
  • 网络jerry yan;Jerry Yen
  1. 而有人猜测这颗老鼠屎暗指的就是队友言承旭。有报道说,言承旭受邀与章子怡一起主演新版《花木兰》,由于戏约在身甚是繁忙,所以对F4重组的事情并不上心。

    This was taken to refer to band mate Jerry Yan , who has been plucked to play the lead opposite Zhang Ziyi in the new Mulan movie and is reportedly so busy he ` s not interested in reforming F4 .

  2. 同时,他们也在考虑,原班人马:深受喜爱的F4--言承旭、周渝民、朱孝天和吴建豪,以及女主角徐熙媛,是否能够回归客串一些角色。

    They will also see if the original cast , the well-loved F4 - Jerry Yan , Vic Zhou , Ken Zhu and Van Ness Wu , and Barbie , can do cameo roles .

  3. 在2016年开年之前,外界纷纷猜测言承旭和林心如有可能已经秘密相恋。然而,人们并不知道,就在两人扑朔迷离的关系传开一个月之后,霍建华在林心如40岁的生日派对上可能已经对其表白。

    Right before 2016 , we were discussing the possibility of a romance between Jerry Yan , and Ruby Lin. Little did we know that one month later , at Ruby Lin 's 40th birthday party , Wallace Huo would finally confess to her .