
  • 网络tacit knowledge
  1. 意会知识与科学认识模式的重建

    The Tacit Knowledge and the Rebuilding of Science Cognition

  2. 企业内两种形式的意会知识及相应的治理方式

    Two Forms of Tacit Knowledge within Enterprises and the Corresponding Ways of Governance

  3. 意会知识及其在企业内传播的探讨

    Tacit Knowledge and its Diffusion Inside Enterprises

  4. 论企业意会知识的管理

    On Managing the Tacit Knowledge in Enterprises

  5. 当前,对持续竞争优势的深入研究使意会知识对企业越来越重要。

    With the deeper studying on sustainable competitive advantage , tacit knowledge becomes more and more important for enterprises .

  6. 在此基础上,将技能性知识、明言知识和意会知识结合起来形成技能性知识的空间体系,讨论这三者之间的关系。

    On this basis , the skillful knowledge , explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge are combined together to form a space system of skillful knowledge .

  7. 正因如此,日本人在组织管理上,更强调意会知识(即直觉、经验、想象等)的挖掘,强调上层和中层管理人员与一线员工的协作与沟通,并特别突出中层管理人员的作用。

    So Japanese stress knowledge creation , cooperation of the front line employees and middle level managers in organization management , especially they devote much attention to middle level managers .

  8. 再次,强化思想政治教育意会知识的传输与显性化,提高思想政治教育信息的传输效果,增强思想政治教育实效性。

    Once again , strengthening the ideological and political education in the transmission of tacit knowledge and explicit , improving ideological and political education , information transmission effect and enhance the effectiveness of ideological and political education .

  9. 考察图像的直观和美学意义,可以更好地把握图像生成的背景,理解如何产生意会知识,以及对人的视觉思维的影响。

    By a survey of vision of image and its aesthetic significance , the background of image production can be understood better , which , in addition , plays an important role in knowing how to produce sense knowledge and affecting thought of vision .

  10. 基于对知识的类型及企业内两种不同意会知识特点的分析,探讨了企业内意会知识的团队式与竞争式治理方式的有效性,以补充流程管理的不足。

    Based on the analysis of the type of knowledge and the characteristics of two forms of tacit knowledge in enterprises , the paper studied the availability of ways of team-type and competition-type governance in management of tacit knowledge inside businesses , so as to complement business process management perfectly .

  11. 文章认为沟通成本由企业家精神所依赖的意会性知识以及企业家与要素所有者的主观素质差异所决定,沟通成本的大小是决定新企业成功创建和企业初始资本结构的一个关键因素。

    The author argues that communication cost is determined by tacit knowledge of entrepreneurship , and the subjective endowment difference between the entrepreneur and other factor owners , and communication cost is a key factor for the probability of a new firm emergence and new firm 's initial capital structure .