
wǎnɡ luò zī yuán
  • network resource
  1. 网络资源管理与监控系统的Agent模型研究

    Research on Agent Model of Network Resource Management Control System

  2. 基于GoogleEarth的农村有线电视网络资源管理系统

    Rural Cable Television Network Resource Management System based on Google Earth

  3. 过度连接(over-connectedness)指生活中现有的或潜在可用的、跟别人或网络资源连接的技术设备过分充足的状态。

    Over-connectedness refers to the state or condition of having an over-abundance of existing or potential technologically1 mediated2 connections to other people and to online resources .

  4. 通过JAVA语言实现使用URL访问网络资源

    Through Java Language to Realize Use URL to Access Network Resource

  5. 保证关键服务生存性的ATM网络资源管理

    The capacity management to guarantee critical service survivability in ATM network

  6. 随着Internet的迅猛发展,业务流检测已经成为合理高效的应用网络资源的重要手段。

    With the development of Internet , detection of network flow has become the important way of making use of network resources efficiently .

  7. 可以与TCP之间实现网络资源的公平竞争。

    AIMD flow and TCP flow can fairly compete network resources with each other .

  8. 基于Gnutella协议的P2P网络资源定位方法研究

    Research on Searching Methods in P2P Network Based on Gnutella Protocol

  9. 基于MPLS和DiffServ的域内网络资源配置方法

    Intra-domain Network Resource Allocation Method Based on MPLS and DiffServ

  10. 随着信息时代的到来,Internet的发展势头猛、更新快,网络资源越来越丰富,Internet对我们的英语学习与英语教学起着无比重要的作用。

    In the fast-developing information era , the Internet resources are continuously been developed , which shall someday play a most important role in our future English teaching and learning .

  11. 基于链接分析的学术性WWW网络资源评价与分类方法

    Link-based Quantitative Evaluation Method for Academic WWW Resources

  12. 实现影视制作网络资源共享的SGI与PC配置设计

    Design of SGI and PC configuration for sharing the resources in film and TV production network

  13. 应用现代先进制造技术,充分利用网络资源实现基于Web的机械产品异地快速制造是快速产品开发的重要策略之一。

    One of the most important strategies for rapid product development is the web based remote rapid manufacture of mechanical products through taking great advantage of modern advanced manufacture technology and network resource .

  14. 另一方面采用多播的方式如何在传输多媒体流时有效地节省网络资源及多播路由中保证服务质量(QoS),也是必须解决的问题。

    Furthermore , how to save resource of network when we use multicast to transmit multimedia streams is also a problem we have to resolve .

  15. 根据用于Domino处理所使用的CPU、内存、磁盘和网络资源数量的不同,性能改进会有所区别。

    Performance improvements will vary depending on the amount of CPU , memory , disk , and network resources available for Domino processing .

  16. 随后,根据求得的最优解的特点,本文提出了一种结合网络资源状态和用户业务QoS要求的资源分配算法&ERA算法。

    At last , a novel path level network resource allocation algorithm , ERA algorithm , is developed based on the characteristics of that optimal solution .

  17. 论文通过对卫星网络资源调度管理结构、卫星接入以及MAC(MediaAccesscontrol)协议的研究,将提出的基于时延均衡的调度算法在卫星网络中实现。

    The paper particularly analyzed the satellite resource management structure , satellite connect admission control and MAC ( Media Access Control ) protocol . Then the proposed Delay Equalization algorithm was applied in this satellite network .

  18. RWA问题的研究对网络资源的利用、网络管理和控制都有很大的影响。

    That is very important to study the net resource allocation , network management and control .

  19. 这将使您可以更轻松地用最少的网络资源实现和维护一个具体的、可操作的CIM事件模型。

    This will make it easier for you to implement and maintain a concrete and operable CIM event model with minimal network resources .

  20. 通过GPRS技术来构建采集传输系统具有充分利用现有网络资源,降低建设成本,缩短建设周期等优点。

    To construct the gathering transmission system through the GPRS technology can make full use of network resources , reduces the construction cost , and shorten the construction cycle .

  21. 文章分析了一种基于分层结构的网络资源管理模型,并介绍了该模型在Globus中的应用。

    This paper analyzes the hierarchy model for the grid resource management system , and introduces its application in the Globus .

  22. 而流量工程实际上是一种间接的QoS实现技术,它致力于对整个网络资源的最优利用,从而改善网络的性能。

    TE is the process of controlling how traffic flows through one 's network so as to optimize resource utilization and network performance , in point of fact TE is a indirect QoS mechanism .

  23. 为了充分利用现有的CATV网络资源,更好地向用户提供信息服务,开发了基于CATV网的多媒体数据广播系统,它能够提供多种信息服务。

    To provide better information service to users through current CATV network , we develop a multimedia data broadcasting system based on CATV , which provides various information services .

  24. 在IP组播无法满足这些应用需求的情况下,研究人员开始考虑利用Internet端用户的网络资源,在应用层直接提供组播服务,于是提出了应用层组播的概念。

    Under the circumstance that IP multicast cannot satisfy these application requirement , researchers begin to consider utilizing network resources of Internet end user to provide multicast service directly in the application level , therefore , the notion of application-level multicast has been put forward .

  25. 流量工程(TE),一种充分提高网络资源利用率的技术,它通过合理控制数据流来通过IP网络,均匀地使用网络资源而避免网络的拥塞。

    Traffic engineering is a technology to make full use of the network resources . It can be used to make the network resources uniform , which can avoid network congestion , by arranging the data traffic through IP networks reasonably .

  26. IP多路广播是提高网络资源利用率的有效途径,其实验网Mbone已经运行多年,然而商业推广却十分缓慢。

    IP multicast is an efficient way to save the network resources . Mbone , the trial network , has been developed for many years , but the commercial deployment of IP multicast advances slowly .

  27. 平台中数据可查询驱动、动态扩充;同其它传统的网络资源库相比,QDA在快速查询和支持批量查询方面具有明显优势。

    QDA is fault tolerant and provides fast query and batch query interface , which makes it has better performance than traditional network resource databases .

  28. 针对网络资源具有动态性、顺序性和时效性的特点,基于Rocchio的检索字扩展模型提出了增量式网页的自适应分类方法。

    Considering the dynamic , sequence and timeliness of resources on Internet , a Adaptive Classification method which is based on Rocchio retrieval expansion model is put forward .

  29. 指定的网络资源或设备不再可用。

    The specified network resource or device is no longer available .

  30. 化学网络资源平台的构建研究

    Research on constructing the platform of the network resources of chemistry