
  1. 然后结合经典管理理论目标管理,以及目前被广泛应用的系统考评技术关键绩效指标考评,对公司绩效考评方案进行了再设计。

    The techniques of Management by Objectives and Key performance indicator are applied to redesign the company 's performance appraisal .

  2. 经典的管理理论曾经获得很大成功,但是它们的路已经走到头了。

    Classical management theories were very successful , but have run their course .

  3. 经典的管理理论已难以适应企业所面临环境的剧烈变化。

    Classical management theory can not catch up with the dramatic changes of environment where enterprises exist .

  4. 战略关系的把握,对于私营中小企业竞争优势构建有很大的意义,西方经典战略管理理论需要进行中国管理情境的修订。

    Handling strategic guanxi is very important for Chinese small and medium private enterprises ( SMPEs ) to construct their advantages .

  5. 基上,参照经典战略管理理论方法,对济南钢铁集团公司(以下简称济钢)发展战略进行了比较深入的剖析。

    Regarding to sutra strategy administration academic method the paper analyze development strategy for Jinan Iron & Steel Group Corp. ( Jigang ) .

  6. 在经典管理学理论基础上建立起来的以效率为核心的职能管理知识体系难以满足当今管理的需要。

    The conventional management methods , which are from the classic management theories and based on efficiency , appear hard to meet the modern requirements .

  7. 新升格高职院校战略执行力建设要符合科学发展观的基本精神;(2)经典战略管理理论。

    The construction of strategic implementation capacity of new high vocational college should correspond with basic spirit of scientific outlook on development . ( 2 ) Classics strategic management theory .

  8. 对非市场环境以及整合战略的研究拓展了以市场为核心的经典战略管理理论,也是战略管理领域的新发展趋势。

    The field of nonmarket and integrated strategy will enrich the classical strategic management theory which is based on market and it is the new trend of the field of strategic management .

  9. 本文基于复杂性科学理论和经典绩效管理理论,结合模糊数学的方法,对绩效管理系统复杂性问题进行了比较系统深入的研究。

    Based on the theories of complexity science and classical performance management , integrating the method of fuzzy mathematics , this thesis attempted to discuss the complexity of the performance management systems and its management .

  10. 基于上述背景,参照经典战略管理理论的研究方法,本文对天津市机电工业控股集团公司(以下简称控股集团)的十一五发展战略进行了比较深入的剖析。

    Referring to the theory of classical strategic management , the development strategy of Tianjin Machinery Electric Industry Holding Group Company ( TME ) is analyzed in the paper on the basis of above-mentioned background .

  11. 通过分析经典战略管理理论的发展和弊端,指出复杂性科学的建立为战略管理理论的发展提供了新的工具,并针对现代企业战略管理系统的复杂性,给出了复杂性科学对现代企业战略管理的启示。

    Based on the analysis of the development and defects of classic strategic management theory the author points out that the science of complexity provides the new tools . The strategic management system of corporation is complicated and suggestions are put forward on the science of complexity .

  12. 论文借鉴经典的项目管理理论,并结合研发项目的特点进行研究。

    The thesis learns from the classical theory of project management , research the R & D projects .

  13. 但一直以来,经典的战略管理理论所强调的是企业如何通过市场战略影响外部市场环境进而获取持续性竞争优势。

    However , so far , what the classical strategical management theory truly focused on is how the firm to affect its external environment for the purpose of gaining the sustainable advantage .

  14. 虚拟企业中的成员企业,其内部的记忆系统与传统企业是一致的,也就是像经典的知识管理理论所论述的那样,组织中的知识分为隐性知识和显性知识。

    The internal memory system and traditional enterprise is consistent to the members of the virtual enterprise , in the other hand , it is the classical theory of knowledge management as the paper that organization of knowledge from the recessive knowledge and explicit knowledge .

  15. 针对中小规模软件企业项目开发中风险管理的特点和问题,以经典的软件风险管理理论为基础,制定了适合于中小规模软件企业的一种简洁、易用的项目风险管理方法。

    Secondly , instituting a concise method of software risk management according to the characteristics of small-scale enterprises based on the classical theories .