
  • 网络Prayer flag
  1. 僧人正在进行一种仪式,祈愿我们旅途平安,还给了我们一包包经幡随身携带。

    The monk is 9 ) conducting a 10 ) ceremony , offering us blessings for a safe journey and giving us packages of prayer flags to take along .

  2. 随着薄雾散尽,艳阳普照大地,我们静静飘游于高空,地面的朵朵五彩经幡、座座金顶寺院以及不丹的特色白墙农舍尽收眼底。

    As the sun burns away the mist , we drift silently above thickets of colourful prayer flags , gold-roofed temples and white-walled Bhutanese farmhouses with ornate wooden eaves and windows .

  3. 两道晨风中的经幡搭起通向天空的桥。

    Sutra streamer in the wind make the bridge to the heaven .

  4. 竖起一个大的经幡塔不是一件容易的事。

    It is not easy to set up a big scripture flag stupa .

  5. 经幡更是象征着吉祥如意所以经幡的争夺可能会很激烈

    are the most auspicious , so competition for these can get fierce !

  6. 而旧的经幡很是珍贵那些最接近番杆顶部的

    The old flags are treasured . Those nearest the top of the pole

  7. 人们用它的皮来装饰神圣的经幡番杆

    that its fur is even used to decorate the sacred prayer flag poles ,

  8. 直到,我看见了那一片迎风招展的经幡,金碧辉煌的屋顶。

    Until I saw it fluttering in the breeze of a Jingfan , resplendent roof .

  9. 多彩的经幡装饰着经幡上印着祷文用以净化空气安抚神灵

    The flags are printed with prayers to purify the air and pacify the gods ,

  10. 印着祷文的经幡所装裱的番杆经常会被换上新的经幡

    The poles on which the prayer flags are mounted are regularly replenished with fresh flags .

  11. 圣洁的马在经幡的中央,并且用珍珠和翡翠装扮的非常好看。

    The treasure horse at the center of the flag , beautifully decorated with pearls and jade .

  12. 几天后,当我来到位于10000英尺(3048米)高处、云雾缭绕、没有路肩的狭窄的多奇拉隘口时,经幡的重要性开始显现。

    Their significance becomes clear a couple of days later when I arrive at Dochula Pass just above 10000 feet on a fog-shrouded , narrow , no-shoulder highway .

  13. 塔林旁林立肃穆的经幡蔚为壮观。受到老师的批评后,他幡然改悔。

    The Buddhist sutra streamers beside the pagodas look solemn and respectful . He made an effort to atone for his misdeeds after he was criticized by the teacher .

  14. 此刻,阳光一片片洒落在这片伊甸园上,慢慢移动着,一点点地划过田埂、房屋和红顶的小教堂,以及远处挂满经幡的白塔。

    At the time , the light of the sun streamed down onto this land , and moved slowly across the fields , the houses , the red-roofed churches , and the white dagoba covered with sutra streamers .