
xiānɡ duì shèn tòu lǜ
  • relative permeability
  1. CO2驱油过程中的相对渗透率研究

    Relative Permeability Study in Oil Displacement Process of CO_2 Injection

  2. 基于DSP的油水相对渗透率测量的研究

    Research on Measurement of Oil-water Relative Permeability Based on DSP

  3. 低渗透油藏CO2驱相对渗透率实验研究

    The Experimental Studies on the Relative Permeability of CO_2 Flooding in Low-permeability Reservoir

  4. STONE概率模型与油、气、水三相相对渗透率

    Probabilistic stone model and oil-gas-water relative permeability

  5. ASP驱油体系相对渗透率曲线测定方法研究

    Research in the Method of Measuring the Relative Permeability curve in ASP Flooding

  6. 确定ASP复合驱相对渗透率曲线的最优化方法

    The determination of relative permeability curves of ASP combination flooding by using optimization method

  7. 岩芯的X射线光电子能谱分析显示,纳米聚硅和表面活性剂能吸附在岩石表面上,改变岩石表面的润湿性,提高水相相对渗透率。

    According to the result of XPS , the nanometer polysilicon and the surfactant can adsorb on the rock surface , change its wettability , and enhance the water relative permeability .

  8. CO2混相驱时与非混相驱相比,两相驱跨度较大,气相相对渗透率端点较大。

    Comparing with miscible flooding and immiscible flooding , two phase area span was bigger and the end point value of gas phase relative permeability was higher .

  9. VG模型虽然可以与持水曲线匹配得很好,但是VG模型和BC模型都对相对渗透率估计过低。

    Although VG model can reasonably well match the simulated water retention curves , both VG and BC models underestimate relative permeability .

  10. 在回归出单井平均相对渗透率曲线的基础上,通过求两个偏微分方程的数值解,求出了径向上的含油饱和度分布、地层渗透率K和平均地层压力;

    Based on regressing the curves of average relative permeability in single well , that the oil saturation distribution , permeability ( K ) and average formation pressure have been gotten through seeking numerical solution to this two equations .

  11. 对一个具体油藏来说,注入气确定时,最小混相压力也可以确定,因此,不同的驱替压力就对应不同的混相特征,相对渗透率的关系式会影响CO2驱油效率。

    When a reservoir and input gas are definite , MMP can be determined . Therefore , there will be different miscible characteristics with different displacement pressure . The correlation of relative permeability affects displacement efficiency .

  12. ASP复合驱油体系相对渗透率曲线的确定是研究ASP复合驱油体系的驱替机理和数值模拟的关键技术,由于ASP复合驱的复杂性,单纯依靠实验测定其相对渗透率曲线是很困难的。

    The determination of relative permeability curves of ASP combination flooding is a very important work in studying ASP flooding mechanism and numerical simulation . It is very difficult that only relying on experimental technology to determinate ASP system relative permeability curves due to complexity of ASP combination flooding .

  13. 统计研究了中国油田河流相与三角洲相的典型油水相对渗透率曲线、典型毛管压力曲线、典型PVT关系,以及多种储层参数的平均值。

    Typical oil-water relative permeability curve , typical capillary pressure curve , typical PVT correlation of fluvial and delta facies in oil field of China and average value of several reservoir parameter are studied statistically in this paper .

  14. 使用随机分形网络模型(FIM),对国内某油田水驱过程中压力分布、驱替特征曲线和相对渗透率进行了模拟研究,建立了分形宏观渗流场,模拟计算获得油藏剩余油饱和度分布。

    Random fractal network model ( FIM ) is used to study pressure distribution , displacement performance curve and relative permeability of a Chinese oilfield during water drive process , fractal macroscopic percolation field is set up , and the distribution of residual oil saturation is known through modeling calculation .

  15. 毛细压差影响下的未饱和多孔介质的相对渗透率

    Relative Permeability of Unsaturated Porous Media with Capilary Pressure Difference Effect

  16. 一种油水两相过渡相对渗透率曲线计算方法

    A method for calculating oil and water transition relative permeability curves

  17. 整理相对渗透率曲线的历史拟合方法研究

    Study on the method of history match for relative permeability curves

  18. 岩石的润湿性和相对渗透率的变化。

    The changes in wettability of reservoir rock and relative permeability .

  19. 低渗透率岩心气液相对渗透率及其敏感参数的影响

    Gas-liquid relative permeability of low permeable cores and its sensitive parameters

  20. 一种确定油水相对渗透率曲线的新方法

    A New Method to Determine Oil / Water Relative Permeability Curves

  21. 然而,水的相对渗透率将明显减小。

    However , the relative permeability to water was significantly reduced .

  22. 油水相对渗透率曲线的实验测定

    The laboratorial measurement of relative permeability curve of oil and water

  23. 微波技术在三相相对渗透率曲线测试中的应用

    An Application to Measure Three-phase Relative Permeability by Microwave Techniques

  24. 非稳态法测定聚合物驱相对渗透率曲线

    Measurement of relative permeability curve of polymer flooding with non-steady state method

  25. 利用生产测井资料估算油水相对渗透率曲线

    Estimation of oil-water relative permeability curves from production logging data

  26. 油藏条件下油水相对渗透率实验研究

    Experimental study on oil-water relative permeability under natural reservoir conditions

  27. 岩心润湿性对相对渗透率的影响

    The effect of wettability on water oil relative permeability in core analysis

  28. 用注水井压力落差试井资料确定油水相对渗透率

    Determining Oil-water Relative Permeability with Fall-off Test Data of Water Injection Wells

  29. 热采条件下相对渗透率理论分析与实验研究

    Experimental Research and Theoretical Analysis of Relative Permeability under Thermal Recovery Conditions

  30. 用油水相对渗透率确定低电阻油层产液性质

    Estimate produced fluid type of low resistivity hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs from relative permeability