
  1. 大学生职业意识因素结构探究

    Research on Factors of Occupational Consciousness of the College Students

  2. 社会因素主要包括经济因素和社会传统意识因素。

    Social factors encompass economic factors and traditional values .

  3. 意识因素在画法几何解题中的作用

    Function of Awareness in Solving Descriptive Geometry Problem

  4. 作者均从这些现象背后的意识因素来解释说明了上述话题。

    All these questions can be explained by the ideological factors hidden behind these phenomena .

  5. 对企业环境中各项无意识因素进行分类并分别阐述其潜在的影响。

    All the unconscious factors in the business environment are classified and described of its potential impact .

  6. 民事权利冲突的发生,从宏观方面讲,是经济发展因素、法治因素与权利意识因素三项外部原因的共同作用;

    In the angle of macroscopic , it is because of the ecomomic development , the nomocracy factor , the right consciousness ;

  7. 因此,我们在分析诗歌变异语言的时候,除应抓住有意识因素以外,还应考虑无意识表达动机。

    Therefore , in analyzing deviant poetic language , we should take into consideration not only the conscious but also the unconscious motivations of the poet .

  8. 它的发动与实践,主要是由超前的主观意识因素促发的,在历史实践探索过程中又产生了偏差。

    It 's start and practice was caused mainly by subjective consciousness factors which was ahead of time . Errors occurred in historical process of practice and exploration .

  9. 这些传统政治文化中非现代性的意识因素,需要人们进一步作出批判性考量。三、作为一种真人参与的电视表演,真人秀节目在电视虚拟影像形式上强化了真实的意义。

    Those non-modern conscious elements in the traditional political culture need people to make a further critical consideration . Part ⅲ As a live TV performance , the Reality Show strengthens the real significance in the form of TV optical impression .

  10. 结果发现新生儿SAH与窒息缺氧、产伤、围生期保健意识等因素密切相关。

    Results newborn SAH was closed related with hypoxia , birth trauma and perinatal health care .

  11. 2009年,随着“HuLu”模式在视频行业的兴起以及行业面对小众文化确立企业品牌意识等因素的共同促进,视频分享网站开始走上了行业的新发展之路。

    With the " HuLu " mode rise in the video sharing websites industry in 2009 and the minority culture has established the brand awareness , video sharing websites of the industry embarked on a new development road .

  12. 影响城镇居民环境意识的因素分析

    Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Environmental Consciousness of Urban Residents

  13. 兰州市儿童安全意识影响因素分析

    Factors Influencing Safe Consciousness of Children in Lanzhou

  14. 转型时期影响男女平等意识的因素分析

    Effective Factors on the Conciousness of Equality Between Men and Women in the Transition Period

  15. 浅析影响学生问题发现意识的因素及培养措施

    Factors that influence students " consciousness of finding problems " and How to Foster the Consciousness

  16. 浅析影响农民法律意识的因素

    Factors Affecting Farmers ' Legal Awareness

  17. 目的为了解影响儿童安全意识的因素,提高儿童的安全知识水平和安全意识。

    Objective To understand factors influencing safe consciousness of children and raise knowledge level and safe consciousness .

  18. 丧葬习俗的形成受到地域环境、历史文化、观念意识等因素的影响。

    The formation of Funeral Customs by the regional environment , history , culture , ideas and consciousness and other factors .

  19. 多因素分析表明,促进安全套预防艾滋病/性病作用的教育和增强使用意识等因素可以促进大学生实施安全性行为。

    Conclusions To enhance the education on condom use for HIV / STI prevention can promote safe sexual behavior among college students .

  20. 这与船舶卫生设施、生活习惯及人群的自我保护意识等因素有关。卫浴设施市场的动向及对策

    This had something to do with sanitary measure , life habit and self-protection . Trends and Counter - measure of Sanitary Ware Market

  21. 社会性格的形成是文化、教育、家庭及社会的无意识多种因素综合作用的结果。

    The formation of the social character is the result of comprehensive functioning of many factors like culture , family and unconsciousness of the society .

  22. 通过对南京市383份有效问卷调查资料的分析,探讨了在制度过渡时期,影响流动农民的自我身份意识的因素。

    Through analyzing the questionnaire data of 383 migrants in Nanjing , the thesis deal with some factors which influence their self - identifications in the institutional transition period .

  23. 个人由于缺乏基本的理财知识,对理财存在误解,将理财等同于投资,缺乏对于风险的防范意识等因素都会导致风险的发生。

    Individuals lack basic financial knowledge , misunderstand financial management , have no awareness to prevent risk factors , and all these things will lead to the occurrence of risk .

  24. 爆发流行主要与存在传疟媒介,外来民工居住场所蚊虫孳生地多,民工缺乏自我保护意识等因素有关。

    The break out of malaria was correlated with the existence of three media , the residence of civil workers propagated mosquitoes and the workers were lack of self protective consciousness .

  25. 当前,影响我国公民法律意识的因素有法律文化传统,经济文化发展水平,法律的实际运行情况等方面。

    The factors that influence the legal consciousness are as follows : the tradition of legal culture , the level of economy and culture and the actual function of the law , and others .

  26. 运用文献资料等方法对影响软式排球运动推广进程的因素进行分析,结果表明媒介、软式排球指导员、软式排球自身、参与者的主体意识等因素是影响软式排球运动的主要因素。

    This paper attempts to analyze the influence factors of spreading progress of soft volleyball . The results suggest that the factors such as media , instructors and the consciousness of the participants greatly affect the soft volleyball .

  27. 该部分主要是论述对当代大学生社会适应能力培养产生重要影响的四个因素:意识观念因素、环境因素、知识智能结构因素、素质水平因素。

    This part discussed four diathesis of important infection for training of the social suitable ability for the college student of the time : consciousness and concept , circumstance , knowledge and brainpower 's configuration , diathesis 's level .

  28. 影响西部地区公众环境意识的因素包括:经济发展程度、对人与自然关系的认识、对环境状况的评价、受教育程度、年龄和职业等,同时发现性别不能导致环境意识水平的显著差异。

    The facts that impact the PEA in western area are the speed of economic development , the reorganization of current environmental situation and the relation between human and nature , the degree of education , age and occupation .

  29. 影响特教教师阅读意识的因素有教师的专业素质不高、缺乏完善的对特教教师阅读的质量监督评价系统、教师缺乏较强的成就动机、教师工作负担重、专业书刊少等。

    Several factors affected their awareness of reading , including professional incompetence , the absence of perfect supervision and assessment systems on reading quality , weak achievement motivations of the teachers , heavy-load teaching and insufficient professional journals and books in their libraries .

  30. 结果40起护理缺陷普遍存在年资较低的护士不规范操作、高危时段、涉及高龄患者等,与护理管理机制、人员结构层次、法律意识等因素有关。

    Results The 40 cases of nursing negligence ! were mainly due to nonstandard manipulation of junior nurses , on high risk occasions , involving elderly patients , and they were related to the nursing management system , personnel structure and legal consciousness .