
  • 网络Moral Tradition
  1. 重私德轻公德的道德传统及其现代影响

    Moral Tradition of " Valueing Private Morality More Than Social Morality " and its Modern Influence

  2. 人道主义、忧患意识、道德传统是其最醒目的三个文化坐标。

    The humanitarianism , the disaster consciousness , the moral tradition is three most striking culture coordinate .

  3. 《赵氏孤儿》与中国道德传统和思想文化

    The Chinese Ethical Traditions and Culture in Zhao the Orphan

  4. 论少数民族道德传统的特征及其影响

    Characteristics and Influences of the Morality Tradition of National Minorities

  5. 应批判地继承中华民族的优良道德传统,注意借鉴和吸收人类文明创造的一切优秀的道德成果。

    Critically inherit traditional Chinese morality as well as that of the world .

  6. 并超越陈腐的社会道德传统,而过着自己真正的生活。

    And rose above banal social and moral conventions to construct an authentic life .

  7. 道德传统的再生性等。

    Reproductivity of Morality traditions .

  8. 而启蒙谋划之所以会失败就在于它造就了现代性,使人从道德传统中脱离出来,成为了个人。

    The reason why the Enlightenment project has failed is that it results in modernity and emancipates man from moral traditions .

  9. 归根结底,原因是中国译论研究在儒家道德传统的束缚下,依然充满各种各样的价值判断。

    The ultimate cause is that Chinese theoretical translation studies is still riddled with value judgements in line with the Confucian moral tradition .

  10. 儒家伦理思想作为中华民族道德传统的主干,一直深深地、普遍地影响着人们的思想观念和行为选择,对中华民族的道德追求、行为方式和人格塑造都产生了重大影响。

    As the mainstream of traditional Chinese ethics , Confucian ethics has exerted great influence on the ideology and conduct of Chinese people .

  11. 具体而言,可以把亚历山大的史料分为良好传统、通俗传统、反亚历山大传统、道德传统、东方传统等五种类型。

    Specifically , these sources can be divided into good tradition , popular tradition , anti-Alexander tradition , moral tradition , and the oriental tradition .

  12. 中国传统思想文化中蕴含着十分丰富的伦理思想,对中华民族优秀道德传统的形成起了非常重要的作用。

    Chinese traditional thought contains a very rich culture of ethical thinking on the formation of the fine Chinese moral tradition has played a very important role .

  13. 西方的表现主义与反抗封建伦理道德传统、关注现实人生、追求个性自我的新文学有着许多契合之处。

    The western expressionism harmonize well with the new - vernacular literature , which oppose feudal traditional moral , concern people in the real life and purse personality .

  14. 加强对中华民族道德传统的批判继承和创造性转换,并借鉴和改造世界先进文化成果;

    How to carry forward and creatively transform our Chinese good moral traditions in a critical attitude , and to borrow and improve the worldwide advanced cultural achievements ;

  15. 并且,要在此基础上振兴我国的伦理道德传统,继承中国传统集体主义、乐于奉献的优秀品质,从中汲取足够的养料。

    And , based on this , developing our ethical and moral tradition again , inheriting traditional Chinese collectivism and excellently dedicated quality , to learn good thing .

  16. 从周代开始,玉被士人阶层附会了种种道德传统,比如认为玉具有仁、义、礼、智、信、勇等六种风格。

    In the Zhou Dynasty , jade was imbued by the ruling class with the concepts of benevolence , righteousness , etiquette , faithfulness , wisdom and courage .

  17. 塔塔尔族是一个勤劳、勇敢、智慧而又富有道德传统的民族,他们在长期的社会生活习俗中形成了具有自己民族特色的伦理思想。

    The present article has introduced the ethic concepts of Tatar nationality from its peoples daily social life , marriage and religious customs , arts and political morality .

  18. 中国作为世界文明古国,在长期的生产劳动和共同生活中形成了优良的民族道德传统。

    As a country of world civilization , China has made his people form its fine traditions of national moral under long periods of productive labor and living together .

