
  • 网络physiotherapist;Physical Therapist
  1. 拉莫斯从现在起要在物理治疗师的手上了,如果需要还要做双会诊,为的就是能再对战巴萨时上场,尽管狂人已经做好了万一没有拉莫斯的准备。

    Ramos will from now in the hands of physiotherapists , doing double sessions if necessary , in order to get to the game against Barca , although Mourinho plans is no more risk to avoid a relapse .

  2. 有很多的物理治疗师的工作在英格兰谁,你可以去私下接受治疗。

    There are lots of physiotherapists working in England who you can go to privately for treatment .

  3. 物理治疗师DirkLaubscher向病人解释了怎样寻找一个合适的枕头来支撑脖子。

    Physical therapist Dirk Laubscher explains to patients how to find a good pillow for neck support .

  4. 我是DirkLaubscher,过去十年一直从事物理治疗师的工作,今天我将向大家讲述一下背部疼痛的原因和处理方法。

    My name is Dirk Laubscher and I 've been a physical therapist for over the last ten years and working hardly for the last strait six . Today I 'm going to talk to you guys about the causes and the management of back pain .

  5. 我国现代物理治疗师的技术素养与发展现状

    Situation and Development of Technology Literacy of Physical Therapist in China

  6. 邻居范太太是物理治疗师。

    Our neighbor , a Mrs. Van Dam , was a physical therapist .

  7. 你必须有几个会议与物理治疗师。

    You 'll have to have a few sessions with the physical therapist .

  8. 物理治疗师评估、治疗和预防人们由于受伤或疾病而导致的运动障碍。

    PHYSIOTHERAPISTS assess , treat and prevent disorders in human movement caused by injury or disease .

  9. 物理治疗师能减轻很多类型的疼痛和炎症。

    There are many types of pain and inflammation that can be reduced by physical therapist intervention .

  10. 目的调查物理治疗师对治疗中危险管理的认知、重视程度。

    Objective To investigate the attention and awareness of risk management in physical therapists during their treatments .

  11. 她的精细运动技能受到影响,所以每两周要看一次职业治疗师和物理治疗师。

    Her fine motor skills were affected so she visits an occupational therapist and physiotherapist every two weeks .

  12. 您将需要作出的任命与你的家庭医生,并要求被称为物理治疗师。

    You will need to make an appointment with your GP and ask to be referred to a physiotherapist .

  13. 你的医生或物理治疗师也可以推荐一些装置,以帮助你完成在家中或工作中难以完成的任务。

    Your doctor or physical therapist can suggest devices that will be helpful for tasks you may find difficult at home or at work .

  14. 你的物理治疗师将会告诉你在什么阶段哪些训练是适用的,并会根据你的情况提出一些更有利于恢复的建议。

    Your physio will help you decide which exercises are right for you and give you some tips about how to recover safely from whiplash .

  15. 该公司健康中心自夸称其拥有53名医学教授,其中包括三名医师,11名实习护士,心理学家和三名物理治疗师。

    The company 's health center boasts 53 medical professionals , including three doctors , 11 nurse practitioners , a psychologist , and 3 physical therapists .

  16. 超级马拉松选手斯科特·尤雷克:我觉得有帮助……其实我本身是物理治疗师,所以对人体稍有了解。

    SCOTT JUREK , ULTRA-MARATHONER : Well , I think it helps ... I 'm actually a physical therapist and so know a little bit about the body .

  17. 市民跟著注册物理治疗师的指示,为身体不同部位进行伸展运动,放松紧张的肌肉。

    The public followed the instruction of the registered physiotherapist to practise some stretching exercises for different parts of the body and which help to relax the tense muscle .

  18. 特许物理治疗师协会目前警告说,狗狗饲主对他们自己与宠物的整体健康与福祉愈来愈不负责。

    Now the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy ( CSP ) is warning that dog owners are failing to take responsibility for their own and their pets ' general health and wellbeing .

  19. 我遵从物理治疗师的指导,在健身房里卖命地训练,以恢复我手脚的功能,也因而获得了奖励:12月6日,我第一次离开医院去旅行。

    I worked hard in the gym and with the physiotherapist to get my arms and legs working properly again and was rewarded on 6 December with my first trip out of the hospital .

  20. 除聘有受过专门训练的教师外,特殊学校还获得教育心理学家、言语治疗师、听觉学家、物理治疗师、职业治疗师、护士和社工等专责人员支援。

    Besides being staffed by specially trained teachers , special schools are supported by specialist staff such as educational psychologists , speech therapists , audiologists , physiotherapists , occupational therapists , nurses and social workers .

  21. 物理治疗:操纵的联合,由物理治疗师或理疗,可能有助于调动的肩膀。

    Physiotherapy : manipulation of the joint by a physiotherapist or osteopath may help to mobilise the shoulder .

  22. 比较好的职业前景包括家庭卫生助理,外科医生助手,物理治疗助手,药房技师,牙科工作者,精神健康顾问,药物滥用社会工作者和物理治疗师。

    The job outlook is good for home health aides , physicians ' assistants , physical therapist assistants , pharmacy technicians , dental hygienists , mental health counselors , substance abuse social workers , and physical therapists .