
  • 网络math book;textbook
  1. 我打开了数学课本看了起来。

    I opened the math book and started to read .

  2. 在学生应用题解答表现方面,作者分别检测了由一个美国数学课本和一个中国数学课本提供的学习机会的潜在影响。

    ' Abstract : 'The author examined the potential influence of learning opportunities provided in1 U.S.and1 Chinese mathematics textbook series on students'problem solving performance .

  3. 关于数学课本的编排定位及其有效利用

    Main Purpose of Compilation about Math Textbooks and the Effective Use

  4. 他们选定了统一的阅读、写作和数学课本。

    They chose a uniform curriculum for reading , writing and maths .

  5. 浅谈指导中学生阅读数学课本

    A Few Words on Guiding Middle School Students to Read Mathematical Books

  6. 这平台帮助教师配合新高中课程搜寻不同的古典数学课本。

    These briefing sessions aim to introduce the new web-based platform that allows users to gain access to relevant classical textbooks against the NSS curriculum .

  7. 函数内容在高中数学课本中有很大的份量,在对它进行研究时往往将其与方程,不等式,线性规划,数列等联系起来,它甚至还和导数,微积分圆锥曲线,立体几何等联系起来。

    Function in the senior middle school mathematics textbook content has a great deal , in its study , often with the equation , inequality , linear programming , sequence , associate , it even and derivative , calculus cone curve , the three-dimensional how a few link .

  8. 他喜欢学数学,课本上所有的数学问题他都能不费劲地解答。

    He likes to study arithmetic , and he can do all of the arithmetic problems in his book easily .

  9. 本研究采用问卷调查与眼动实验相结合的方法,对小学一年级数学新课本中的插图效果进行考察。

    The research used a method of questionnaire combination with eye view movement experiment to investigate the effects of illustrations in new mathematic textbook of primary one grade .

  10. 浅谈数学教学中课本教学的重视

    A Discussion on the Value of the Textbook in Math Teaching

  11. 目前,大部分教师在课堂内外布置的数学作业是课本上的习题或相关习题册中的习题。

    At present , most of the mathematics assignments is selected by teachers from exercises in textbook or related exercises in the Exercise books .

  12. 新的数学课程、新的数学课本、新的学习目标要求新的数学学习策略与之相适应,所以,构建新的数学学习策略体系成为当务之急。

    Although the old strategies helped students get good achivements we must find the serve shortages of them * The new mathematics curriculum and new learning goals demand new learning strategies to match them .

  13. 在数学课上,我总是在数学课本上,你知道的,乱画。

    I was endlessly getting busted in math class , you know , doodling behind the textbook .

  14. 在数学课程改革的过程中,数学史可以在数学课本、数学读本、选修课程和专题研究等多种形式中呈现;

    In the reform process of the mathematics curriculum , history of mathematics may be presented in many ways , such as in mathematics textbook , mathematics reading books , optional course and subject research .

  15. 中学数学开放题开发的具体过程,其中包括:①基于数学课本内容的开放题开发;②基于实际生活问题的开放题开发;

    The particular procedure of mathematics open-ended problems exploitation for high school , including the exploitation based on text book and based on reality ;