
  • 网络Ideological Advertising
  1. 解读意识形态广告

    A Study in Advertising of Ideology

  2. 广告是一种社会性的沟通,意识形态广告公司找到了与消费者进行沟通的新方式&意识形态,引导受众的价值观和生活方式。

    The Ideology Advertising Corporation found a new communicational way & ideology , which lead receiver 's value view and lifestyle .

  3. 这些意识形态往往对广告受众的消费心理产生非常大的影响。

    These ideologies exert strong psychological influences on the audience .

  4. 分析结果表明性别意识形态潜伏在广告话语中,性别歧视现象依然存在,但更多情况下是以更加隐蔽的形式存在。

    The results of analysis indicate that ideology is latent in advertising discourse and sexism still exists , but more often in more implied ways .

  5. 在宏观层面上,追溯广告符号学研究的发展历程,认为跨文化广告符号研究系统大体上可以划分为三大板块:广告文本分析、广告的意识形态观和广告符号素养研究。

    At the macro level , it traces the history of the study of semiotics , dividing the study system of cross-cultural advertising semiotic into three parts : analysis on advertising text , the ideology of advertising and study on the literacy of advertising semiotic .

  6. 通过结合意识形态相关理论和广告语翻译实践,指出了意识形态对广告语翻译的操纵作用和重要影响。

    By combining the ideological manipulation of translation with the process of advertising , the thesis points out the important impact of ideology on advertising translation .

  7. 通过揭示广告语篇中语言形式背后隐藏的意识形态及意识形态对广告翻译的操纵,作者试图将广告翻译研究、意识形态研究与批评话语分析相结合。

    Through revealing ideology hidden behind advertising language and ideological manipulation in advertising translation , the author tries to combine studies of ideology and advertising translation with Critical Discourse Analysis .

  8. 作为一种传播媒介,它向受众者传递价值观念和意识形态,因而现代广告已成为一种文化载体,它既受文化的影响,同时又以各种符号为载体,传播文化。

    As a communication media , advertisements also pass on the values and ideologies to the audience , as a result of which , the modern advertisements have become culture carriers which are influenced by culture , and meantime , transmit culture with various signs .