
  • 网络phase permeability;relative permeability
  1. 测定结果表明,试验所用的油基和水基泥浆滤液的侵入均对油相渗透率造成相当严重的损害。

    The measurement results showed that the invasion of the filtrates of oil-base mud and water-base mud has a considerable effect on oil phase permeability .

  2. 实验采用的表面活性剂能降低毛细管力对气体渗流的影响,从而提高气相渗透率。

    The surface-active agent used by the experiments can decrease the influence of the capillary pressure on gas percolation , so that increase the gas phase permeability .

  3. 相渗透率改善剂(RPM,RelativePermeabilityModifiers),从性能上说属于一种选择性堵剂,即只大幅降低地层水相渗透率,而对油相渗透率降低很少甚至不降低的一种物质。

    Relative permeability modifiers ( abbr. RPM ) is a kind of selective water plugging agent , namely it only decreases the permeability of water phase , causes little or even no impact on oil phase .

  4. 同样的,RPM弱交联体系对水相渗透率影响大,而对油相渗透率的影响较小,有较好的选择性。

    As the RPM , RPM weak cross-linking system has a great effect on the relative permeability of water phase with little effect on oil phase , and has good selectivity .

  5. 利用测井资料确定储层油水相渗透率方法

    A method for determining the oil / water phase permeability using well logging data

  6. 逆流自吸引起的气相渗透率下降速率可以表示成时间的幂函数。

    The gas permeability decrease rate can be expressed as power function of time .

  7. 相渗透率改善剂对岩石润湿性的影响

    Effect of Relative Permeability Modifier on Rock Wettability

  8. 结果表明,由于蜡的析出,封堵了或缩小了储层的微观孔隙,使油相渗透率大大降低,严重影响了油气的开采。

    The results indicated that the wax precipitation blocked or reduced the reservoir microscopic pore .

  9. 实验结果表明,含水饱和度升高对致密砂岩气相渗透率损害严重;

    The experimental results show the water saturations increasing will influence the gas phase permeability severely .

  10. 原油沥青质在油藏岩石上的吸附所引起的润湿性改变是导致储层油相渗透率降低,从而造成储层损害的一个重要原因。

    The wettability alteration on rock surface induced by asphalting adsorption was the main cause of permeability reduction .

  11. 通常根据岩芯相渗透率试验或试井资料求得储层动态渗透率。

    Dynamic permeability of the reservoir is usually estimated from phase permeability experiment of core plugs or well test .

  12. 岩心流动实验表明,对不同人造岩心的封堵率均大于95%,油相渗透率恢复值超过50%。

    The plugging rate to different rock exceeds 95 % . The recovery of oil permeability exceeds 50 % .

  13. 相渗透率改善剂的研究是从上世纪70年代开始,首先采用水溶性聚丙烯酰胺降低油井的产水量和注入井的流度控制。

    The research on RPM can traceback to 1970s , and water-soluble polyacrylamide to reduce the water production and control the fluidity .

  14. 结果表明,水基欠平衡钻井过程的逆流自吸效应引起岩石气相渗透率降低,削弱欠平衡钻井的储层保护效果;

    The study shows that the backwash imbibition leads to gas permeability decrease , resulting in weakening of reservoir protection effects of underbalanced drilling ;

  15. 完整岩石渗透率较低,其中气相渗透率是液相渗透率的11.4倍;

    The rate of permeability of intact rock is little . The gas rate of permeability of rock is 11.4 times of the liquid 's.

  16. 并根据该气田地质特征及毛管压力曲线、相渗透率曲线、试采等资料,研究证明了结论的可靠性。

    The reliability of the result is proved by the data of geologic characteristics capillary pressure curve , relative permeability curve and well production .

  17. 随着逆流自吸时间延长、围压增加和黏土矿物膨胀,逆流自吸导致气相渗透率下降的程度加剧;

    And with the increase in imbibition time , confining pressure and the expansion of clay minerals , the decrease rate of gas permeability is aggravated .

