
  • 网络Italian opera
  1. 意大利歌剧作曲家温琴佐.贝利尼(VincenzoBellini,1801-1835),是十九世纪意大利浪漫主义歌剧的代表作曲家之一。

    Italian opera composer Vincenzo Bellini ( 1801-1835 ), is the nineteenth century on behalf of the Italian romantic opera composer of one of the .

  2. 论意大利歌剧诞生的背景

    The Analysis of the Background of the Italian Opera 's Born

  3. 意大利歌剧作曲家贾科莫·普契尼,(GiacomoPuccini,1858-1924),是十九世纪末至欧战前真实主义歌剧流派的代表人物。

    Giacomo Puccini ( 1858-1924 ), who was opera composer in Italia , was the representative figure of socialist opera schools from the nineteenth century to .

  4. 所有的运输工具都是船或者步行。威尼斯最著名的交通工具就是冈朵拉(Gondola),坐在冈朵拉上面可以一边看风景一边听艺人们演奏的意大利歌剧。狂欢节上的威尼斯尤其迷人。

    All transportation is by boat or on foot . Venice 's most famous vehicles are gondolas , which drift slowly through the city 's famed canals as the men steering the boats serenade passengers with arias from Italian operas .

  5. 奥芬巴赫还不错,但我更喜欢意大利歌剧.

    Offenbach is okay , but I much prefer the Italian operas .

  6. 在17世纪末意大利歌剧占了绝对优势。

    Italian opera became absolutely predominant at the end of the17th century .

  7. 17世纪末意大利歌剧已经占据了主导地位。

    Italian opera become predominant at the end of the 17th century .

  8. 析杰出的意大利歌剧大师罗西尼

    On rossini , an outstanding operatic master of Italy

  9. 意大利歌剧流行起来了。

    And Italian opera was all the rage .

  10. 意大利歌剧的音乐成就

    The Music Achievement of the Italian Opera

  11. 中国对意大利歌剧刚刚燃起的热情有那么一点暴发户的感觉。

    China 's newfound passion for Italian opera carries a touch of the nouveau riche .

  12. 意大利歌剧团现在在伦敦,法国歌剧团到处都有,就是巴黎没有。

    The Italian opera is in London ; the French opera everywhere except in Paris .

  13. 一部论述意大利歌剧艺术的著作。

    A book on Italian opera .

  14. 早在十七世纪,正当意大利歌剧迅猛发展之时,作为其近邻的法国,反应却非常冷漠。

    Early in17 century Italy opera developed fast , hut France , the neighbor , showed indifference .

  15. 这项工作是一个讽刺和意大利歌剧是编剧亨利菲尔丁大脑孩子。

    The work was a satire of Italian opera and was the brain child of librettist Henry Fielding .

  16. 意大利歌剧演出,即使是在新戏,这是在东方装饰风格。

    That even an Italian opera was performed at the new theater , which was decorated in Oriental style .

  17. 1724年的今天,乔治·弗里德里克·亨德尔所写的意大利歌剧《朱利奥凯撒大帝》在伦敦首次公演。

    1724-The premiere of Giulio Cesare , an Italian opera by George Frideric Handel , takes place in London .

  18. 对意大利歌剧音乐表现手法的创新之处主要体现在剧中主导动机的使用等方面。

    The innovations of the techniques on Italian opera music are mainly embodied in the leitmotiv and the other aspects .

  19. 并突破前人传统,大胆吸收外来音乐元素,开拓了意大利歌剧的新视野。

    Rossini broke through the tradition of his predecessors , absorbed exotic element and expended the new panorama of Italian operas .

  20. 普契尼对意大利歌剧的发展做出了巨大的贡献,是真实主义歌剧乐派的代表人物之一。

    Puccini made a great contribution to the development of Italy opera , is a representative of " realism " opera .

  21. 对于意大利歌剧来说,它是一种融音乐、表演、戏剧、舞蹈、美术为一体的综合性艺术。

    For Italian opera , it is a financial music , drama , dance , art as one of the integrated arts .

  22. 他询问我对于新近一本关于意大利歌剧的书有何见解,可这并不是我的内行。

    He asked me for my views on a recent book on Italian opera , but that 's not really my area .

  23. 意大利歌剧享誉世界,作为其主体的意大利音乐富有浓厚的艺术气息与朴实的古典美。

    As the soul of Italian opera , one of the world-known operas , Italian music is full of artistic and classic features .

  24. 毫无疑问,是意大利歌剧首先敲开了法国的艺术之门,使其成为继意大利之后第二个发展并形成了具有强烈民族特色歌剧的国家。

    No problem , it is Italy opera which knocked the door of France and made it the second country of this kind of art .

  25. 夏尔冯特家族第十代公爵的母亲是英国夏尔冯特公爵七世的女儿,和意大利歌剧演员私奔。

    In Edwardian England , Louis Mazzini is the son of a woman ostracised by her aristocratic family for eloping with an Italian opera singer .

  26. 十九世纪是欧洲和意大利歌剧的鼎盛时期,涌现出许多歌剧作曲大师。

    The nineteenth century was a heyday of opera in Italy even in all Europe . Many great masters of opera writer had emerged during this period .

  27. 意大利歌剧传奇人物、将歌剧带给公众的20世纪最伟大男高音之一的帕瓦罗蒂在意大利北部家中去世,终年71岁。

    Italian opera legend Luciano Pavarotti , who brought opera to the masses as one of the greatest tenors of the20th century , has died at his home in northern Italy .

  28. 19世纪浪漫主义时期形成的分别以瓦格纳与威尔第为代表的德国歌剧和意大利歌剧都是西方音乐研究中最为重要的历史事件之一。

    Current situation of German and Italian opera during 19th century , romantic period , which was represented by Wagner and Verdi is one of the most important incident in western history .

  29. 普契尼是十九世纪末二十世纪初继威尔第之后又一位伟大的意大利歌剧作曲家。

    Puccini is one of the greatest Italian opera composer in the era between at the end of 19th century and at the beginning 20th century , who was subsequent to Will previously .

  30. 意大利歌剧是世界歌剧艺术中最具影响力的重要组成部分,而威尔第则是19世纪意大利最具代表性的歌剧音乐家。

    The opera of Italy is the most influentially important component of opera art in the world , but Giuseppe Verdi was the most representative opera musician of Italy in the 19th century .