
  • 网络temperature logging;temperature log
  1. 勘探结果表明2线250号点在深度575m~740m有一低阻异常,据此设计一眼深1200m的地下热水井,并利用温度测井,发现700m深度以下有明显的地温梯度异常。

    The result indicated that there is a conductive anomaly at depth 575m 740m , point No. 250 , prospecting line II . Then a geothermal well was designed and drilled , by the use of temperature logging , an obvious geothermal gradient anomaly was found under depth 700m .

  2. 温度测井在储热构造研究中的应用

    The application of temperature logging to the study of heat reservoir structure

  3. 几千米钻孔用的温度测井装置是用电览探头做的。

    Temperature logs in bore holes down to several thousand metres are made by cable probes .

  4. 在注水方案中,短期、快速、热注是改变当前温度测井曲线对注水剖面反映不明显或不能反映注水情况的一个比较经济合理的方法。

    It is a economical and reasonable way to use short , fast , hot water injection in order to change the condition that temperature log can 't delineate water injection profile .

  5. 并对模拟的结果进行分析,从中可以得出:短期热注、提高注水速率、选择合适的关井时间等可以提高温度测井对注入剖面的识别能力;

    By analyzing the simulated results we can conclude that temperature logging can distinguish water entry zones from non-water entry zones through hot-water injection for short periods of time , enlarging water injection velocity , selecting reasonable shut-in time .

  6. 该脉码传输仪既能完成PCM3506的全部功能,又能监测仪器工作环境的温度及测井套管接箍的压力。

    The instrument can not only perform the functions of PCM 3506 , also can monitor the working temperature and pressure on logging casing collar .

  7. 高温声波换能器是声波测井仪器的核心部件,其温度性能对声波测井仪器有重要影响。

    The acoustic transducer for high temperature is the main part of the sonic logging tool .

  8. 张力温度泥浆电阻率组合测井仪的室内标定软土中T型触探仪贯入阻力的数值模拟

    The workshop calibration of three-parameter combination logging tool Numerical simulation of penetration resistance of T-bar penetrometer in soft clay

  9. 热储温度数据主要通过钻探过程中温度测井来获取。

    Reservoir temperature information is mainly obtained by temperature logging during drilling .