
xiǎng qǐ
  • think of;remember;recall;recollect;call to mind;conjure up;dredge up
想起[xiǎng qǐ]
  1. 稍加提醒我们就能想起很多东西,真是让人惊奇。

    It 's amazing what we can remember with a little prompting

  2. “对呀!”博比惊奇地叫道。“你是怎么想起那件事的?”

    ' That 's right ! ' Bobby exclaimed in wonder . ' How did you remember that ? '

  3. 一闻到烘烤食物的味道我就想起了童年。

    I always associate the smell of baking with my childhood .

  4. 他笑的样子让人很容易想起他的父亲。

    The way he laughed was strongly reminiscent of his father .

  5. 你说这样的话,使我想起了你的父亲。

    You remind me of your father when you say that .

  6. 他回想起她星期三总是很晚回家。

    He recalled that she always came home late on Wednesdays .

  7. 头脑清醒之后,她想起了所发生的一切。

    As her mind cleared , she remembered what had happened .

  8. 这首诗令人想起艾略特的《荒原》。

    The poem recalls Eliot 's ' The Waste Land ' .

  9. 我老走神,一再回想起我们上次在一起交谈的情景。

    My mind kept straying back to our last talk together .

  10. 每当我想起我那时写的诗歌就感到很难堪。

    I cringe when I think of the poems I wrote then .

  11. 他想起了他们的初吻,露出了微笑。

    He smiled at the remembrance of their first kiss .

  12. 她一想起那次谈话就气得满脸通红。

    She blushed furiously at the memory of the conversation .

  13. 她的音乐随时让人想起非洲音乐的节奏。

    Her music is full of reminiscences of African rhythms .

  14. 她想起所发生的事情,脸涨得通红。

    Colour flooded her face when she thought of what had happened .

  15. 他们邀请杰克和萨拉不过是事后想起的补救办法。

    They only invited Jack and Sarah as an afterthought .

  16. 她刚走开我就想起了她的名字。

    Immediately she 'd gone , I remembered her name .

  17. 我的脑海中常常回想起那天的情景。

    The memory of that day still haunts me .

  18. 她想起这事便热泪盈眶。

    The memory brought a tear to her eye .

  19. 我常常想起老家的朋友。

    I often think about my friends back home .

  20. 他终于想起了前一天晚上想不起来的细节。

    Finally he remembered the tiny detail that had eluded him the night before .

  21. 他想起那事便面红耳赤。

    He blushed scarlet at the thought .

  22. 这股气味使我想起了法国。

    That smell reminds me of France .

  23. 我突然回想起小时候和姐姐的一次争吵。

    I flashed on an argument I had with my sister when we were kids .

  24. 想起这件事她就暗自发笑。

    She chuckled at the memory .

  25. 她每次经过自己的旧居,都会想起在那里度过的幸福岁月。

    She never passed her old home but she thought of the happy years she had spent there .

  26. 朋友们回想起几年前伊丽莎白预言性的一番话。

    Friends recalled Elisabeth 's prophetic words of several years ago .

  27. 然后我想起了那张支票,这让我精神大振。

    Then I remembered the cheque , which cheered me up .

  28. 这一幕让人想起古罗马荒淫的狂欢宴会。

    It was reminiscent of a scene from a Roman orgy .

  29. 剧院俗丽的观众席让人想起早先的时代。

    The theatre 's raffish auditorium recalls an earlier era .

  30. 吉米·巴菲特的音乐让人想起热带地区温暖的夜晚。

    Jimmy Buffett 's music conjures up a warm night in the tropics