
zì rán duàn
  • paragraphs
  1. 作者在几个短短的自然段中描绘了女主人公的性格特点。

    The author characterized his heroine in a few short paragraphs .

  2. 理想情况下,你的求职信应该达到3-5个自然段的长度,每个段落不多于8行。

    Ideally , your letters should be 3 - 5 paragraphs long , with none of those paragraphs longer than 8 lines .

  3. 注意主题句经常是一个自然段的第一句或最后一句。

    Notice the topic sentence is usually the first or the last sentence of a paragraph .

  4. 其中标题为根结点,每个自然段按照其在正文结构中所处的层次表示为树相应层次的一个结点。

    Title is the root while each paragraph is a node in the tree with different level corresponding to its place in the text structure .

  5. 本文在开篇第一自然段即点明“音乐是国际语言”,主要标志就是世界各地的人都喜欢音乐。

    When music is played , it seems as if it were speaking to us.D.Music is so popular throughout the world that everyone can play it .

  6. 事实上,在简单的仅仅2个PLD上实现整个设计(自然除了7段显示器之外)也是可能的。

    In fact , it is possible to implement the entire design ( except the7-segment displays , of course !) on just a couple simple PLD 's.

  7. 长江上游珍稀特有鱼类国家级自然保护区四川段周丛藻类研究

    Studies on the Periphytic Algae in the Sichuan Section of the Rare and Unique Fish National Nature Reserve on Yangtze Upriver

  8. 时长预测是建立对时长有影响的韵律环境与自然语流中音段时长的对应关系。

    Duration modeling is to establish a mapping relationship between the prosodic environment and the final duration engendered in natural speech .

  9. 方法在40个成人左肺标本上,切开肺段间各表面形态处的脏胸膜,沿自然分裂线寻找段间平面。

    Methods The visceral pleura intersegmental surface on 40 adult left lung specimens were incised and intersegmental planes were sought along " natural line of cleavage " in adjoining segments .

  10. 采用可视化观察与数据同步记录分析相结合的方法,研究了不同压力条件下自然循环系统上升段中的闪蒸现象及其对自然循环稳定性的作用。

    Under different pressures the flashing in riser of natural circulation system and its effect on flow stability were studied by the method of visual observation in synchronism with data recording .