  • number;figure;fate;destiny
  • several;a few

  • count;be reckoned as exceptionally;enumerate;list

  • frequently;repeatedly
  • 表示、划分或计算出来的量:~目。~量。~词。~论(数学的一支,主要研究正整数的性质以及和它有关的规律)。~控。

  • 几,几个:~人。~日。

  • 技艺,学术:“今夫弈之为~,小~也”。

  • 命运,天命:天~。气~。

  • 一个一个地计算:不可胜~。~九。

  • 比较起来突出:~得着。

  • 责备,列举过错:~落。

  • 谈论,述说:~说。~典忘祖(喻忘掉自己本来的情况,亦喻对于本国历史的无知)。

  • 屡次:~见不鲜(亦称“屡见不鲜”)。


(查点) count:

  • 从1数到20

    count from one to twenty;

  • 倒着数

    count down;

  • 学数数

    learn how to count;

  • 数数看一行有多少棵树。

    Count and see how many trees there are in a row.


(计算或比较起来最突出) be reckoned as exceptionally (good, bad, etc.):

  • 全班数他最高。

    He is the tallest in the class.

  • 全校数她功课好。

    She is considered the best in the school.


(列举) enumerate; list:

  • 历数其罪

    enumerate the crimes sb. has committed;

  • 如数家珍

    as if enumerating one's family valuables -- very familiar with one's subject.


(数目) number; figure:

  • 次数

    number of times;

  • 将委员人数由5名增加到10名

    raise the number of committee members from five to ten;

  • 岁数

    age; years;

  • 数以万计

    number tens of thousands;

  • 心中有数

    have a good idea of how things stand ; know what's what


{数} (表示事物的量的基本数学概念) number:

  • 实数

    real number;

  • 无理[有理]数

    irrational [rational] number;

  • 自然数

    natural number


{语} (表示名词或代词所指事物的数量) number:

  • 单 [复]数

    singular [plural] number


(天数) fate; destiny:

  • 劫数

    inexorable doom; predestined fate


(几; 几个) several; a few:

  • 连续数年

    for several years running;

  • 数百人

    several hundred people;

  • 数分钟后

    a few minutes later


(屡次) frequently; repeatedly:

  • 频数

    many times

  1. 想出一个数,然后乘以二。

    Think of a number and multiply it by two .

  2. 学校资助固定数目的免费生。

    The school funds a set number of free places .

  3. 女性似乎比男性更擅长同时做数件事情。

    Women seem to be able to multitask better than men .

  4. 这所学校班上的人数少于全国平均数。

    Class sizes in the school are below the national average .

  5. 这间屋子要数那个大壁炉最显眼了。

    The dominant feature of the room was the large fireplace .

  6. 这些病人被观察了数月之久。

    The patients were observed over a period of several months .

  7. 在上次选举中他们的得票数大幅下跌。

    Their share of the vote sagged badly at the last election .

  8. 他们驶过数英里崎岖不平、多石的土地。

    They drove across miles of rough , stony ground .

  9. 她数出70元钱,都是10元一张的。

    She counted out $ 70 in $ 10 bills .

  10. 据报道已有数人被捕。

    It was reported that several people had been arrested .

  11. 这条道路绵延数英里。

    The road went on for miles and miles .

  12. 客人名单念起来就像是在列数民族英雄。

    The guest list reads like a roll-call of the nation 's heroes .

  13. 我数着数着忘了,不得不又从头开始数。

    I lost count and had to start again .

  14. 在低潮时数英里的沙滩就会显现出来。

    Miles of sand are exposed at low tide .

  15. 计算机以二进制数进行计算,而后把计算结果转换为十进制数。

    The computer performs calculations in binary and converts the results to decimal .

  16. 经过数小时的审问后,嫌疑犯终于招供。

    After hours of questioning , the suspect confessed .

  17. 就数吉姆聪明。

    It 's Jim who 's the clever one .

  18. 尽管已讨论数月,谈判仍僵持不下。

    Despite months of discussion the negotiations remained deadlocked .

  19. 这些岛屿中就数泽西岛最能吸引游客。

    Jersey is the most touristy of the islands .

  20. 这个数精确到小数点后两位。

    The figure is accurate to two decimal places .

  21. 飞机在距离海岸数英里处坠入大海。

    The plane hit the ocean several miles offshore .

  22. 经过警察数小时的审问,她才供认了全部罪行。

    After hours of questioning by police , she made a full confession .

  23. 预料审讯将持续数月之久。

    The trial is predicted to last for months .

  24. 这场争论没完没了地持续了数月。

    The dispute has dragged on for months .

  25. 城里有为数众多的锡克教教徒。

    The town has a sizeable Sikh population .

  26. 多数是男人,不过也有为数不多的年轻妇女。

    Most were men , but there was also a sprinkling of young women .

  27. 从一至二十中挑选一个数。

    Pick a number from one to twenty .

  28. 银行集数种商业活动于一身。

    Banks are several businesses rolled into one .

  29. 不知何故,他试图数星星。

    He was trying , for some unknown reason , to count the stars .

  30. 这是为数不多的几个靠左行驶的国家之一。

    It 's one of the few countries where people drive on the left .