
  • 网络Cross-Culture Comparison;Cross-cultural comparison;Cross-Cultural Survey
  1. 课程:跨文化比较的视点

    Curriculum : A View of the Cross-culture Comparison

  2. 希腊罗马神话与中国神话的跨文化比较研究

    The Cross-cultural Comparison Study of the Greek Mythology and the Chinese Mythology

  3. 汉英思维方式及语用差异的跨文化比较

    Comparison of Chinese-English Thinking Modes and Pragmatic Differences in Cross-Cultural Communication

  4. 英汉航海习语的跨文化比较和翻译汉英称谓语之跨文化比较研究

    A Cross-cultural Study on English and Chinese Sea-related Idioms and Their Translation

  5. 对友谊关系社会认知发展的跨文化比较研究

    A cross-cultural study on social cognitive development for understanding friendship

  6. 对智力概念理解的跨文化比较研究

    A cross & cultural study on the conception of intelligence

  7. 中美大学生压力应对方式跨文化比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Stress-coping Strategies between Chinese and American University Students

  8. 简析梭罗的跨文化比较思想

    A brief analysis of Thoreau 's reflections on intercultural comparison

  9. 中日儿童孤独感的跨文化比较研究

    Comparative Research on the Sense of Loneliness among Chinese and Japanese Children

  10. 科学史、人类学与跨文化比较研究

    History of Science , Anthropology and " Cross - Culture Comparative Study "

  11. 中英文时间表征的跨文化比较

    The Cross-Cultural Comparison Between Chinese and English Temporal Representations

  12. 儿童气质特点的跨文化比较

    The cross - culture comparative study of children temperament

  13. 通过互联网络对青少年吸烟观念和行为的跨文化比较研究

    A Cross Culture Study through Internet on the Adolescent Perspective and Smoking Behavior

  14. 《托兰斯创造性思维测验》(TTCT)的测试和中美学生的跨文化比较

    Cross Cultural Comparison of Creative Thinking between Chinese and American Students Using Torrance Test

  15. 中日大学生考试焦虑的跨文化比较研究

    A cross-cultural comparative study on test anxiety between Chinese and Japanese students in Universities

  16. 社会规范的跨文化比较

    Cross - Culture Comparative Research on social norms

  17. 7-10岁儿童的人格研究&童话故事测验的跨文化比较

    A Cross-cultural Study on the Personality of 7-10 Years-old Children between Greece and China

  18. 目的:开展中德儿童基本数学能力跨文化比较,探讨我国数学基础教育的不足,为改善教育质量提供决策依据。

    Objective : To compare differences between Chinese and German students in basic mathematical competencies .

  19. 中国与巴西两国大学生人际价值观跨文化比较

    Cross-cultural Comparison in Interpersonal Values between Chinese University Male Students and Their Counterparts in Brazil

  20. 性行为的跨文化比较

    Cross - cultural comparison of sexual behaviors

  21. 已有研究在方法和理论等方面存在局限,且缺少跨文化比较。

    Current studies have some limitations concerning methods and theories , and lack cross-cultural comparison .

  22. 群体参照记忆效应的跨文化比较研究

    A Cross-cultural Study on the Group-reference Effect

  23. “跨文化比较”是异质文化比较,这个概念的具体运用使比较的目的得以实现。

    A " cross-cultural comparison " is a comparison between cultures with different qualitative fan-tots .

  24. 中美电影中的恭维言语行为跨文化比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Compliment Speech Act in Chinese and American Movies : An Intercultural Perspective

  25. 跨文化比较证实,中美大学生的上述三个方面表现出一定的差异。

    Cross culture comparison verified the differences between Chinese and American students on the three aspects above .

  26. 景观的跨文化比较&浅谈拉丁美洲、德国和日本三地景观设计

    Intercultural comparison of landscape

  27. 范丹姆提倡实证研究、跨文化比较研究、语境研究三大研究方法。

    Van Damme advocates the empirical research , cross-cultural comparative study , three research methods on the context .

  28. 跨文化比较:独立型与互赖型&称呼的礼貌准则管窥

    Comparison between Cultures : Types of Independence and Interdependence & a restricted view of the politeness norms of address

  29. 跨文化比较有助于分析和理解两个国家社会、经济、政治、法制和教育等内容的异同。

    Cross-cultural comparison was useful in observing the socio / economic , political / legal and educational aspects in both countries .

  30. 跨文化比较研究方法在科技史上的应用&从李约瑟《中国古代科学思想史》谈起

    The Application of Cross-cultural Comparison Method in the History of Science and Technology & from The History of Chinese Ancient Science