
  • 网络material value
  1. 信息技术应用后热贡唐卡传承的价值取向转向追逐物质价值。

    After the application of information technology , the inheritance value is changing to chase material value .

  2. 科学技术具有多重价值,包括物质价值和精神价值、目的价值和工具价值,同时也有负面效应。

    Science and technology have multiple values containing material value and spiritual value , objective value and instrument value , meanwhile they produce negative effects .

  3. 他的研究只是限于创造物质价值的人类活动。

    His investigations are limited to that human activity which creates material values .

  4. 个人价值实现主要取决于个人所创造的用来满足社会和他人需要的物质价值和精神价值。

    The realization of individual value lies mostly on substantial value and immaterial value that individual creates in order to be satisfied with the need of society and other people .

  5. 儒家价值思想是通过对物质价值和精神价值、个体价值和群体价值、认知价值和实践价值、道德价值和审美价值的论述,突出了道德价值的核心地位。

    By discussing material and mental values , individual and group values , cognitive and practical values , moral and aesthetic values , confucianist values stress the core status of moral values .

  6. 只有在品牌信用度提高或不变的前提下,提高物质价值基础和情感价值基础才能最终提高顾客实际得到的物质和情感价值。

    Under the premise of the brand credit is unchanged or improved , improving the material value basis and sentimental value foundation can enhance the emotional and material value which is received by customers ultimately .

  7. 对科学的善与恶的评价,在一定层面上是对科学的物质价值问题的关注,并使人们对科学采取了截然相反的态度,甚至引起了反科学的情绪。

    The evaluation of science virtue is due to the question of scientific value in physically , and the result of evaluation makes people take different attitudes , even some people object the development of science .

  8. 此外,将消费社会学和符号学结合,延展出符号价值概念,房地产价值已不仅仅体现为物质价值,更上升到符号价值的层面。

    In addition , will consumer sociology and semiotics union , extend out " sign value " concept , real estate value has not only embodied in material value , more rise to symbols value level .

  9. 无形文化资本因其存在的形式,本身并没有物质价值,但无形文化资本的流通服务可以带来文化价值,而文化价值的一部分可以直接带来经济价值。

    Intangible culture capital does not have " material value ", but the services flow of intangible culture capital can bring about cultural value , and part of the cultural value can directly bring about economic value .

  10. 如何处理好人生自我价值与社会价值、物质价值与精神价值、内在价值与外在价值的辨证关系,是当代青年大学生在人生价值观上不能回避的三个基本问题。

    How to deal with the three-dialectical relationships ( between self-value and social-value , between material value and spiritual value , between internal value and external value ) is the three main points to the view of life-value .

  11. 所以本文认为,随着煤炭资源物质价值的日益衰减,其文化价值会越来越显现出来,这也正是煤炭资源潜在的优势。

    Therefore , this thesis believes that as the material value of coal resources is declining day by day , its cultural values will become increasingly apparent , and these are precisely the potential advantages of coal resources .

  12. 虚拟价值链是处于市场场所的企业物质价值链在市场空间中的镜像反映,它是由与物质增值活动所对应的信息增值活动独立出来而构成的价值增值链条。

    The virtual value chain is that the mirror image in market space of enterprise material value chain , it is from with material appreciation activity corresponding information appreciation value appreciation roller chain that activity seperate and form .

  13. 只有对二者实施全方位调控,才能使物质价值与精神价值同步发展,使我国的物质文明和精神文明协调发展,才能促使社会的和谐发展。

    To implement comprehensive regulation only , ability makes the synchronous development of material value and spiritual civilization in China , make coordinated development of material civilization and spiritual civilization , can urge the harmonious development of the society .

  14. 从主体性的角度深入剖析了环境教育价值的本质与根源,从物质价值、精神价值、人的价值三个方面具体阐明了环境教育的价值。

    From the dimension of subjectivity , the essence and origin of the value of environmental education are analysed deeply . From three aspects of material value , mental value and human value , the value of environmental education is illuminated concretely .

