
yán yǔ xínɡ wéi
  • speech act;speech performance/act
  1. 言语行为理论是由英国哲学家Austin首度提出。

    The speech act theory was first proposed by British philosopher Austin .

  2. 本文以ThornburgPanther的言语行为转喻(简称为SAM)理论来分析涉及请求的误解产生的原因。

    The paper attempts to apply Speech Act Metonymy ( SAM ) Theory proposed by Thornburg Panther to tracing causes of misunderstanding concerning requests .

  3. Austin提出言语行为理论语言的间接性,其后他的学生美国哲学家J。

    Austin put forward " The Speech Act Theory "; then his student , an American philosopher , J.

  4. 它对于人们在日常生活中实施及理解间接言语行为,特别是规约间接言语行为(conventionalindirectspeechacts)时的迅捷性及自然性并没有给出令人信服的解释;

    However , it does not satisfactorily account for the fact that people usually comprehend the indirect speech acts , in particular the conventional ones , readily and naturally without any noticeable effort .

  5. Searl提出间接言语行为理论,这些都是认识语言的间接性的基础。

    Searl put forth " The Indirect Speech Act Theory " . The two theories are the basic concepts to understand directness .

  6. R.lakoff礼貌原则对指示性言语行为的解释力

    The Illustration of Directive Speech Acts from the Perspective of R.lakoff 's Politeness Principle

  7. VNN构块式包括双宾结构和宾&补结构,这两种结构都具有给予性特征。由英语言语行为动词构成的这两种结构同样具有给予性特征。

    VNN-construction includes double-object construction and object-complement construction , which share the characteristics of " giving " .

  8. 本文简要回顾了语用学中的言语行为理论、面子理论和礼貌原则,并用这些理论分析了《高级英语》第一册中的勒索(Blackmail)一文中构成情节高潮部分的对话段落。

    This paper analyzes a dialogue section in " Blackmail " with the speech act theory , politeness theory as well as face action , illustrating the significance of the speech act theory in stylistics .

  9. Dore(1975)提出雏形言语行为,认为独词语段只用来表达交流意向,没有内在句法或语义结构。

    However , Dore ( 1975 ) argues that one-word utterances do not have underlying syntactic or semantic structure but only involve particular communicative intentions .

  10. 结合现代语用学中的礼貌策略理论及语义学中关于语义类型及言语行为理论,从三个方面对GonewiththeWind一书中RhettButler这个人物形象的塑造进行分析,并指出其成功与不足之处。

    The successes and flaws as to the characterization of Rhett Butler in the book Gone with the Wind is analyzed and discussed form three aspects and with theories of " Politeness Policy " adapted form modem pragmatics and , theories on Semantic Types and Speech Act adapted form Semantics .

  11. 言语行为又分为直接言语行为和间接言语行为。

    Speech act include direct speech act and indirect speech act .

  12. 对《老友记》中道歉言语行为的语用研究

    A Pragmatic Study of the Speech Act of Apology in Friends

  13. 简言之,面子言语行为即与面子有关的言语行为。

    In short , Face-relating Verbal Behavior is related to face .

  14. 对外汉语教学中言语行为的语用条件研究

    A Study of the Pragmatic Condition of Speech Act in TCFL

  15. 汉语道歉言语行为之分析

    A Critical Study of the Speech Act of Apology in Chinese

  16. 墨家的言语行为思想和中国古代逻辑

    The Mohist 's Speech Act Thoughts and the Chinese Ancient Logic

  17. 听力理解包括语言理解和语用理解两部分,而语用理解又包括对言语行为的理解和对话语隐含义的理解。

    The pragmatic comprehension included speech acts and conversational implicatures subsections .

  18. 广告诉求的心理基础与广告言语行为

    The Mentality Basic of Advertising and the Parole Act for Advertising

  19. 言语行为理论的跨文化语用对比

    On the Cross - cultural Pragmatic Contrast of Speech Act Theory

  20. 间接言语行为理论在对外汉语教学中的应用

    Application of the Theory of Indirect Speech Acts to TCFL

  21. 使役性言语行为分析

    An Analysis of the Effect-creating of Chinese Directive Speech Acts

  22. 广告语篇连贯的言语行为理论解析

    Analyses of Speech Art Theory of the Advertising Text Coherence

  23. 激活思维:课堂提问的言语行为的本质

    Thinking Act ivation : the Essence of Speech Act in Classroom Questions

  24. 浅谈网络言语行为的道德失范问题

    A Tentative Study of Moral Incorrectness of Network Speech Acts

  25. 汉语拒绝言语行为的实现机制

    The Achieved Mechanism of Refusal Speech Act in Chinese Language

  26. 言语行为的研究是跨文化语用学的重要课题之一。

    One of the focuses in cross-cultural pragmatics study is speech acts .

  27. 拒绝语是行使拒绝的言语行为。

    Refusal is a speech act to perform the refusing .

  28. 言语行为的表现形式在不同的文化以及社会情境中有所不同。

    Different speech acts are performed differently in different culture .

  29. 语篇连贯:言语行为理论视角

    Coherence in discourse : A perspective from Speech Act Theory

  30. 委婉语与间接言语行为的语言间接性研究之比较

    Compare the Indirect Nature of Language of Euphemism with Indirect Speech Behavior