
jīnɡ fèi zhī chū
  • expenditure
  1. 而R&D经费支出它受GDP总量的影响。

    The R & D expenditure it is affected by the impact of the total GDP .

  2. 教育这一公益性事业也不例外,国家的财政性教育经费支出要占到GDP的4%,已然成为政府工作目标。

    Education of one public welfare is not exceptional also , state financial education expenditure should be accounted for4 % of GDP , has become a government work target .

  3. 政府给地方议会的经费支出规定了最高限额。

    The government has placed a cap on local council spending .

  4. 技术创新能力强弱主要受RD人员数和RD经费支出两个因素的影响。

    Technological innovation is mainly affected by the strength of the number of R D personnel and R D expenditures two factors .

  5. 专利申请量与RD经费支出关系的研究

    Relationship between the numbers of patents applying and expenditure on three RD activities

  6. 实证结果表明:地区R&D经费支出、人均地区生产总值以及FDI规模是最重要的影响因素;

    The conclusion is as follows : the most important factors are R & D expenditure , regional per capita GDP and FDI ;

  7. 大中型工业企业RD投入逐年稳定增长,是我国技术创新的中坚力量。2006年RD经费支出已超过1500亿元,达到1995年的十倍以上。

    The expenditure on R & D of Chinese large and medium-sized industrial enterprise has been increasing year after year , and reached 150 billion RMB in 2006 which is more than 10 times in 1995 .

  8. 实证结果发现,地区生产总值(GDP)和教育经费支出对这些省(市)的非寿险消费有显著的正向影响,交通事故损失和火灾事故损失对非寿险消费的影响为正,但不显著;

    This paper finds that GDP and educational outlay have significant positive effect on the non-life consumption , the traffic accident loss and fire accident loss have positive effect on the non-life consumption , but not significantly .

  9. 在改善经费支出结构方面,建议通过BOT模式科学化解贷款债务危机;逐步减少冗余人员;增加奖助学金支出额度;增加科研经费支出额度。

    To improve the expenditure structure , recommended use the " BOT " model to resolve the loan debt crisis ; gradually reduce the redundant staff ; increase the amount of scholarships expenditures and research expenditures .

  10. 加强预算执行管理,严格控制经费支出。

    Enhance the executive management of budget and strictly control expenditure .

  11. 我国R&D经费支出结构的合理性研究

    Study on the Rationality of Structure for R & D Expenditure

  12. 我国专利申请及R&D经费支出情况统计分析

    Analysis of Patent Application and R & D Expenses of China

  13. 公共财政体制下的高等教育经费支出

    On the Funds for Expenditure of Higher Education under Public Finance System

  14. 国际研发经费支出规律与现状分析

    Analysis of the Characteristics and Status of International R & D Expenditures

  15. 维持性经费支出标准化体系构想

    A study of the system of the maintenance expenditure standardization

  16. 高等学校学科建设经费支出结构的统计分析

    A Statistical Analysis on Expenditure Structure of Discipline Construct Funs of Universities

  17. 论提高我国政府教育经费支出水平的意义与对策

    The Significance and Countermeasures of Our Government Increasing the Payout of Educational Outlay

  18. 多级模糊评判模型的高等教育经费支出绩效评价

    Expenditure of Higher Education Funds : Performance Appraisal with Multi-grade Fuzzy Evaluation Model

  19. 徐州市道路清扫保洁经费支出绩效评价指标体系研究

    Performance Evaluation Indexes System of Expenditure on Road Sweeping and Cleaning in Xuzhou City

  20. 按现行市场价格计算的教育经费支出

    Public expenditures on education at current market prices

  21. 满足一些建议所需要的经费支出可能相当有限。

    And the financial outlay required to meet some recommendations can be quite modest .

  22. 2008年全社会研究开发经费支出与国内生产总值的比值达到1.52%。

    In2008 , the R & D expenditure of China accounted for1.52 % of GDP .

  23. 政府应该在经费支出和政策扶持以及宏观调控方面起到作用。

    The government should play a role in expenditures and policy support as well as macro-control .

  24. 高校科技经费支出结构的不同将对其基础研究能力与技术创新能力产生不同影响。

    Research funding structure has different impact on basic research capacity and on technology innovation capacity .

  25. 我国教育经费支出效益的实证分析教学有效性问题浅析

    The Case Analysis of the Disbursement Effectiveness of the Educational Expenses in China On Teaching Effectiveness

  26. 论文运用2006年全国地级市的数据,对影响地级市预算内教育经费支出水平的因素进行了探索性研究。

    This article explores the influence of the mayors of prefectural cities on their educational spending in2006 .

  27. 2009年,研究与试验发展经费支出占国内生产总值比例力争达到1.58%。

    We will strive to raise government spending on R & D up to1.58 % of GDP in2009 .

  28. 这意味着生均经费支出总水平不能有太大的差异。

    In other words , there should not be much disparity in the average per student education expenditure .

  29. 经过努力,全国财政性教育经费支出占国内生产总值比例超过4%。

    Through hard work , government spending on education has come to reach over 4 % of GDP .

  30. 审计人员列出了一些问题,但表示他们没有发现在经费支出和合同方面存在重大违规之处。

    The auditors listed some problems but said they did not find major irregularities in spending and contracting .