
  1. 意义段的划分将有助于篇章理解。

    Semantic paragraph partition is helpful for text understanding .

  2. 文章意义段划分的数学模型

    Mathematical Model of Text Semantic Paragraph Partition

  3. 大部分缩略语是从原词语各意义段中选择一个音节组成的,缩略语在以意义段为缩略单位选取构成成分时,意义段的第一个音节往往成为首选。

    Most abbreviations are chosen from one syllable of root , often the first one is preference .

  4. 意义段自动划分算法

    Semantic Paragraph Automatic Partition Algorithm

  5. 对无子标题的文章,则建立以段落为基础的向量空间模型,根据段落相似度进行聚类实现意义段的划分。

    For article those has not headings , the paper establish vector space model for the whole article based on paragraph , then cluster semantic relative paragraphs to semantic paragraph .

  6. 为使文摘能够更全面地覆盖原文的主要内容,提出了一种利用综合考察相邻段落相似度和连续段落平均相似度进行意义段划分的方法,对文本结构划分进行研究。

    In order to enable the summarization cover the main contents of the original , an algorithm for topic partition based on a comprehensive investigation of both adjacent paragraphic similarity and consecutive average paragraphic similarity is put forward .

  7. 从连贯的角度看,主要偏误现象有语义不连贯,主要表现在文章中夹杂多余段和重复段,或是缺少意义段,此外还有段落划分不正确和段落的逻辑顺序混乱。

    From the perspective of coherent , main errors phenomenon , semantic inconsistent in excess of inclusion and repeat period , or lack of sense , in addition to paragraph division is not correct and paragraphs logical sequence of chaos .

  8. 该方案为制备其他高分子聚集体提供了一种具有普遍意义的新手段。

    This new strategy provided a general procedure for the preparation of polymeric aggregates . 2 .

  9. 连贯指的是连接语篇中话语的意义或语段中句子的意义的关系,是篇章的内在功能连接,是特定文化背景下语篇各个组成部分间的线形语义联系或分级结构联系。

    Coherence refers to the underlying functional connectedness of a piece of text or a semantic concept , a linear and hierarchical semantic relation among different components of text produced in a given cultural context .

  10. 提出了基于时空欠采样条件、Pro-ESPRIT方法和多分辨意义下的宽频段入射信号频率和二维到达角估计方法,并指出,其中的频率估计算法适用于任意几何结构阵列。

    An algorithm base on Pro-ESPRIT and MR-ESPRIT of simultaneous estimation of frequency and 2D AOA with spatial-temporal sub-Nyquist sampling is proposed . The frequency estimation algorithm is suit for arbitrary geometry of antenna array .

  11. 要充分理解这一法案的深刻意义可能需要一段时间。

    The full import may take a while to sink in .

  12. 泥岩盖层封气性演化阶段及其研究意义大庆嫩二段泥岩盖层封气性综合定量评价

    Quantitative evaluation on comprehensive sealing ability of mudstone caprock of second member of Nenjiang Formation for gas in Daqing