  18. 实验样品相关测量数据说明,样品液相渗透率的降低与样品的阳离子交换量有关。

    The pertinent data from the plugs show that the decrease of the fluid permeability is dependent on the cation exchange capacity of the core samples .

  19. 因此,当边水和底水进入储层发生水淹后,气相渗透率将极大降低,存在较强的水锁效应。

    So , after reservoir watering out as edge water and bottom water enters , the gas phase permeability will decrease greatly , and strong water lock effect will happen .

  20. 对不同岩心,绝对渗透率越小,气体突破压差越大,气相渗透率也越低;

    For different core samples , the smaller the absolute permeability is , the bigger the pressure difference of gas breakthrough is , and the lower the gas phase permeability .

  21. 水膜厚度不影响孔喉有效尺寸,仅通过改变润湿性影响气、水分布,从而影响气、水的相渗透率。

    The thickness of water film has not affected the effective pore throat size , but affected gas-water distribution through altering wettability of rocks and then affected the permeability to gas and water .

  22. 向油层中挤注一定的表面活性剂体系工作液,可以有效地提高油相渗透率的保留率,减弱和部分消除水锁效应;

    Through injecting a certain of surfactant system treatment fluids into oil reservoir , the reservation rate of oil-phase permeability can be effectively raised , thus weakening and partially removing the water locking effect ;

  23. 在非达西渗流二项式和两相渗流相渗透率(有效渗透率)概念的基础上,提出了两相渗流相速度系数(有效速度系数)的概念,建立了气液两相渗流数理模型(微分式);

    On the basis of non-Darcy percolation binomial and effective permeability of two-phase percolation , the concept of effective velocity factor of two-phase percolation is proposed and the mathematical model of gas-liquid percolation is established .

  24. 通常,微粒堵塞、油堵、垢堵、细菌堵塞造成地层绝对渗透率降低,乳状液堵塞、水堵、润湿性改变引起油相渗透率降低。

    Usually , particle plugging , oil plug , scale plug and bacterial plug can cause decrease in formation absolute permeability . Emulsion plug , water blocking and wettability change can cause decrease of oil permeability .

  25. 实验研究表明,对同一块岩心,含水饱和度增大,气体突破压差增加,而且增幅加快,气相渗透率降低;

    Experiments show : for the same core sample , the pressure difference of gas breakthrough increases , and the pressure differential margin increases faster , and the gas phase permeability decreases as the water saturation increases .

  26. 结果表明,该堵剂可使水相渗透率下降85%以上,油相渗透率下降25%以下,具有明显的选择性封堵作用及优良的耐冲刷性。

    The results showed that , the permeability of water phase decreased 85 % at least , the permeability of oil decreased no more than 25 % . PDZ-1 has high selective plugging and a nice flushing resistance .

  27. 对于溶解气驱油藏,由于地下流体为油气两相流动,油藏流体和相渗透率将明显地随压力而改变,因而溶解气驱油藏油井产量与流动压力的关系是非线性的。

    Fluids in solution gas drive reservoirs are two phase flow of oil and gas . The fluids and relative permeability will change with reservoir pressure , and the relationship between oil production and flowing pressure is nonlinear .

  28. 该防砂剂吸附于岩石表面使得岩石表面的润湿性向亲水方向变化,导致岩心的油相渗透率增加和水相渗透率减小,说明该防砂剂不但具有防砂作用还具有堵水功能。

    This sand control agent adheres to rock surface and changes wettability to hydrophilic , resulting in increasing of oil permeability and decreasing of water permeability , showing the water plugging function of this sand control agent besides sand control .

  29. 气相相对渗透率对水相饱和度的影响很大,气相相对渗透率越大,相对研究区域水相饱和度变化的范围越大,变化越显著;

    The gas relative permeability has significant influence to the water saturation ;

  30. 下二叠统山西组及下石盒子组为河流相低渗透率砂岩气藏。

    And low-permeability fluvial sandstone gas reservoirs of Shanxi and Lower Shihezi Formation , Lower Permian .