
cháng shān
  • The gown;long gown
长衫 [cháng shān]
  • [long gown] 男子的一种大褂,又称长袍,旧时多为有钱人和读书人的衣着

  • 只为穿长衫的,才踱进店面隔壁的房子里,要酒要菜,慢慢地坐喝。--鲁迅《孔乙己》

长衫[cháng shān]
  1. 洋毡帽与旧长衫&试论王国维境界说的思想渊源

    A Foreign hat And an Old Long gown & Discussion on ideological source of " realm ideal " of Wang Guowei

  2. 中国人穿长衫和裤子。

    Chinese people wear a long gown and pants .

  3. KurtaPyjama则是另一种穿起来很舒适的服饰,包括长衫和长裤,布料通常柔软且色彩缤纷。

    " Kurta pyjama " is another comfortable dress , made of long shirt and matching trousers in soft and colourful cloth .

  4. 在Matchesfashion.com网店,消费者很快能买到纽约针织品牌TabulaRasa推出的奢侈款纺织品,它们可用于土耳其式长衫至壁纸的各种东西,可谓五花八门。

    At Matchesfashion.com , customers will soon be able to invest in the luxurious textiles of New York knitwear brand Tabula Rasa which are used on everything from kaftans to wallcoverings .

  5. 他穿着一件细洋纱的长衫来到了台上。

    He was on the stage with a short muslin frock .

  6. 他要一条系长衫的带子。

    He wants a cord belting the gown .

  7. 他身着长衫,两手在胸前交叉。

    He wears a Chinese-style robe and his hands are crossed on his chest .

  8. 孔乙己是站着喝酒而穿长衫的唯一的人。

    Kong Yiji was the only one who stood drinking while wearing a robe .

  9. 妇女们则大多爱穿翻领长衫和色彩、图案淡雅的长裙。

    Most of the women were wearing lapel gown and color , patterns and elegant dress .

  10. 单瓣星型花,中蓝色花瓣有凹线,白色的眼及镶边。半方形花边领口长衫

    Single medium blue fluted star / white eye , edge . semi-square neckline lace trim go

  11. 希特勒身穿黄色长衫,已经被锁链拴在了火刑柱上。

    Hitler , clad in a long yellow shirt , had been chained to the stake .

  12. 旗袍是中国一种紧身的连衣女子服饰,男子的被称为长衫。

    The cheongsam is a body-hugging one-piece Chinese dress for women ; the male version is the changshan .

  13. 巴尔布里根棉纱针织长衫

    Cotton knit balbriggan gown

  14. 她的头发没有完全灰白,梳理得恰合自己的身份,身上的黑色长衫样子非常时兴。

    Her hair , not yet very gray , was becomingly arranged , and her black gown was modish .

  15. 红地毯变色龙丽亚·米雪儿加入海军蓝行列,同时上身搭配亮片长衫并涂抹深蓝甲油。

    Red carpet chameleon Lea Michele joins the navy , synching up her midnight sequin gown with inky lacquered nails .

  16. 在莫斯科定居,就像穿着一种旧长衫似的,温暖、舒适、不干净。

    In Moscow he felt comfortable , warm , at home , and snugly dirty , as in an old dressing-gown .

  17. 腰以下的部位的华丽饰品,比如珠饰的凉鞋或者带大胆图案的长衫,都能转移大家对你上半身的注意力。

    Glam accessories below the waist , such as embellished sandals or bold patterned kaftans , will draw the eye away from your top half . SMALL BUSTED

  18. 她的3个女儿都身着白色长衫,头系白色头巾,但是她的小女儿梅尔诺什却穿西装打领带。

    Three of her daughters are clothed in white garments and their heads covered with white scarves , but a fourth girl , Mehrnoush , is dressed in a suit and tie .

  19. 她非但不认识罗斯托夫家里的人和季姆勒,怎么也认不出她自己的几个女儿,怎么也认不出她们穿的她丈夫的几种长衫和制服。

    She not only failed to recognise the Rostovs and Dimmler , but did not even know her own daughters , or identify the masculine dressing-gowns and uniforms in which they were disguised .

  20. 他今天改穿了中国衣服,清瘦的身材上披一件海军蓝的毛葛单长衫,很有些名士遗少的气概。

    He had changed back into Chinese dress today , and his lean frame was draped in a long , navy-blue flannel gown , giving him the air of a worthy descendant of some famous scholar .

  21. 当看到影片结尾,身着长衫的贞子,头发遮住脸,从电视机里面慢慢爬出来的时候,观众不禁毛骨悚然。

    The audience 's hair stands on end when they watch the ending part of the movie that Zhenzi , the ghost in white dress , hair covering her face , slowly crawled out of the TV .

  22. 长得到还周正,一身月白长衫,手中一柄纸扇,猛一看,到也有几分风流倜傥之感。

    Growing to return a week is affirmative , whole body month white long robe , in the hand one handle periodical , ferocious on seeing , arrive to also have several charming dashing sensibility of dividing .

  23. 我们身后站了几位身穿清一色淡牛仔装的模特:上身是套于牛仔长衫上的牛仔夹克,下穿套于牛仔打底紧身裤的牛仔短裤。

    Behind us was a clutch of models in full pale denim looks : denim jacket over denim kaftan worn with denim shorts over what looked like denim jeggings . That 's a jean morphed with a legging .

  24. 他们今天第一次传锣开会,几千人,全是赤脚短衣,没有一个穿长衫的,全是道地的乡下穷人

    They had their first meeting this morning-they were beating gongs to call the people up . There were thousands there & all barefoot and wearing short jackets ; there wasn 't a single gown among them . They 're all genuine poor villagers