
  • 网络A surprise party
  1. 马克那天下午回到家时是他第一次确切知道有惊喜派对这回事。

    When Mark arrived home that afternoon , it was the first he knew for sure of the surprise party .

  2. 马可:这对他们来说是个惊喜派对。

    Marco : It was a surprise party for them .

  3. 例句:我们把布鲁斯的惊喜派对都安排好了,但凯特在工作中不小心对他说漏嘴了。

    We had everything organized for Bruce 's surprise party , but Kate accidentally spilled the beans to him at work .

  4. 而且,如果你留心的话,你可能已经发现在这集里Arizona只在看到惊喜派对那会儿哭了。

    And , if you were paying attention , you may have noticed that the surprise party moment is the ONLY moment in the entire episode where Arizona cries .

  5. Davie送我了一份很棒的生日礼物,此外他还为我举办了一场惊喜派对。

    David gave me a wonderful birthday gift , in addition , he threw a surprising party to me .

  6. 这可是生日惊喜派对啊

    It 's supposed to be a surprise for her birthday .

  7. 为她办个惊喜派对真是个好点子。

    Having a surprise party for her is a great idea .

  8. 所以我们想给他办个惊喜派对

    and we wanted to throw him a little surprise party .

  9. 干什么?你在帮我办惊喜派对吗?

    What ? Are you throwing me a surprise party ?

  10. 每天就好像在跟你开惊喜派对一样。

    Everyday it 's like a surprise party with you .

  11. 以为球场有惊喜派对

    Thought I was getting a surprise party at the batting cages .

  12. 我们明晚给她办个惊喜派对

    We 're having a surprise party for her tonight .

  13. 没有人替我办过惊喜派对

    No one 's thrown me a surprise party before .

  14. 这是为你生日所举办的惊喜派对。

    It 's a surprise party for your birthday .

  15. 不是的,其实美国的惊喜派对都很短

    Actually , American surprise parties are very short .

  16. 我们今晚要帮安琪儿办一个生日惊喜派对。

    We 're going to have a surprise birthday party for anger tonight .

  17. 原音重现:我听说贝丝的生日惊喜派对定在星期天了。

    A : I heard Beth 's surprise birthday party is on Sunday .

  18. 你听说过惊喜派对吗?

    Have you ever heard a surprise party ?

  19. 这是给我的惊喜派对?

    Is this a surprise party for me ?

  20. 你参加过惊喜派对吗?

    Have you ever had a surprised party ?

  21. 我们计划了好久,才想出惊喜派对这点子。

    We schemed for hours to come up with this plan for a surprise party .

  22. 那就是个惊喜派对咯?

    So it was a surprise party ?

  23. 这是一个惊喜派对。

    It 's a surprise party .

  24. 艾莉的好朋友,玛戈特、塞蕾娜和波利特准备给艾莉开一个告别单身惊喜派对。

    Elle 's friends , Margot , Serena and Paulette will give her a surprise wedding shower .

  25. 细想一下,我父母确实在那一年为她准备了一个惊喜派对。

    Come to think of it , my parents did throw her a surprise party that year .

  26. 10.参考译文:女:我认为我们不应该告诉汤姆为露茜准备了惊喜派对。

    W : I don 't think we should tell Tom about the surprising party for Lucy .

  27. 好吧,关于惊喜派对,基本上也是真有其事。

    The surprise party , by the way , is based on a true story , too .

  28. 玛莉的惊喜派对办得非常成功是因为没有人把这个秘密泄露出去。

    Mary 's surprise party was a big success because no one let the cat out the bag .

  29. 我想趁他爸在,帮他准备惊喜派对,虽然他下礼拜才生日。

    But I 'm organizing a party for him , even though his birthday 's not until next week .

  30. 我最好的朋友莉莉下个月要过生日了,我计划要帮她办一个惊喜派对。

    My best friend lily 's birthday is coming next month , and I plan to throw her a surprise party .