
  • 网络Egocentrism;egocentricity;egoism;Autism
  1. 安莱特对残疾少儿与普通少儿的自我中心主义进行了比较研究,发现两者存在显著差异。

    Anlaite had carried out researches of the comparison of egocentrism of disabled children and normal children and found significant differences existing among two groups .

  2. 从儿童心理理论角度思考道德心理的两个方面问题:一是从儿童心理理论看个体道德发展,如:道德发展中的自我中心主义、自律道德、观点采择、移情和道德情绪归因判断等;

    From the theory of children 's psychology this article discusses two aspects of moral development . Firstly , individual moral development is analyzed such as egocentricity , self-discipline morality , perspective taking , judgment of the causes of feelings transference and moral emotions .

  3. autism自我中心主义(aut-自己,ism-主义)它指的是一种影响广泛的疾病,特征是社交障碍,重复性行为和语言,不爱开口说话。

    It refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills , repetitive behaviors , speech and nonverbal communication .

  4. 但是,全知叙述者批判了代助的自我中心主义。

    Yet the omniscient narrator criticizes the egoism of Daisuke .

  5. 本文认为以人类中心主义和自我中心主义为主要特征的工业时代的文化是生态危机的根源。

    The human-centered and self-centered culture fostered in the industrial age led to biological crisis .

  6. 对待歧视会产生价值相对主义和自我中心主义两个极端。

    Facing discrimination , two extremes appear : one is relativism , and the other is egoism .

  7. 一个超级大国的自信最终演变成了自我中心主义,这似乎是人类历史上不可避免的趋势。

    A superpower 's self confidence eventually evolves into self-centeredness & a somewhat inevitable course in human history .

  8. 此外,伦理学的相关理论也被用来深入探讨相关问题,比如道义学,道德自我中心主义等。

    Besides , ethical theories such as deontology and ethical egoism are also employed to examine the problem deeply .

  9. 一位拒绝透露身份的汽车行业高管称:“口水战和自我中心主义四处横行。”

    Trash talking and egos run amok , " said one auto executive who declined to be identified . "

  10. 世界文学意识打破了中国传统文学的封闭意识和自我中心主义,使中国文学思想与世界文学思想相沟通、融汇。

    The world literature consciousness broke the closed consciousness and self-importance of traditional Chinese literature and caused Chinese literature to communicate with the world .

  11. 当前社会环境恶化、生态破坏日益严重,主要是人类自我中心主义过度膨胀造成的。

    The environmental deterioration and ecological damage are serious day by day in the current society , these are Anthropocentrism over expansion make to cause to so .

  12. 分析了经济人假设的基础主义思维模式和自我中心主义方法的缺陷,在评析西方关于理性的认识中提出理性的基本规定。

    This paper analyzes the limitations of basic thinking pattern and ultra-individualism of economic people hypothesis , puts forward the basic regulations among the realistic social relationships .

  13. 人类只有克服自我中心主义,才能摆脱人性异化精神危机。

    The alienation and distortion of relationship between man and nature , man and society , and man and himself ( spirit ) gives rise to the tragedy .

  14. 你们在道中既不渺小、违法、痛苦和绝望,也不自杀、病倒、凌虐、残疾、战争狂热、消耗或自我中心主义。

    You are not small and lawless and bitter and depressed , or suicidal , diseased , abusive , deformed , war mongering , consumptive or self centered in the Tao .

  15. 与传统理性自我中心主义不同,交往理性主张主体与自然界之间、主体与社会之间、主体与主体之间平等、对话、沟通与理解。

    Different from traditional rationality , focusing on self-center , communicative rationality advocates the equality , dialogue , communication and understanding between subject and nature , subject and society , subject and object .

  16. 主体性思想政治教育容易滑向单一主体性,产生自我中心主义和人类中心主义,导致社会关系的异化和生态环境的恶化。

    Ideological and political education of subjectivity is liable to slide into a single , self-generated and human-center situation . Also it can lead to social alienation and the deterioration of the ecological environment .

  17. 造成这种自我中心主义蔓延的原因之一可能是成功男人越来越喜欢强势、自负且聪明的女人,愿意和她们生孩子。

    It is possible that one of the causes of the autism epidemic is the growing tendency for successful men to be attracted to and have children with powerful , assertive and intelligent females .

  18. 在思想政治教育中,角色承担有助于克服人们的自我中心主义,有助于加强人们之间的互相理解,有助于培养人们的责任意识。

    The significance of role commitment for the ideological and political education is : to help overcome the self-centered , and help enhance the mutual understanding between the people and cultivate a sense of responsibility .

  19. 他与儿媳妇一起开车前往。儿媳妇对他心存怨恨,因为伯雷教授的儿子,也就是她的丈夫继承了父亲的自我中心主义,并且不想要孩子。

    He travels there with his daughter-in-law , who feels resentful toward him because his son , her husband , displays all the egotistical traits of the old man and does not want to have children .

  20. 以往的思想政治教育过分强调教育者的主体地位和受教育者的服从地位,是一种片面的教育活动,压制了人的发展,容易产生自我中心主义思想。

    Ideological and political education emphasis too much on the dominant position of the educator and the educated subject to status in the past , it will become a one-sided education , and will become a suppression to human development , prone to self-centered ideology .

  21. 真是典型的以自我为中心的个人主义行为。

    Typical egotistical behavior for a player who has let the spotlight get to him .

  22. 如今根据以自我为中心的现实主义者叙利亚乌克兰或中非共和国的冲突并不是我们要解决的

    Today , according to self-described realists conflicts in Syria or Ukraine or the Central African Republic are not ours to solve

  23. 但自我在世界中不可避免要遭遇实体化,而实体化自我导致了人类中心主义和人类普遍危机,因而自我之超越成为必然趋势。

    However , Ego cannot avoid encountering the substantiation which results in human-centralism and general human crisis . Therefore , there appears a necessary tendency to transcend Ego .