
jīnɡ lǐ rén
  • manager;agent;intendant;syndic
  1. 移动IPv6的一种双向认证机制所有者与经理人双向激励约束机制研究

    Study on Bi - directional Incentive - constraint Mechanism between Owner and Manager

  2. Agile技术性领导,像一个优异的经理人一样,通过团队的努力,而不是个人英雄主义来获取成功。

    The Agile technical leader , like a great manager , succeeds through the efforts of the team , not through individual heroics .

  3. 优秀的经理人常常寥寥无几。

    Good managers are often thin on the ground .

  4. 高级经理人把工作与生活的平衡作为择业的主要标准。

    Senior managers stipulated work-life balance as their main criterion when choosing jobs .

  5. 下一批经理人包括副总经理和董事会董事。

    The next tranche of managers consists of assistant general managers and board directors .

  6. 新上任的经理人问的第一个问题即使是问他们自己都会是:现在我该怎么做?

    One of the first questions new managers ask even if only themselves is : what am I supposed to do now ?

  7. 在一项针对120个高级经理人团队进行的研究中,他发现,理应属于同一团队的成员中,只有不到10%的人对于谁真正属于这个团队没有异议。

    In a study of 120 teams of senior executives , he discovered that less than 10 % of their supposed members agreed on who exactly was on the team .

  8. 这种综合征是一种性格缺陷,在全世界最优秀的一些经理人身上也很严重。

    The syndrome2 , which is a major character flaw of some of the world 's finest managers .

  9. 网站对273名经理人和3286名面试者就面试方面的经验做了研究。

    The research , carried out by Monster.co.uk , talked to 273 managers and 3286 employees about their interview experiences .

  10. MBA教育与中国企业职业经理人培养

    MBA education and cultivation of China 's professional managers

  11. 基于EVA的经理人激励机制探讨

    Managers ' Encouragement System Based on EVA

  12. 经理股票期权计划(ESO)的激励功能受到肯定,但问题也不少,如经理人得自ESO的收益与公司业绩脱节;

    The incentive function of ESO is being affirmed , but the problems remain .

  13. 中国官方发布的6月采购经理人指数(PMI)为50.1%,低于5月的50.8%。

    The official purchasing managers ' index fell to 50.1 last month from 50.8 in May .

  14. 围绕股东价值最大化的根本目标,EVA激励体系将在目标类型选择等五个方面对股东和经理人的博弈行为产生影响。

    Around the top objective of " shareholder value maximization ", EVA incentive system has effects upon the game from 5 perspectives .

  15. 经理人股票期权(简称ESO)是现代公司的激励机制之一。

    ESO ( executive stock option ) is one of the stimulating mechanisms of modern companies .

  16. 根据世界银行(theWorldBank)的统计,中东与北非的全部14个经济体中都存在区别对待男女的规则,而且该地区的公司中也只有17.4%聘请了高级经理人。

    According to the world bank , different rules for men and women exist in all 14 economies in the Middle East and North Africa , and only 17.4 % of firms in the region employ a high-level manager .

  17. “Magnum是一个繁殖经理人的梦想成真,”朱迪说。

    " Magnum is a breeding manager 's dream , come true ," Judi says .

  18. 再次,建立0,1二分类变量,运用Logistic回归模型分析了职业声誉对基金经理人的激励效果。

    Thirdly , we have analyzed the professional prestige about the fund managers ' incentive effect using the Logistic regression models by establishing 0 , 1 two classified variables .

  19. 自2008年全球金融危机以来,流入kg基金的资金大幅减少,这迫使船运经理人停驶了许多kg基金的船舶,寻求让投资者支付这些船只的储藏费用。

    Flows into the funds have plummeted since the 2008 world economic crisis forced ship managers to lay up many kg funds ' ships and turn to investors to pay the ships ' storage costs .

  20. 这些问题的根源在于,ESO下经理人报酬对公司股价的过度依赖,从而助长了经理人的造假行为、且滋生“合谋”行为,以及使公司责任人“虚置”。

    The causes of the problems are that the executives'rewards relies on the stock price too much and fosters the dishonesty and the conspiracy of executives .

  21. 经理股票期权(ESO)作为从企业所有者的剩余收益中拿出来让渡给经理人的部分剩余利润的索取权,它是有成本的。

    Executive Stock Option ( ESO ) incentive has cost because it is a demand on the part of executives for surplus value from the owner of the enterprises .

  22. 国际SOS的国际人力资源总经理马里奥费拉罗(MarioFerraro)说,提供全球经理人的学校正越来越多。

    Mario Ferraro , general manager for international human resources at International SOS , says a growing number of schools are providing global managers .

  23. 昨日公布的里昂证券(CLSA)中国采购经理人指数,与上周的官方调查一样,显示大幅上升,表明中国制造活动重新进入扩张状态。

    Yesterday 's CLSA purchasing managers index for China , like the official survey last week , showed a sharp rise to bring Chinese manufacturing back into expansion mode .

  24. 如上市公司经理人激励的两难问题、上市公司股权融资偏好之谜、上市公司资本过度利用问题、上市公司控制权转移的补偿机制问题、上市公司MBO之谜等等。

    The riddle of equity financing preference of listed companies ; the capital overuse of listed companies ; the problem of compensation mechanism of control right transfer of listed companies and the riddle of MBO of listed companies etc.

  25. 几天前,出于好奇,想弄清前雇主的推荐到底有多重要,我请求经理人招聘公司KornFerryInternational帮我进行一次非正式网络调查,询问访问该网站的经理人的意见。

    A few days ago , curious about how crucial a former boss 's recommendation really is , I asked executive recruiters Korn Ferry International to conduct an informal online poll of managers visiting the firm 's web site .

  26. NLP理论是在对杰出的经理人的研究基础上形成的,是研究主观经验结构的一门学问,同时它在组织理论方面也提出了许多精辟论述。

    The theories of NLP is formed by the research foundation of the outstanding managers , are a knowledge about the subjective experience structure , it is organizing the theories to also put forward many good words to open up the treatise at the same time .

  27. CMSB公开发表的报告,将为那些希望保护自己的未来投资,使其免遭类似命运的投资者提供宝贵的见解。而且如果投资者掌握了这些信息,自然会推动经理人和金融机构提高自己的安全记录。

    The publicly available reports from the CMSB would yield invaluable insights to investors seeking to protect their future investments from similar fates , and in the hands of investors this information would naturally drive managers and financial institutions to improve their " safety records " .

  28. 第二章是职业经理人道德激励研究的意义,全面剖析了现阶段我国职业经理人的状况,指出其面临的道德危机,进而阐述了职业经理人道德激励的意义;

    The second is the meaning of Professional Executive motivation reach ;

  29. s所占c-F。这就是通常所说的经理人代理成本问题。

    This is the question of the manager 's agent cost .

  30. 中国职业经理人市场的理论与实证研究

    Theoretical and Empirical Study of the Professional Manager Market in China