
  • 网络experience-based medicine;experience based medicine;Empiricism;opinion-besed practice
  1. 基于循证医学与经验医学的区别阐述循证医学的概念。

    We introduced the concept of evidence-based medicine ( EBM ) by comparing it to experience-based medicine .

  2. 医学传教士与非医学科学文化的传播从量变到质变&浅谈经验医学到循证医学的转变

    Christian Medical Missionary and the Transmission of Scientific Knowledge Excluding Medical Science From Quantitative Change to Qualitative Change : on transformation from experience-based medicine to EBM

  3. 现代医学模式是在经验医学的基础上强调循证医学(evidence-basedMedicine,EBM)。

    Evidence-based medicine ( EBM ) is emphasized by modern medicine , based on the experience medicine .

  4. 循证医学(Evidence-basedMedicine,EBM)是遵循证据的医学,经验医学的特点则是凭个人经验或上级高年资医生的指导、教科书与医学刊物上零星的研究报告为依据来处理病人。

    Evidence-based Medicine is a medicine that adhere to the evidence , but the character of experience medicine is to treat patients according to the experience , book and opinion of reputation .

  5. 阐述循证医学与经验医学的区别,循证医学并不排除科学的经验积累,并从GBS激素的使用对循证医学与专家经验的关系进行哲学思考。

    EMB not at all removed scientific experiential accumulation . It was undertaken the philosophic thinking on the relationship between EBM and expert experience with applying glucocorticoid in GBS .

  6. 循证医学与经验医学临床决策的对比研究

    Evidence-based Medicine and Clinical Decision-making Experience in Contrast to Medical Research

  7. 经验医学与腰椎间盘突出症的认知史

    Empirical Medicine in the Historical Discovery and Recognition of Lumbar Disc Herniation

  8. 但中医的证具有明显的经验医学特征。

    But the syndrome of Chinese medicine has obvious medical characteristic of experience .

  9. 用循证医学证据丰富经验医学内涵&谈临床医生如何面对医学实践模式改变

    Enriching Experience Medicine Connotation by Evidence of Evidence-based Medicine

  10. 医学影像学的出现使得传统上的经验医学发生了革命性的变化。

    The appearance of Medical Imageology makes a revolutionary change on the traditional rely-on-experience diagnostics .

  11. 从时代而言,主要属于古代经验医学时期;

    In terms of times , Chinese medicine mainly belongs to the medical period of ancient experience ;

  12. 当我们的临床医学从经验医学到实验医学到循证医学时,肺癌的临床研究,需要迅速地进入一个新的领域。

    When clinical medicine enter the stage of evidence based medicine , the research methods of lung cancer must be greatly changed .

  13. 医学的发展大致经历了三个阶段:即经验医学阶段、实验医学阶段和现代医学阶段。

    Medicine development has gone through three stages : that experience medical stage , the stage of experimental medicine and modern medicine stage .

  14. 结果表明:育性转换是一个量变到质变的过程。从量变到质变&浅谈经验医学到循证医学的转变

    Tbe change of fertility was a process of quantitative alteration to qualitative alteration . From Quantitative Change to Qualitative Change : on transformation from experience-based medicine to EBM

  15. 随着传统生物医学模式向生物-心理-社会医学模式的转变,临床决策也应由目前以经验医学为主导的经验决策向以循证医学为基础的科学决策转变。

    Along with the transformation of traditionally biological medicine to the bio-psycho-social model medicine , the current experience-based clinically medical decision making switched to evidence-based scientifically medical regimens .

  16. 传统医学是以经验医学为主,即临床医师根据自己的知识经验、直觉并借助医疗设备的检查,做出诊断和处理决策。

    Traditional medicine takes empiric medicine as the dominant factor , which is according to their knowledge practice , the intuition and the help of examination of medical equipment , the clinicians diagnose and treat patient .

  17. 医学理论和实践的发展,大致经历了经验医学、实验医学和生物心理社会医学的三个时期,每个时期都有指导其发展的思维方式。

    The development of the theory and practice in medicine has approximately involved three stages-experience medicine , experimental medicine and biological-psychologic-social medicine , in each of which their respective modes of thinking have directed their development .

  18. 医学发生嬗变最重要者是经验医学的转向,这表现为:理论系统的最终确立,因理论趋同导致的医学分科发展的渐趋停滞、界限模糊及药物学模式的固化。

    The most consequent change was the transition of experienced medical science , it include final establishment of theories system , tending to stagnant and indistinct of development of medical academic branch and fixing of pharmic mode .

  19. 从分析循证医学基本概念和核心思想入手,对其与传统经验医学做了比较;介绍了循证医学的实施过程;

    In this part author express the concept and core of EBM , compare the traditional medicine and EBM , analyse the two features of evidences of EBM , and introduce the process of carrying out EBM .

  20. 但作为经验医学,缺乏中医诊疗标准,即证候诊断标准和疗效评价指标等客观标准。

    However , for its high dependency on experience , TCM is still lack of the criteria for diagnosis and treatment , such as the criteria for syndrome diagnosis and the indicator architecture for evaluation of treatment efficacy .

  21. 医学经历了漫长的经验医学和观察医学阶段,由以科学假说为发展形式的基础医学的发展,发展到现代的实验医学阶段。

    Medicine has a long history in terms of stage of experience and observational medicine . The stage of modern experimental medicine has been developed based on the development of basic medicine developed mainly in form of scientific hypothesis .

  22. 中医作为一种很典型的经验医学,其疗效缺乏客观化、定量化的评价标准,是中医药走向世界、获得广泛认可的最大障碍之一。

    As traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) attach importance to clinic , shortage of objective and quantitative criteria in evaluating therapeutic effect is one of the largest obstacles for TCM to move toward the world and win wide approval .

  23. 随着经验医学模式向循证医学模式的转变,需将循证医学模式有机地融入内科学教学中,改变传统的教学模式,提高内科学的教学质量,有利于培养新型医学科技人才。

    With the transformation of medical mode from experience medicine to EBM , EBM shall be melted into IntMed teaching to change traditionary teaching mode and improve the teaching quality of IntMed , which helps to culture more new medical talented persons .

  24. 目的探讨飞行中高空迅速减压飞行人员的临床诊治经验和医学鉴定方法。

    Objective To explore the clinical treatment experience and medical evaluation method of aircrew cases underwent rapid altitude decompression .

  25. 在毫无经验和医学背景的情况下,他四处奔波,希望能找到这方面的人才。

    And without even a bit of experience or medical background , he went around trying to find people with medical background and experience .

  26. 随着临床医学的发展,临床医生面临着从理论知识加个人经验的医学模式向以科学证据为基础的医学模式转变。

    With the development of clinical medicine , clinicians are facing the transformation of medical model from theoretical knowledge and individual experience based medicine to scientific evidence based medicine .

  27. 论著类与经验交流类医学文稿的界定与撰写特点

    Bounding and editorial processing of medical treatises and articles for experience exchange

  28. 她的经验涵盖临床医学、医药研究以及投资管理和创业投资。

    Her experience ranges from clinical medicine and medical research to finance and entrepreneurship .

  29. 学习哈佛经验建立基础医学整合课程体系的实践

    The practice of establishing a system of integrated courses of basic medicine in studying Harvard experiences

  30. 目的本文总结了多年来北京大学第一医院将多媒体技术应用于医学影像学教学的经验,对医学影像学课程多媒体和网络教学的未来进行了展望。

    Problems in teaching medical images together with countermeasures Objective Discussing the experience of radiological education with multimedia in our hospital , and giving the prospect of radiological education with multimedia through network .