
jīng xiàn
  • warp;meridian;longitude line
经线 [jīng xiàn]
  • (1) [longitude line]∶假定的地表上连接南北极的线,跟赤道垂直

  • (2) [warp]∶经纱或编织品上的纵线

经线[jīng xiàn]
  1. 目的探讨CT测定气管、左右主支气管经线值的方法并给出测定的经线值。

    Objective Discusses the CT determination trachea , about the host bronchial tube warp value method and produces the determination the warp value .

  2. 一种在纺织过程中穿过经线的纺织线。

    The thread woven across the warp yarn in weaving .

  3. 这个问题之道十八世纪发明了航海经线仪才得以解决。

    The problem was not solved completely until the invention of the marine chronometer in the eighteenth century .

  4. 格林尼治有着悠久的海事历史,也因本初子午线(0°经线),以及格林尼治时间以其命名而闻名于世。

    Greenwich is notable for its maritime4 history and for giving its name to the Greenwich Meridian5 ( 0 ° longitude ) and Greenwich Mean Time .

  5. 球面上n条经线所构成的图的带宽

    The Bandwidth of the Graph Constructed by n Meridian Lines on a Sphere

  6. 角膜颞侧及下方象限、水平经线的Q值绝对值分别比鼻侧及上方象限、垂直经线上的Q值绝对值更小。

    The Q value on the cornea of temporal 、 inferior and horizontal is more positive than nasal 、 superior and vertical .

  7. 组织液压波在经线上与经线外幅度差异与距离的线性回归方程为Y=-0.35X+1.96,具有统计学显著性(P<0.01)。

    The difference of the wave amplitudes between the tissue on and beside the meridian line was significant ( P < 0.01 ) . it was related to the distance between the blister and the measuring points .

  8. 结果表明:①以低频电脉冲检测出的心包经线上的低阻点的皮肤电位较两侧旁开的非低阻对照点为高(P<0.001);

    The result showed that , 1 . with the method of low frequency electropulse , the skin potential on the low skin impedance points along pericardium channel was higher than that of control points on both sides of the channel ( P < 0.001 ) .

  9. 经线性偏振紫外光辐照后,LBL多层膜表现出明显的紫外吸收各向异性。

    After irradiated by linear polarized UV ( LPUV ), the photosensitive multilayer film became anisotropic in UV-Vis absorbance spectra .

  10. 激光照射内关穴使健康人心包经前臂段皮温及皮下1cm处深部组织温度升高,经线上的温升较非经线快,结束照射后这种温升还可维持一段时间。

    The temperature of deep tissue along Pericardium meridian course of forearm of healthy subjects rose more rapid than that of non-meridian controls during irradiation of Laser beam and could be kept a certain period of time .

  11. 在犹太教的卡巴拉(Kabbalah)传统,与神的结合,据说是通过数个阶段的心灵提升而发生的,能量沿着一连串无形的天体经线攀上脊柱。

    In the Jewish tradition of Kabbalah this union with the divine is said to occur through stages of spiritual ascension , with energy that runs up the spine along a series of invisible meridians .

  12. 22眼初筛异常且两法或其中之一所测深度≥GdB,16眼纬线法所测暗区深度大于经线法。

    However , the depth of scotoma tested by the latitudinal method was greater than that by the longitudinal method in 16 eyes of the 22 eyes with both an abnormal screen result and a depth of scotoma greater than 6 dB by one or two of methods .

  13. 同一经线上的地方其经度相同。

    Every place on the same meridian has the same longitude .

  14. 经线上所有的点都具有同一经度。

    All points on the same meridian have the same longitude .

  15. 腹神经线外被以腹膜。

    The ventral nerve cord is covered externally by a peritoneum .

  16. 这张地图甚至包含了经线和纬线。

    The map even includes lines of latitude and longitude .

  17. 梭子在经线中来回移动。

    The shuttle moves backwards and forwards through the warp .

  18. 织造时经线张力的动态模型及数字仿真研究

    A Dynamic Model of the Warp Tension and Its Digital Simulation Study

  19. 纬线和经线静态视野检查法的比较

    Comparison of Latitudinal and Longitudinal Methods in Examination of Static Visual Field

  20. 经线均为通过两极。

    Meridians are great circles passing through both poles .

  21. 最后它们在180度经线处重合。

    And at last , they gathered at180 grades .

  22. 她最感兴趣的是那条通过天文台的经线。

    What interested her most was the longitude line .

  23. 两条细线既表示经线,又表示地球自由振动的基振型。

    The letter S represents first mode of the earth free vibration too .

  24. 经线-脏腑联系途径与神经肽类物质相关的研究

    Research on Connection Pathway between Channels and Viscera and Its Relation with Neuropeptide-like Substances

  25. 零度经线通过伦敦的格林威治天文台。

    With zero degrees longitude running through the observatory at Greenwich , in London .

  26. 经线被水平运载的手摇织布机;用来织织锦。

    A handloom in which the warp is carried horizontally ; for weaving tapestry .

  27. 家兔穴位和经线上非穴点与相应对照点深部温度测定

    Determination of Deep Temperature of Acupoint , Non-acupoint on Meridian and Contral Point of Rabbit

  28. 结果:散光轴向的总体分布以垂直经线和水平经线为多。

    Results : Most of the astigmatic axes were distributed as vertical and horizontal meridian .

  29. 从北极到南极划出的线被称为经线。

    The lines drawn from the north pole to the south pole are called meridians .

  30. 猴肢体灌流后放射性核素沿经线迁移轨迹的分析

    Analysis of the linear migration of the radionuclide along meridians in perfused extremities of monkey