
  • 网络relative value;relative in value
  1. 相对价值关心的是某一证券是否相对于其他的证券估价便宜,比如微软的股票相对IBM的股票被低估。

    Relative value involves the assessment that one security is cheaper than another , that Microsoft is a better bargain than IBM .

  2. 所谓的相对价值固定收益套利(relativevaluefixed-incomearbitrage)指的是,找出相关债券的定价异常现象,然后押注于这种异常现象将随着时间的推移而消失。

    So-called relative value fixed-income arbitrage involves identifying pricing anomalies in matched bonds and betting that over time they will disappear .

  3. 其他商品对冲基金管理人,包括伦敦的BlueGoldCapitalManagement在内,都认为有必要回归套利交易(又称相对价值交易)模式。

    The need to return to arbitrage trading or relative value is shared by other commodities hedge fund managers including London-based BlueGold Capital Management .

  4. 现行的企业价值评估方法主要有四类:现金流贴现法、相对价值评估方法、经济增加值(EVA)评估方法和实物期权评估方法。

    Now there are four main methods of company evaluation : Discounted Cash Flow method , Relative Company Evaluation method , Economic Value Added ( EVA ) method and Practical Option method .

  5. 正如威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(UniversityofWisconsin-Madison)经济学家查尔斯恩格尔(CharlesEngel)所指出的,在确定货币的相对价值方面,不存在各方一致认同的模型。

    As Charles Engel , an economist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison , notes , there is no agreed model upon which to determine the relative value of currencies .

  6. 介绍了增长的相对价值(RVG)这一新的衡量标准,论述了RVG的计算方法,分析了RVG的应用问题。

    This paper introduces the relative value of growth ( RVG ), a new measurement standard , and expounds the calculation method of the RVG , and analyzes on the application of the RVG .

  7. 通过平衡记分卡(BSC)系统,结合层次分析法(AHP),计算出人力资本个体的综合相对价值,从而设计出业绩薪酬和以股权激励为主体的长期激励方案。

    Figures out synthetic relative value of personal human capital by using the system of balanced scorecard and making use of the method of analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ), thereby works out performance-related pay and long term incentive scheme that shares rights ' incentive is taken as main body .

  8. 其中之一是关注相对价值还是绝对价值。

    One is whether to focus on relative or absolute value .

  9. 要更加关注货币的相对价值;

    Pay close attention to the relative value of the currency further ;

  10. 必须明确,这一看法是基于相对价值。

    To be clear , that is a relative-value argument .

  11. 相对价值法:案例与经济学分析

    Relative Value Method : A Case Study in Economics

  12. 应用经济学研究方法来探讨相对价值法的实际应用。

    This paper mainly studies the actual application of the relative value method .

  13. 生态环境对经济系统贡献的相对价值评估研究

    Study on the Relative Economic Value of Eco-Environmental Contributions

  14. 交易员在考察相对价值时也可从这个角度对证券进行评估。

    The traders evaluate securities from this standpoint as well when considering relative value .

  15. 举例来说,我们认为日本房地产肯定存在相对价值机会。

    For example , we definitely see relative value opportunities in Japanese real estate .

  16. 相对价值的同样量的变化

    Same change of magnitude in relative value

  17. 通过岗位评价,确定不同岗位间的相对价值。

    Find out the relative value among different working positions through the evaluation of woking position .

  18. 第四种是相对价值。

    And fourth , relative value .

  19. 岗位评价是指确定企业内每个岗位相对价值的过程。

    Post evaluation is a process that determines the relative value of each post of the enterprise .

  20. 在这篇文章我们不给予任何具体的抗剪强度,只是一些相对价值。

    In this article we do not give any specific shear strength , just some relative values .

  21. 我的12个提示强调了区分优先次序、阐明价值和比较每个活动的相对价值。

    My twelve tips stress prioritization , clarifying values , and comparing the relative worth of each activity .

  22. 这一比率意味着,斯特拉塔股票的相对价值高于大多数分析师或投资者的预期。

    That ratio puts a greater relative value on Xstrata shares than most analysts or investors had anticipated .

  23. 岗位评价是衡量组织中各岗位相对价值的过程。

    Job Evaluation is a systematic process to determine the organization in the relative value of each position .

  24. 相对价值在搭讪中是一个极佳的工具,但是在社交圈游戏里确是至关重要的工具。

    Relative status is a great tool in cold approach , but a crucial one in social circle game .

  25. 远期价格的跌幅也达到了类似的水平,这表明涉及这两种大宗商品的相对价值交易已经开始带来回报。

    Forward-prices have fallen by similar levels , suggesting that the relative value commodities trade is already delivering some returns .

  26. 社会保障制度延伸到农村,也改变了男孩和女孩的相对价值。

    The expansion of the social safety net into rural areas has changed the value of girls and boys , too .

  27. 在这样的情景下,以相对价值衡量,美国经济和美元计价金融资产的吸引力将日益增强。

    Against this landscape , the US economy and dollar-denominated financial assets will look increasingly attractive on a relative value basis .

  28. 作为一种看跌中国的3年远期押注,这种“相对价值交易”是大宗商品市场上最热门的交易手法之一。

    The relative value trade is one of the hottest in the commodities markets as a three-year forward bet against China .

  29. 例如,总量可能过于偏重于某个行业,或是相对价值而言,更重视增长。

    For instance , there could be too much emphasis in aggregate on a particular sector or on growth versus value .

  30. 他表示:所以,以相对价值衡量,对于那些在询问‘应该把钱放在哪里?’的人,黄金颇具吸引力。

    So , in relative terms , gold is appealing to people who ask , ' where should I put my money ?