear consciousness , poor language expression ability , and nomenclatural disability while no abnormity was inspected in other neural systematic examinations .

  2. 辩论是高级言语表达形式之一。

    Debate is one of advanced expression of spoken language .

  3. 让儿童看图画有时有助于他们用言语表达思想。

    Showing children pictures sometimes helps them to vocalize their ideas .

  4. 思想用言语表达出来並不总是一件容易的事。

    It is not always easy to put one 's ideas into words .

  5. argument一词指人与人之间用激烈言语表达的分歧

    An argument is a strong verbal disagreement between people

  6. vt.表达;传达;运输;转移我觉得难以用言语表达我的感情。

    convey I find it hard to convey my feelings in word .

  7. 人们用言语表达思想,传输信息。

    People use words to express ideas , to transmit information .

  8. 她因为太激动了,无法把自己的思绪用言语表达出来。

    She was too excited to put her thoughts into words .

  9. 言语表达不了我对此荣誉的万分感激。

    Words can not express how much I appreciate this honor .

  10. 《战国策》言语表达的句内考察

    On the Ways of Speech in Sentence of Zhan Guo Ce

  11. 论日本人的非言语表达行为关于跨文化非语言交际的几个问题

    Some Understandings on Japanese Nonverbal Expression Some Issues Concerning Intercultural Nonverbal Communication

  12. 当我输了比赛时的失望之情,难以用言语表达。

    Words can 't express my disappointment when I lost the game .

  13. 修辞是民族文化在言语表达中的反映

    Rhetoric is the reflection of national culture in oral expression

  14. 你是很难把自己的心意用言语表达吗?

    Do you have difficulty matching you feelings with words ?

  15. 以言语表达感情、思想、观点等

    Give utterance to one 's feelings , thoughts , views , etc

  16. 我无法用言语表达,我对你们是多么感激。

    I cannot adequately express how deeply indebted I am to you .

  17. 他感觉到她无法用言语表达她的谢意。

    He felt all the thanks she could not utter .

  18. 太雄对他妈妈的怨恨是无法用言语表达的。

    Tae-woong 's hatred towards his mother is beyond words .

  19. 浅谈英语教学中目的语非言语表达知识的导入

    The Knowledge Input of Non-verbal Interaction of the Target Language in ELT

  20. 说汉语的失语患者言语表达的初步分析

    A prelimiary analysis on speech expression in Chinese aphasics patients

  21. 论言语表达中界域语的性质与作用

    The nature and function of spatial language in expression

  22. 我用什麽词语表达呢?我们用言语表达思想。

    How shall I phrase it ? We express our thoughts by speech .

  23. 他这个年龄组的儿童在这一阶段通常不会用言语表达思想。

    Children of his age group don 't usually verbalize at this stage .

  24. 文章聚焦于变异修辞的语义理据,认为变异性言语表达靠通过语义偏离来获得特定的修辞效果。

    It holds that deviated rhetoric gets specific rhetoric effect through semantic deviation .

  25. 我国公民立法表达权行使的方式主要是言语表达。

    In China , the citizens ' main legislative expression is in verbal .

  26. 我对你的巨大帮助的感激之情,难以用言语表达。

    Words can 't express how grateful I am for your great help .

  27. 非线性思维形式语言的言语表达

    Formal Expression of Non-linear Thinking in Architecture Design

  28. 我们要学会把我们的思想尽可能地用精确的言语表达出来。

    We should learn to put our ideas into words as accurately as possible .

  29. 真正的爱是不能用言语表达的,行为才是真心的最好说明。

    Words can not express true love , loyalty behavior is the best explanation .

  30. 非言语表达被广泛地应用于社会和个体的一切活动中。

    Nonverbal language has been extensively used in all activities of society and individuals .