  15. 从价值构成看,过程价值比重最大,占到总价值的71.65%;其次是物质价值,约为17.72%;存在价值和社会价值最低,仅占总服务价值的5.29%和5.34%。

    From the services value composition , the process services value was maximum , accounts for about 71.65 % of the total value ; followed by the material value , about 17.72 % ; the presence value and social value were minimum .

  16. 可持续发展的价值底蕴,集中体现为内在价值与外在价值相统一的自然价值观、共时性与历时性相统一的类价值、物质价值与精神价值相统一的人的全面发展。

    The value details of sustainable development mainly incarnates as the natural values which unifies of inner value and exterior value , the species value which unifies the synchronic and diachronic , the all - round development of the individual which unifies material value and spirit value .

  17. 精神上的价值重要,还是物质的价值重要呢?

    Are spiritual or worldly values more important ?

  18. 有机废物多层次利用中能量、物质和价值转换与利用

    Energy , Material and Value Transfer and Utilization in Multi-grade utilization of Organic Waste Materials

  19. 其中正义价值包括人类正义价值和自然正义价值,功利价值包括物质功利价值和精神功利价值。

    The value of justice includes human justice and nature justice , but the value of utility includes material utility and spirit utility .

  20. 那些已经失去物质实用价值的东西,你却仍然无法割舍它。在这个唯物主义的年代,我们之中很多人都被我们占有的东西侵噬了灵魂。

    Anything you cannot relinquish when it has outlived its usefulness possesses you , and in this materialistic age , a great many of us are possessed by our possessions .

  21. 所谓广告的文化附加值,就是指在广告作品和广告传播活动中所形成的、由文化因素所赋予的超出产品本身物质使用价值的那部分价值。

    The cultural added value of advertising refers to the part of the value which achieved in advertising , produced by culture , and beyond the material value of the product itself .

  22. 针对各个评估指标给出了价值的估算方法,其中物质产品价值大多采用市场价值法,即将物质产品的产出量乘以各产品的市场价值;生态服务价值多采用替代市场法。

    Estimating method is given for each indicator . The value of material goods which is given the market value method and the serving value of ecology is given the alternative market value method .

  23. 自21世纪以来,人类社会进入了知识经济时代,人力资本价值不断上升,物质资本价值不断下降,人力资本在企业中的作用变得日益重要。

    From the 21st century , human society entered the era of knowledge economy , with the rising value of human capital and the declining value of physical capital , human capital in the enterprise is becoming increasingly important .

  24. 与其它资本类别相比,人力资本除了具备所有资本类别的共同特征外,还具有一些鲜明的自身特征,主要表现在物质、价值、投资、产权四个方面。

    Comparing with the other capitals , besides some common characters , there are some special characters for human capital , which are shown in the four aspects , such as material , value , investment and property right .

  25. 经营者组合激励中非物质激励的价值分析

    Value Analysis on Non-Material Incentive in Combination Incentive to Managers

  26. 价值链理论描述了物质世界的价值创造程序。

    Value chain theory describes the program of creating value in matter world .

  27. 唐娜知道她已故的父母没有留下任何物质上有价值的东西

    Donna be aware that her deceased parents leave little or no worldly goods

  28. 论风险基金的物质产权与价值产权

    On the Material and Value Property Rights in Course of Venture Fund Investing

  29. 青花菜富含蛋白质、维生素、硫代葡萄糖苷及萝卜硫素等物质,营养价值远高于一般蔬菜。

    Broccoli is rich in protein , vitamins , glucosinolates , sulforaphane and nutritional value is much higher than general vegetables .

  30. 只有这样的人才是真正存在的人,才能建立起有别于物质世界的价值模式的艺术和美的人的王国。

    Only this person is a real person , which can build up the art and beautiful kingdom , not the physical world .