
chánɡ tǒnɡ wà
  • stocking;hose
  1. 强盗戴着长筒袜面罩。

    The robbers were wearing stocking masks .

  2. 他注意到她长筒袜上有一道褶儿。

    He noticed a wrinkle in her stocking .

  3. 她的长筒袜在脚踝处起了褶儿。

    Her stockings wrinkled at the ankles

  4. 长筒袜的一侧抽丝了。

    The ladder blew sideways

  5. 这家百货公司表示,之前,购买深V文胸、巴斯克衫、丁字裤、长筒袜和吊裤带等性感内衣的主要消费群体都是一些20岁出头的妙龄少女。

    Previously , the store said , the main purchasers of cleavage-enhancing bras , basques , thongs , stockings and suspenders , have been women in their early 20s .

  6. 10.stranglevt.扼死;使窒息他用尼龙长筒袜勒死了她。

    He strangled her with a nylon stocking .

  7. 近日,这种长筒袜席卷社交媒体,成千上万的人在脸书和Instagram上分享这种奇特的发明。

    The stockings have taken social media by storm of late , with thousands sharing the strange creations on Facebook and Instagram .

  8. 一年前,就是在那里,蕾哈娜(Rihanna)掀起了目前所谓的“透视装”狂潮。她的礼服像一条全身长筒袜,礼服上装饰的施华洛世奇水晶(这个品牌简直无处不在)比礼服的设计者亚当·塞尔曼(AdamSelman)更引人注目。

    It was there , a year ago , that Rihanna started the current rage for the so-called " naked look , " with a body stocking noted more for the manufacturer of the crystals that adorned it , the inescapable Swarovski , than its designer , Adam Selman .

  9. 每个长筒袜里有给我们每个人的橘子。

    In each stocking was one orange for each of us .

  10. 我给她看了我那破破烂烂的长筒袜和补丁撂补丁的裤子。

    I showed her my ragged stockings , my patched pants .

  11. 这些长筒袜有黑白和透明三种颜色。

    These panty-hose come in black , white , and transparent .

  12. 小贴士:如果你有关节疼痛的毛病,选择有护腿的长筒袜。

    Tip : Only wear support hose if you have joint pain .

  13. 这些长筒袜是次品,稍有微疵。

    These stockings are seconds and have some slight defects .

  14. 你们有没有后面有接缝的长筒袜?

    Do you have the thigh-highs with the seams up the back ?

  15. 她利索地穿上了长筒袜和裙子出去了。

    She slipped into her stocking and skirt , and went out .

  16. 在长途的航行中,我会穿紧身的长筒袜。

    On very long flights , I wear compression stockings .

  17. 他以尼龙长筒袜勒毙他的受害者。

    He sterangled his victim with a nylon stocking .

  18. 他用尼龙长筒袜勒死了受害者。

    He strangled his victim with a nylon stocking .

  19. -世纪穿在长筒袜上面的宽松马裤。

    Puffed breeches of the 16th and 17th centuries usually worn over hose .

  20. 那贼套上长筒袜遮住脸。

    The thief masked his face with a stocking .

  21. 圣诞节的长筒袜就这样产生的。

    Christmas socks was origined by this .

  22. 他还在及膝的长筒袜里添加了羊绒与丝绸的混纺面料。

    He also adds cashmere-and-silk knee socks .

  23. 好的。圣诞老人会从烟囱下来把礼物放到我们的长筒袜里。

    OK . Santa Claus comes down from the chimney and puts presents in our stockings .

  24. 您已经听完了这个故事,凯特。肖邦的“一双长筒袜”。

    You have heard the story " A Pair of Silk Stockings " by Kate Chopin .

  25. 我不喜欢穿长筒袜。

    I dislike wearing stockings .

  26. 演出时她必须穿一条鲜红色的裙子和黑色的长筒袜。

    In the play , she must appear in a bright red dress and long black stockings .

  27. 当圣诞节来临时,我在长筒袜里收到了大学退学通知。

    When Christmas day arrived , I found a " withdrawal from university " notice in my stocking .

  28. 我想要换一双长筒袜,但觉得要是换的话,就要迟到了。

    I thought about changing for another pair , but I know I 'd be late if I did .

  29. 孩子们在火炉边悬挂长筒袜等待圣诞老人给他们塞糖果和玩具。

    The kids hang their stockings over the fireplace for Santa Claus to fill them with candies and toys .

  30. 最好的穿着是封闭的鞋子(不是凉鞋),宽松的上衣,长筒袜,保守的发型、珠宝、以及淡妆。

    Closed-toe shoes ( no sandals ) , blouses , hose and conservative hair , jewelry and makeup are expected .