
  • 网络Speech Therapist
  1. 那名自闭症儿童需要一名言语治疗师协助他学习说话。

    The autistic child needed a speech therapist to help him speak .

  2. 言语治疗师指持有言语及听觉科学学士学位,或具备同等学历的人。

    Speech Therapist denotes a person with a Bachelor 's Degree in Speech and Hearing Sciences , or equivalent .

  3. 纽约市CorporateSpeechSolutions公司总裁、言语治疗师杰恩•拉茨(JayneLatz)说,经常有上司在业绩评估会上提出下属的声音问题,认为它给同事和客户造成不便,然后人们便请她提供语音辅导。

    Speech pathologist Jayne Latz says she often receives requests for voice coaching after performance reviews in which a boss raises the issue as a problem for co-workers or customers .

  4. 亚特兰大埃默里大学(EmoryUniversity)埃默里语音中心(EmoryVoiceCenter)的言语治疗师布莱恩•佩蒂(BrianPetty)说,这些毛病“让听者觉得说话的人要么是不自在,要么是很痛苦。”

    Such quirks ' make the listener think the person who is speaking is either uncomfortable or in pain , ' says Brian Petty , a speech pathologist at the Emory Voice Center in Atlanta .

  5. 言语治疗师对交流障碍患者的评估是最有权威的。

    A speech and language therapist is the most competent person to assess a patient with abnormal communication .

  6. 他的言语治疗师说他现在比刚来的时候能够更大程度的张开嘴,并且能更好的控制他的唾沫。

    His speech therapist says he can open his mouth more than when he came , and he has more control over his saliva .

  7. 言语治疗师须为语障学生备存完整的学生名册、详尽的评估报告及治疗记录,并妥善存档。

    The speech therapists ( STs ) are required to keep a register , detailed descriptive assessment reports and clinical notes properly for the SLI students at school .

  8. 除聘有受过专门训练的教师外,特殊学校还获得教育心理学家、言语治疗师、听觉学家、物理治疗师、职业治疗师、护士和社工等专责人员支援。

    Besides being staffed by specially trained teachers , special schools are supported by specialist staff such as educational psychologists , speech therapists , audiologists , physiotherapists , occupational therapists , nurses and social workers .

  9. 在先前对学习困难的儿童的测试中,用这个游戏进行试验的言语及语言障碍治疗师也报道了类似的改善效果。

    In earlier trials on children with learning difficulties , the speech and language therapists who tested the game reported similar improvements .

  10. 言语失用常被言语治疗师用来命名随意言语的清晰度和韵律(节奏和时间)障碍。

    Apraxia of speech is a term frequently used by speech pathologists to designate an impairment in the voluntary production of articulation and prosody ( the rhythm and timing ) of speech .