  19. 自主性原则是根源于西方强调个性自由和选择的自由主义道德传统,我国古代哲人也提出过相近乃至相同的看法。

    While the autonomy principle originates from western liberalism morals tradition emphasizing on personal freedom and choice , Chinese ancient sage has put forward the close and even the same viewpoint .

  20. 《易传》天人合一的伦理思想与中华民族的道德传统义务·法则·自由的内在统一&康德的道德客观性思想述评

    Ethical Ideology that Man is an Integral Part of Nature in The Yi Commentary And Chinese National Morals Tradition On the Internal Relationship among Kant 's Duty , Rules and Freedom of Morals

  21. 本文通过阐述我国古代一些政治家、思想家和教育家的有关理论和学说,强调要继承和弘扬中华民族的优良道德传统,古为今用。

    The article stresses the importance of inheriting and developing the fine moral tradition of the Chinese nation through discussion of the theories and doctrine of some ancient Chinese statesmen , thinkers and educators .

  22. 德育的任务应包括:进行人生观和马列主义教育、爱国主义教育、优良道德传统教育、道德行为习惯训练、道德情感培养和提高自我教育能力;

    The tasks are to undertake educations on life outlook , Marxism and Lenin - ism , patriotism , fine moral traditions and behavior and emotion trainings as well as the improvement of self-education .

  23. 中国古代文明历史已有五千年的灿烂文化,有着历史悠久的道德传统,同时人格教育思想理论丰富,对当代大学生的人格塑造发挥着重要的作用。

    With five thousand year history and splendid civilization moral tradition , China has a very abundant personality thought education and theory , which has a vital role in molding contemporary college students ' personality .

  24. 现代社区的基本制度是社区伦理形成的制度基础,现代社区生活是社区伦理形成的实践基础,社会道德传统是社区伦理形成的道德基础。

    To develop community ethic , the essential system of modern community is the regulation base , the life in the community is the practical base , and the social moral tradition is the moral base .

  25. 当社会经济或企业发展到一定阶段时,需要一个成熟的、健康的竞争环境,其法律、道德传统、社会行为规范必须是一个和谐的整体。

    When the socio-economics or enterprise develops to a certain stage , it needs a mature , healthy , competitive environment , in which its law , moral tradition and social norms must be a harmonious entirety .

  26. 并进一步指出,为迎接新世纪的挑战,我们应该在摈弃民族道德传统中不适应当今发展需要的那部分的基础上,对优秀的道德传统加以发扬光大。

    At last , the author points out that to meet the challenge in the21st century we should carry forward the excellent moral tradition and discard the part which is no longer fit for today 's development .

  27. 最后指明并分析英语文化和汉语文化之间的差异,具体体现在:语言、思维模式、审美观、道德传统、成语与暗指、以及方言。

    The discrepancies between English culture and Chinese culture , treated with special attention , are exemplified in such aspects as language , mode of thinking , aesthetic preference , ethical tradition , proverbs and allusions and dialects .

  28. 人性论之所经历数千年而不衰,其根本原因就是人性价值已经渗透传统社会各个领域,深深根植于各国传统文化中,并发挥着重大的作用和影响,成为世代延续的道德传统。

    The fundamental reason is that human values has permeated all areas of traditional society , deeply rooted in national cultural tradition , and play a significant role as the continuation of the moral tradition from generation to generation .

  29. 反之,在韦伯那里,职业伦理、天职和资本主义精神三者之间的关系,应当理解为职业伦理、有责任意识及要求的道德传统和现代社会的公民精神三者之间的关系。

    Whereas , the relation of professional ethics , vocation and the spirit of capitalism in Weber 's theory should be comprehended as that of professional ethics , moral tradition with consciousness and demand of responsibility and civism of modern society .

  30. 在小农经济为基础的中国传统社会形成的道德传统中,既有正统的儒家纲常道德,也有爱国主义精神。

    The morality of chinese tradition society not only has legitimism morality but also has patriotism . One aspect , family is the production unit of small-scale peasant economy , it formation the identity hierarchical of society and the legitimism morality .