
  • 网络Economic struggle;Kampf
  1. 今天,我发现自己处于与欧盟经济斗争的中心。

    Today I find myself at the heart of an economic struggle with the EU .

  2. 即便如此,在较新的维权工会的支持下,经济斗争仍有希望发动起来。

    Even so , bolstered by newer campaigning unions , the economic struggle can be waged hopefully .

  3. 这是近月湖南农民经济斗争上一件大事。

    This is one of the great events of recent months in the economic struggle of the Hunan peasants .

  4. 第四是把群众的经济斗争政治斗争约束于统一战线范围之内。

    Fourth , keep the economic and political struggle of the masses within the scope of the united front .

  5. 对内的节制资本和对外的统制贸易,是这个国家在经济斗争中的两个基本政策。

    The two basic policies of the state in the economic struggle will be regulation of capital at home and control of foreign trade .

  6. 为了达到这样一个相同的目的,持不同观点的人投入到19世纪的许多政治和经济斗争中去。

    People who held differing opinions about how to achieve the same ends fought many of the political and economic struggles of the19th century .

  7. 而纵观颓势,制造业放缓已见证了新的趋势,其中有些是与欧洲的经济斗争。

    Among the negatives , manufacturing which has seen the slowdown in new order , some of that is tied to Europe 's economic struggles .

  8. 并随即开始经济斗争,期于根本解决贫农的土地及其他经济问题。

    The economic struggle should follow immediately , so that the land problem and the other economic problems of the poor peasants may be fundamentally solved .

  9. 在种族主义和经济斗争的背景映衬之下,鸡肉烹饪方法似乎一度成为次要细节,成了在陌生人中找到落脚点的一个方法。

    How to cook chicken seems at once a minor detail against backdrops of racism and economic struggle , and a key to finding a foothold among strangers .

  10. 他和这位2012年法国选出的社会主义者总统讨论欧洲经济斗争,叙利亚内战和伊朗有争议的核项目。

    He and the French President , a socialist elected in 2012 , discussed economic struggles in Europe , the civil war in Syria and Iran 's controversial nuclear program .

  11. 在此基础上,边区通过协调供求关系、发行关系以及开展对敌经济斗争,保持了物价的相对稳定。

    According to this , the government through adjusting the relationship of providing and need , and issuing and carrying on currency war against Japan to keep to commodity price stable .

  12. 这个斗争不胜利,一切减租减息,要求土地及其他生产手段等等的经济斗争,决无胜利之可能。

    Without victory in this struggle , no victory is possible in the economic struggle to reduce rent and interest , to secure land and other means of production , and so on .

  13. 阶级斗争有各种形式,这次主要是政治斗争,不是军事斗争,不是经济斗争。他叙述这场战斗时,添加了一些凭空杜撰的事实。

    Class struggle takes various forms . This time it is chiefly a political , not a military or an economic , struggle . He has woven some invented facts into his account of the battle .

  14. 从土地斗争、经济斗争、革命战争中锻炼出来的群众,涌出来了无数的干部,怎么好说没有干部呢?

    Innumerable cadres have come to the fore from among the masses who have been steeled in the agrarian struggles , the economic struggles and the revolutionary war . How can we say there is a shortage of cadres ?

  15. 那时我们发动群众为恢复我国的经济而斗争。

    We mobilized the people for tee struggle to restore the nation 's economy .

  16. 并且通过与布鲁日,挪威和丹麦等城市或国家的经济军事斗争,进一步巩固和完善了这种同盟形式。

    It was consolidated and perfected in the course of conflict with Bruges , Norway and Danmark .

  17. 贝宁共和国是一直以来都不断在和贫困及低水平经济作斗争的非洲国家之一。

    The Republic of Benin is one of African countries that are still struggling against poverty and low levels of economy .

  18. 敌后的经济战线斗争的尖锐程度,绝不亚于军事战线。

    The struggle on the economic front in the enemy 's rear area is by no means less intense than the struggle on the military front .

  19. 救济立法同时也反映出不同土地处理思想、不同政治利益集团和不同区域之间激烈的政治经济思想斗争。

    The relief legislation reflected the fierce political , economic and ideological struggle among various land disposing schools , political interest groups and different areas of the country .

  20. 从古至今,世界政治经济的斗争无不是在大国之间展开,小国在其中只能担当一种配角,实力决定了发言权,在当今世界更是如此。

    Historically , the world political and economic struggle between all is in the country , in which only small bear a supporting strength decided to say , in the world today .

  21. 列宁在同俄国经济主义的斗争中创立了完整系统科学的灌输理论。

    Lenin created the theory of instillment during the struggle to economism .

  22. 而政治-经济层面的斗争或许会持续很长时间。

    The political-economic struggle is probably close to eternal .

  23. 他警告称,受疫情影响,发展中国家可能要与严重的社会经济问题作斗争。

    He warned that developing countries could struggle with serious socio-economic problems the pandemic .

  24. 市场经济下禁毒斗争的困境与对策

    The Difficult Position And Countermeasure In The Struggle of The Banning Drugs Under The Market Economy

  25. 这项殊荣还被看作是对欧盟同经济危机不懈斗争的强大自信心的一项表彰。

    The award is also being seen as most confidence as the EU struggles with the economic crisis .

  26. 坏消息是美国上下众所周知的,我们仍然在同空前的经济失调奋力斗争。

    The bad news is well known to Americans across our country as we continue to struggle through unprecedented economic turmoil .

  27. 美国南部宅地法颁布于1866年,实施范围是南部的公共土地。它是一系列政治、经济和军事斗争的结果。

    Applying to the Southern public lands , the American Southern Homestead Act was issued in 1866 . It was the result of a series of political , economic and military struggles .

  28. 他们指出,由于出口石油价格不断增长,伊拉克现在有预算盈余,而美国则在跟预算赤字和其他经济问题作斗争。

    They note that Iraq has a budget surplus as a result of the rising price of its oil exports , while the United States is grappling with budget deficits and other economic problems .

  29. 在清查经济反革命的斗争中,超出了应当清查的范围;

    In the struggle to uncover counter-revolution in the economic field , the prescribed scope of investigation was overstepped ;

  30. 打击经济犯罪活动的斗争,是我们坚持社会主义道路和实现四个现代化的一个保证。

    The struggle against economic crime is one way of ensuring that we keep to the socialist road and realize the four modernizations .