
jīng xué
  • study of Confucian classics
经学 [jīng xué]
  • [study of Confucian classics] 把儒家经典作为研究对象的学问,内容包括哲学、史学、语言文字学等

经学[jīng xué]
  1. 经学背景下的肌理说

    Texture Theory against the Background of Study of Confucian Classics

  2. 形成了以经学为政治资本的世袭化利益集团。

    It formed an interest group of hereditary system which took the study of Confucian classics as their political capital .

  3. 司马迁与汉代经学之间有着复杂关系。

    There are complicated connections between Sima Qian and Confucism of Han dynasty .

  4. 这是对官方统一经学思想的背离。

    This thought deviated from the authority unifying thoughts of Classics .

  5. 戴震经学研究的人文关怀

    The Human Concern of Dai Zhen 's Study of Confucian Classics

  6. 经学与魏晋玄学的结合;

    The study of Confucianism combined with the study of metaphsics ;

  7. 经学视野下的儒学三形态

    The Three Forms of Confucianism in the Study of Confucian Classics

  8. 论经学对古代文论的影响古籍文献研究与利用的新层面

    Influence of the Study of Confucian Classics on the Ancient Literary Theory

  9. 朱熹理学与经学妊娠肝内胆汁淤积症胎盘病理研究

    Studies of the Placental Pathology in Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy

  10. 这就决定了《诗经》文学阐释是《诗经》最为本体性的阐释,其经学阐释只能建立在文学阐释的基础之上。

    And the literary interpretation of the Book of Songs is fundamental .

  11. 汉武帝与经学的产生

    The Coming into Being of the Study of Confucian Classics and Han Wu-di

  12. 二十世纪以来,经学的地位不断受到挑战。

    The status of classic is constantly being challenged since the twentieth century .

  13. 汉代私学以经学传授为主的原因

    Causes for Confucian Classics-dominated Private School in Han Dynasty

  14. 郑玄经学的特色及评价问题

    Characteristics and Evaluation of Zheng Xuan 's Jing Xue

  15. 这就决定了宋代经学的义理取向。

    Those views determined the orientation of studying Confucian classics in Song dynasty .

  16. 他一生锐于治学,在经学、历史学、自然科学、文学上均有造诣。

    He was accomplished in Jing xue , history , science and literature .

  17. 影响体育教师自主创新意识的经学思维

    Confucian style thinking that affects physical education teacher 's consciousness of initiative innovation

  18. 北宋贡举改革与经学变古

    Reform of Imperial Examination in Northern Song Dynasty and Change of Classics Studies

  19. 对无锡经学发展的历史考察&兼论无锡的历史文化根基

    Historical Investigation of the Development of the Study of Confucian Classics in Wuxi

  20. 朱熹经学对中国经学发展的影响

    Influence of Zhu Xi 's classical philology on the development of Chinese classical philology

  21. 论早期中土佛教解经学的转向

    Exegetics Turn of the Early Buddhism in China

  22. 奥古斯丁对基督教释经学的重要贡献

    Augustine 's Important Contribution to Christian Biblical Interpretation

  23. 首先,本章梳理了清代以前经学目录的源流。

    First , the paper sorts out the source of classics catalogues of pre-Qing dynasty .

  24. 南宋四书学的经学文化述义

    On Meaning of Classics Culture of the Study Four Books in the Southern Sung Dynasty

  25. 郑玄经学在中国传统的文化学术史上影响非常深远。

    Zheng Xuan 's Jinxue has exerted profound influences on traditional Chinese culture and academia .

  26. 《汉书》是在浓重的经学氛围中编撰而成的。

    Han Shu was compiled under a strong atmosphere of the study of Confucian classics .

  27. 所以,两汉经学对我国法文化影响深远。

    Thus the hermeneutics of Han Dynasties had profound effect on Chinese culture of law .

  28. 洛阳太学的设立促进了经学教育的空前繁荣。

    Luoyang university in the Han Dynasty promoted the prosperity of study of Confucian Classics .

  29. 首先,后汉是经学的昌明时期。

    First of all , the Eastern Han Dynasty is the flourishing period of classics .

  30. 本文试图从学者这一角色入手,以经学和史学为例,对龚自珍的学术思想作以初步探讨。

    The article focuses on Gong 's academic thought through study of Confucian classics and history .