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  • 网络Meridian Theory;meridians and collaterals;theory of meridians and collaterals;meridian doctrine
  1. 比附自然界大小河流及调节水量的湖泊,来言说人体气血运行通道的所谓“经络学说”等等。

    In the theory of meridians and collaterals , the circulation of the blood and Qi is compared to the flow of water in the rivers and lakes in the natural world .

  2. 掌握经络学说的临床运用。

    Masterthe clinical application of the theory of meridians and collaterals .

  3. 经络学说的演变可见光LED的发展趋势

    Development of the Meridian Theory Trends in Visible LEDs

  4. 经络学说研究的新发现及其对生命科学的启迪

    New Finds of Meridian Research and Their Enlightenment on Life Science

  5. 经络学说的建构与古代神秘数字

    The Establishment of the Meridian Theory and the Ancient Mysterious Numbers

  6. 经络学说后来用阴阳学说来进行建构,这是一种结构性隐喻。

    The Meridian and Collateral Theory is constructed by Yin-Yang Theory .

  7. 经络学说与针灸原理的研究

    Comments on the Study of Meridian Theory and Acupuncture Mechanism

  8. 经络学说与中医望诊

    The Relationship between the Theory of Meridian and Inspection Diagnosis of TCM

  9. 经络学说在针灸临床的应用

    Clinical Application of Channels and Collaterals Theory to Acupuncture

  10. 作为中医学中的重要组成部分,经络学说也是备受争议的。

    As the important part of the Chinese medicine acupuncture also is disputed .

  11. 将极化的贴片按照中医经络学说在中医辨证论治的原则指导下。

    Paste poled tablet on the acupoint by theory of meridians and TCM differential diagnostic classification .

  12. 经络学说是中国传统医学的重要组成部分,是临床针灸的理论指导。

    The meridian theory is the theoretical core of traditional Chinese Medicine and the guideline of the clinical operation .

  13. 待验证的揭示人体干细胞分布与分类的中医经络学说

    An Unverified Meridian Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine That May Reveal the Distribution and Classification of Human Stem Cell

  14. 藏象经络学说是药物归经的主要依据,是指导用药的基本原则。

    It mainly depends on the viscerastate and channel theory , which is guiding Principle of Chenese herbal medicine .

  15. 面向中医望诊的人脸图像配准经络学说与中医望诊

    Face Image Registration in Traditional Chinese Medicine Inspection The Relationship between the Theory of Meridian and Inspection Diagnosis of TCM

  16. 论述经络学说的形成和发展过程,回顾现代经络研究的概况。

    The formation and development of TCM meridian theory is expounded and the survey of modern meridian research is reviewed .

  17. 目的:总结足阳明胃经生理功能以丰富经络学说内容。

    Objective : To deduce the physiological function of Yangming Stomach Meridian of Foot , enrich the content of channel theory .

  18. 从祖国医学经络学说看,人的五脏六腑在脚上都有相应的穴位。

    From the meridian theory of Chinese medicine , a person 's internal organs have corresponding acupuncture points in the feet .

  19. 第一部分,探讨六经辨证与经络学说的联系。

    The first part of the book discusses the relationship between syndrome differentiation of six channels and the channel meridian theory .

  20. 将经络学说起源于循经感传导的研究结果;

    Will be on the meridian theory of the origin of the conduction by the sense of results of the study ;

  21. 经络学说与层次论治是针灸治疗中不可缺少的两个方面,只有两者有机结合,针灸才能真正做到有的放矢,提高疗效。

    The theory of channels and collaterals and treatment based on the layers are two important aspects in acupuncture and moxibustion treatment .

  22. 结论:经络学说是中医基础理论的核心、是中医学说的源头活水。

    Conclusion : The meridian theory is the core of basic theories of Chinese medicine is the source of Chinese medicine theory .

  23. 经络学说是中医理论的重要内容,经络-脏腑相关是其核心。

    The meridian theory is the important content of TCM theories , in which the core is the correlation between meridians and viscera .

  24. 本文从经络学说在妇科临床上应用的角度,探讨了带脉在妇科临床中的特殊治疗作用,通过文献归纳分析了后世医家有关带脉病变的论述。

    This paper presents discussions on the special role of Dai Channel in gynecological clinical practice and analysis of theories on Dai Channel by modern physicians .

  25. 内丹术促进了中医命门学说的建立,内丹术对中医经络学说的形成和发展也起到了重要的作用。

    Internal alchemy theory of TCM mingmen promotes the establishment of TCM , internal alchemy meridian of the formation and development also played an important role .

  26. 结论经穴刺激在歌唱教学中不仅为歌唱的教学研究奠定了科学实验的基础,也为经络学说拓宽了应用范围,开辟了新的研究领域。

    Conclusion Stimulation of acupoints provides an experimental basis for teaching study of singing and open a new area of study for the theories of channels .

  27. 根据中兽医理论和经络学说,对疫苗接种新途径&后海穴作了实验探索。

    Based on the theories of the Chinese Veterinary Medicine , and Channels and collaterals , a new way of vaccination-Houhai point injection , was experimentally investigated .

  28. 经络学说是祖国医学理论的重要组成部分,经络腧穴又是针灸学科的基础理论。

    The meridian doctrine is an important part of Traditional Chinese Medicine theory and the meridian and acupoint is the basic theory of Acupuncture and Moxibustion subject .

  29. 结果:中医藏象学说、经络学说及现代针灸经络研究成果中蕴含着丰富的心主二经的思想和内容。

    Results Viscera-state doctrine of TCM , meridian theory and modern research achievements of acupuncture , moxibustion and meridians contain rich thinking and contents about the heart governing two meridians .

  30. 目的:从中医经络学说方向探讨被认为是绝大部分组织再生的本源组织特异性干细胞与中医经络系统的联系。

    AIM : To investigate the correlation of tissue specific stem cells regarded as original source of regeneration for an absolute majority of tissues and the system of channels and collaterals .