
yán yǔ zhànɡ ài
  • Speech disorders;lalopathy
  1. 约翰有轻微的言语障碍,这令母亲很难理解他的话。

    John 's slight speech impediment made it difficult for his mother to understand him .

  2. 方法采用ABC法和CAB法测试口语和书写能力,统计言语障碍类型,计算各项书写得分和失写指数,比较大脑各部位之间的差异。

    Methods ABC and CAB were used to examine the ability of oral language and writing . The different types of aphasia and agraphia were detected .

  3. 结论:言语障碍原因较多,但仅就结果分析与听力减退有关者即达近半数,且有极大相关性,从量化角度分析他们的相关程度已不囿于ISO的分级关系。

    CONCLUSION : There are many reasons for speech disorder , and half of them have great relation with auditory dysesthesia , and the correlative level is not less than ISO grades analyzed with quantity .

  4. 结果:17例术中刺激发现,STN中上部是其刺激、改善病人症状的最佳位置,而电极过深及过外则易引起言语障碍。

    Result : Intraoperative STN test stimulation strongly improved most of the parkinsonian symptoms and indicated that the middle-upper part of STN was best postion for placement of lead .

  5. 并重点对听性言语障碍者行听性脑干反应(ABR)及40Hz相关电位反应阈dB(SPL)值测试和量化对比。结果:235例各类言语障碍者中有较明显的16种病因。

    The auditory speech handicapped were tested by Auditory brainstem response ( ABR ) and 40 Hz relative potential reaction limen db ( SPL ) and compared with quantitative relation .

  6. 结论本例PPA患者的临床表现以言语障碍为突出,出现动词特异性损伤,病变部位主要位于左侧颞叶与额叶,且该两部位呈低灌注、低代谢状态。

    Conclusion Language disorder is a predominant characteristics of this PPA patient , who had verb specific deficits . And the major lesion regions were left temporal and frontal lobes with lower metabolism and blood flow .

  7. 高危早产儿组及HIE组的干预组婴儿的中枢神经协调障碍、言语障碍及脑性瘫痪的发生与未干预组间差别有显著性意义(Ρ<005)。

    The determination of intelligent development in premature group and HIE group of high risk infants demonstrated that the difference between the early intervention group and no intervention has obvious significance in the rough and fine motion and linguistic ( P < 0.01 ) .

  8. 皮层下脑血管病后言语障碍的康复和预后

    Rehabilitation and prognosis of speech disorder after subcortical cerebral vascular disease

  9. 听力言语障碍康复训练及评价的汉语多媒体系统

    A Chinese Multimedia System for Hearing Speech Disorder Rehabilitation Training Assessment

  10. 儿童言语障碍原因及其与听力减退的量化关系

    Quantitative relation between reasons of speech disorder and auditory dysesthesia in children

  11. 目的心因性言语障碍是属常见的心理障碍疾病之一。

    Objectives : Psychological Speech Impediment is one of common psychological diseases .

  12. 国外学者对此种言语障碍做过深入研究,获得了很多重要数据。

    There are many researches and data on this speech disorder abroad .

  13. 母语为汉语者言语障碍的语义加工及其脑区机制(英文)

    Brain mechanism of semantic processing by native Chinese speaker with dysphonia ;

  14. 言语障碍儿童听觉脑干诱发电位的变化

    Changs of Auditory Brainstem Response in Children with Speech and Language Barriers

  15. 心因性言语障碍的诊断、治疗与分析

    Diagnosis , Treatment and Analysis of Psychological Speech Impediment

  16. 脑中风后言语障碍的临床观察

    A clinical observation on cerebral apoplexy with speech disorders

  17. 结果:脑卒中后言语障碍发生率达43%,多发生在左侧半球的皮层或皮下区域。

    Result : The incidence rate of aphasia with stroke patients was43 % .

  18. 结论:该评价量表的编制,使运动性言语障碍的评价更加全面。

    Conclusion : Dysarthria assessment makes assessment of motor speech disorder more comprehensive .

  19. 小儿言语障碍原因分析

    Analysis of the causes of speech disorders in child

  20. 拜登还谈到了言语障碍造成的羞辱感。

    Biden also addressed the stigma of speech impediments .

  21. 脑卒中后言语障碍的临床分析&附250例报告

    Clinical Observation on Speech Disorder from 250 Stroke Patients

  22. 我国言语障碍儿童的现状及其教育建议

    Status of Speech Disorder Children in China and Suggestions of Education for Them

  23. 该结果很可能会开辟一条治疗言语障碍的新疗法。

    The results may lead the way to new therapies for speech disorders .

  24. 如果发声困难,你就知道什么叫做“言语障碍”。

    If using your voice is difficult , then you know what is .

  25. 目的:研究脑卒中患者言语障碍的发病情况和有关因素。

    Objective : To study incidence rate and influence factors of aphasia with stroke patients .

  26. 自闭症患者在行为障碍,言语障碍和智力特征上的性别差异较为显著。

    The gender difference of autism lies in behavior disorder , dysphonia and intellectual characteristics .

  27. 她有严重的言语障碍。

    She has a serious speech impediment .

  28. 大脑左侧颞叶深部病变与言语障碍

    Pathological Changes in the Depths of Left Temporal Lobe of the Brain and Language Handicap

  29. 协调上述事件的脑区哪怕受到最轻微的损伤,也可能造成言语障碍。

    The slightest damage to brain areas that orchestrate these events can produce speech difficulties .

  30. 结果:静脉溶栓后,患者肌力有了明显提高,言语障碍在溶栓后也明显改善,静脉溶栓后血管再通32例,无效3例。

    Results After intravenous thrombolytic therapy , limb weakness and speech disorder were improved greatly .