
  • 网络An Amazing Discovery;A Shocking Discovery
  1. 当一个糖厂爆炸,CSI成员作出有关的工厂的员工一惊人的发现。

    When a sugar refinery explodes , the CSIs make a shocking discovery about one of the factory 's employees .

  2. 另一个惊人的发现是在蒙塔纳州(Montana),奶牛的数量以3:1的比例超过了人口数。

    Another surprise came with the discovery that there are more cows in Montana than humans , at a three to one ratio .

  3. 此后,他们从陆续出土的多块尼安德特人的骨头中提取了基因物质,乃至完整的基因组。他们的研究收获了一个惊人的发现:今天,在除了非洲人之外的人类身上,有1%到2%的DNA来自尼安德特人。

    Since then , they have recovered genetic material , even entire genomes , from a number of Neanderthal bones , and their investigations have yielded a remarkable surprise : Today , 1 to 2 percent of the DNA in non-African people comes from Neanderthals .

  4. 随着更深入的研究,阿尔提耶里博士有了更为惊人的发现。

    Digging deeper , Dr Altieri found a more startling result .

  5. 该报告还有很多其它惊人的发现。

    The report was chock full of other eye-popping finds .

  6. 这些惊人的发现有助于在新几内亚控制库鲁病。

    These astonishing discoveries helped control kuru in new guinea .

  7. Bordino表示这项研究将会有惊人的发现。

    Bordino says the research is born some surprising discoveries .

  8. 这个将会是惊人的发现。

    It 's going to be a fantastic find .

  9. 我们都期待着获得惊人的发现。

    We look forward to some terrific scientific discoveries .

  10. 关于她的过去我们有了惊人的发现。

    We made startling discoveries about her past .

  11. 实际上,我们后来有许多惊人的发现。

    In fact , we found tremendous surprise .

  12. 植物猎人们有了惊人的发现

    the Plant Hunters made a remarkable discovery .

  13. 这里有最惊人的发现。

    Here are the most stunning findings .

  14. 经过别动队遇到一个病毒,麦克作出了惊人的发现对自己。

    After the Rangers encounter a virus , Mack makes a startling discovery about himself .

  15. 物质及其结构的这种一致性,也许是恒星天文学上的最惊人的发现。

    This uniformity of material and structure is perhaps the most striking discovery of stellar astronomy .

  16. 五月十一号,这些惊人的发现在美国国家科学院的议程中被披露。

    These surprising results were published May11 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences .

  17. 有个惊人的发现

    What was a really amazing discovery

  18. 一个美丽的年轻女子在一个秘密和神奇水湾,有了惊人的发现。

    Paddling in a secret and magical cove , a beautiful young woman makes an amazing find .

  19. 如果你有善于创造的能力,你将做出惊人的发现或突破。

    If you have an inventive streak , you could make a startling discovery or breakthrough now .

  20. 在检测无应答者的新进展方面,没有什么新的惊人的发现。

    In terms of new developments in detecting non-responders , there has not been anything strikingly new .

  21. 这项惊人的发现展示了一只非鸟类的兽脚亚目恐龙覆着羽毛的尾巴,而这只恐龙在9900万年前就灭亡了。

    The incredible discovery reveals the feathered tail of a non-avian theropod that perished approximately 99 million years ago .

  22. 他们宣传他们的确有惊人的发现。但是没说是什么惊人发现。

    Lily : They claimed that they did find some amazing things , but they what the amazing discovery is .

  23. 埋藏在中国首位帝王身边真人大小的兵马俑是二十世纪最惊人的发现之一。

    One of the most astounding archaeologicaldiscoveries of the 20th century is arguably the life-size terra-cotta armyburied alongside China'sfirst emperor .

  24. 日前,一名名叫杰克·康纳韦的草坪修剪工人在艾玛拉沼泽地里挖煤的时候有了一大惊人的发现。

    Turf cutter Jack Conaway was cutting peat for fuel in the Emlagh bog when he made a surprising discovery .

  25. 几天前,我有一些惊人的发现:时间和金钱面临的情况非常类似。

    A few days ago I realized something surprising : the situation with time is much the same as with money .

  26. 肯尼父子最惊人的发现是:福利跟收入(不管是绝对收入,还是相对收入)的关系微乎其微。

    The most striking of the Kenny findings is how little welfare has to do with income , either absolute or relative .

  27. 研究者们本来是期待对月鱼的生活方式多了解一些,从没想过能有如此惊人的发现。

    While the researchers had expected to learn some intriguing facts about the fish 's lifestyle , they had not anticipated anything earth shattering .

  28. 一项调查了2000人的研究得出了这一惊人的发现。该研究显示,并非所有女性都能通过购物得到心理安慰。

    The surprise findings emerged in a study of 2,000 people and shows that not all women get retail therapy from a spot of shopping .

  29. 特别是,我的假设是基于一种惊人的发现,迄今未知的细胞外信号系统,包括神经细胞。

    In particular , my hypothesis is based on the surprising finding that a hitherto unknown extracellular signalling system exists between cells , including nerve cells .

  30. 海军绝不会有精力和智力来做出这样惊人的发现:这些脆弱的小气象船,在向德国供应秘密。

    The Admiralty would never have had the time or wit to make the amazing discovery that these vulnerable little weather-ships were supplied with the keys to the Reich .