
zhènɡ zhì dòu zhēnɡ
  • political struggle
  1. 政治斗争产生了一位强有力的领导者。

    The political struggle threw up a strong leader

  2. 由于一些历史和现实原因,两党陷入了日益加剧的政治斗争。

    Due to some historical and practical reasons , the two parties engaged upon an escalating political struggle .

  3. 在错综复杂的政治斗争中不要太天真了!

    Do not be rather unsophisticated in the complicated political struggle .

  4. 一切阶级斗争都是政治斗争。

    Every class struggle is a political struggle .

  5. 政治斗争是不可避免的,并且其在很大程度上决定了SOA各个领域的人员安排和相应的治理责任。

    Inevitably , political battles will , in most cases , determine who wins specific SOA domains-and specific SOA Governance responsibilities .

  6. 在2006年至2009年担任诺基亚首席设计师的柯蒂斯(AlastairCurtis)说,他们花在政治斗争上的时间比花在设计上的时间多。

    ' You were spending more time fighting politics than doing design , ' said Alastair Curtis , Nokia 's chief designer from 2006 to 2009 .

  7. VideoJug向你展示如何掌控布满雷区的职场关系,在工作场所的政治斗争中游刃有余。

    VideoJug show you how to navigate the minefield of professional relationships and be the master of the political scene in your workplace .

  8. 根据跟进这些项目的人说,这是一个政治斗争,并且另一方有相当大的权利,它也反映出在印度尼西亚关于REDD方面的斗争是全国范围的。

    According to those following the project , this is a political battle in which the forces on the other side have considerable muscle . It also reflects a broader struggle over REDD in Indonesia being fought at the national level .

  9. 他为政治斗争做好准备没有?

    Was he prepared for the rough and tumble of politics ?

  10. 他在军事战斗和政治斗争中都伤痕累累。

    His scar tissue came from battles both actual and political .

  11. 究其原因,实际上就是政治斗争在起作用。

    The reason is the political struggle in fact at work .

  12. 我提醒你不要卷入这场政治斗争。

    I remind you to keep out of this political struggle .

  13. (为争取成功或控制权的)斗争,冲突围绕英国对欧洲的态度问题展开的新一轮政治斗争

    a renewed political battle over Britain 's attitude to Europe .

  14. 政治斗争往往是编辑理念变化的直接推动力。

    Political struggles are often the direct force that changes redaction ideology .

  15. 这次反右派斗争的性质,主要是政治斗争。

    The current struggle against the Rightists is essentially a political one .

  16. 已有的既得利益集团将在短期赢得政治斗争。

    Established vested interests will win the short-term political battle .

  17. 自然灾害、政治斗争与苏北民生

    Natural Calamity , Political Struggle and Subei People 's Life

  18. 西伯利亚流放是俄国社会政治斗争的“晴雨表”。

    Siberian exile was a barometer of political struggle in Russian society .

  19. 第三,不要参与公司的政治斗争。

    And third , not getting involved in office politics .

  20. 旁遮普省在巴政治斗争中的地位

    The position of Punjab province in the Pakistan political struggle

  21. 20世纪世界地缘政治斗争史析论

    On the History of Geopolitical Contention of the 20th Century

  22. 从此就再谈不上严重的政治斗争了。

    Thenceforth , a serious political contest was altogether out of the question .

  23. 中国房地产市场的政治斗争很可能会变得更加险恶。

    The politics of China 's property market could easily become more treacherous .

  24. 分裂与反分裂的斗争从实质上讲是政治斗争;

    The fighting between split and anti - split is the political conflict essentially .

  25. 法律思想的形成是离不开政治斗争和法律实践活动的。

    The form of legal thought is connected with political struggle and legal practice .

  26. 它还为政治斗争提供了光明

    And it 's shined light on political strife

  27. 标准普尔指责美国国债问题上的政治斗争。

    Standard and Poor 's blamed the political fight over the nation 's debt .

  28. 有些事情要比政治斗争更重要。

    Some things are bigger than politics .

  29. 尼加拉瓜的政治斗争及前景

    Political struggle in Nicaragua and its prospects

  30. 有,但是我看政治斗争占主要成份。

    Yes , it is , but in my view the struggle is mainly political .