
  • 网络black boxes;black box operation;black case work;monkey business
暗箱操作 [àn xiāng cāo zuò]
  • [black case work]指不公平、不公正地做某事。也称“黑箱操作”、“暗箱作业”,相对于“阳光操作”。

  1. 为杜绝暗箱操作,参建单位日前与供水工程总指挥部签署了质量、全终身责任书。

    To stop the black case work , the unit joining into the construction signed the Lifelong Quality and Safety Contract with the water-providing engineering headquarters .

  2. 为了提高采购的质量,降低采购成本,减少徇私舞弊和暗箱操作,需要采用一种公开透明的采购方式来规范采购过程中的行为。

    Then there is a need to use a open and transparent way to regulate the procurement act in procurement process , in order to improve the quality of procurement , reduce procurement costs , avoid embezzlement and black case work .

  3. 牙医声称政府正通过暗箱操作将牙医业私有化。

    Dentists claim the Government is privatising dentistry through the back door .

  4. 对大多数开发者来说,XSLT是一种暗箱操作。

    For most developers XSLT is a black-box operation .

  5. 美国总统乔治W布什暗箱操作,把决策权交给一小部分拍马逢迎之徒的做法,已彰显其害。

    US President George W.Bush has shown the dangers of excessive secrecy and confining decision-making to a narrow circle of sycophants .

  6. 因为人们不认可Klout评分方法,质疑它在暗箱操作。

    Because outsiders were unsure of how scores were achieved , they questioned their validity .

  7. 选举工作几乎没有暗箱操作的可能。

    You could hardly accuse the vote of being stage-managed .

  8. 还有一部分刚果人则担心选举会被暗箱操作。

    Others have expressed fears the election will be rigged .

  9. 加强采购部门的管理,防止暗箱操作等三个方面的对策。

    Strengthening the management of the purchasing department and preventing the unethical behavior .

  10. 专家称,很大一部分钱是暗箱操作,而且没有妥善支出。

    Much of the money is opaquely handled and poorly spent , experts say .

  11. 这种行为被称为暗箱操作,它会让我们白白花费一些没有必要的钱。

    This process is called earmarking , and it often results in unnecessary spending .

  12. 确保整个过程都是暗箱操作。

    Make sure the entire business is invisible .

  13. 其二,政府采购中信息公开、竞争公平,无法暗箱操作;

    Second , government procurement of information open , fair competition , not black-box operation ;

  14. 期间有很多政治上的暗箱操作,花了很多钱才摆平

    There was a lot of backroom politicking , a lot of buying people off .

  15. 其次,逐步完善地票交易制度,规避交易中暗箱操作的可能。

    Secondly , improve the trading system , avoid the possibility of trading in the black-box operation .

  16. 网民推测包的评论指出有暗箱操作让曾轶可继续留在这个舞台上。

    Netizens interpreted Bao ` s comments to mean there had been shady decision-making to keep Zeng on stage .

  17. 监管机构近期提出的指控显示出,要证明这类暗箱操作行为给其他投资者造成重大损失是很困难的。

    Recent cases brought by regulators show the difficulties of documenting that the shadowy practice causes material damages to other investors .

  18. 然而任何诚实的观察人士都清楚,美国目前的高管薪酬其实正是暗箱操作体系的产物。

    Yet any honest observer knows that executive pay in America is , in fact , set largely by rigged systems today .

  19. 但是利物浦主教练否认任何暗箱操作,他强调他根本就没有与桑德兰前锋谈判过。

    But the Liverpool boss has denied any wrong-doing and insists he has not been involved in negotiations for the Sunderland striker .

  20. 伴随着腐败的往往是暗箱操作、公正流失、监管不力,造成非常严重的社会后果。

    Corruption is often accompanied by black-box operation , just the loss , lack of supervision , resulting in very serious social consequences .

  21. 山于对这些差变异了解不够,国内许多企业盲目实施管理层收购,结果造成了严重的负面影响,主要表现为信息不对称、暗箱操作、内部人控制、国有资产流失和不公平交易等。

    These influence mainly conclude of asymmetry information , secretly operation , inner people controlling , unfair exchange and loss of state-owned assets .

  22. 为了防止上述行为的发生,各国加强了信息披露制度的立法工作,严格了收购人的信息披露义务,使收购活动置于阳光照射之下,有效防止了暗箱操作行为的发生。

    In order to prevent this kinds of behaviors , different country strengthens its legislation and tightens the disclosure obligations of the bidders .

  23. 在许多亚洲国家的公司里,雇员们在公司出错了,将会被列入黑名单或者被暗箱操作,不会再被任何公司聘用。

    Many Asian countries practice black-balling or blacklisting and employees who fail at this company , will not be hired at any other .

  24. 你说的我都想买一张票了你是负责人你可以暗箱操作嘛

    You 're making me think I should buy a ticket Well , you are in charge . You could always rig it .

  25. 工业时代的“产业”就像一个个俱乐部,每个产业都有各自的准入标准和暗箱操作,只向那些同意按规则出牌的公司敞开。

    As if industries were clubs with exclusive admission criteria and secret handshakes only revealed to companies that agree to play by understood rules .

  26. 人们或许确实会为了自己的短期私利而做出短视行为,但是明目张胆地说出这番话却会不可避免地招致关于暗箱操作的抨击。

    People may act in favor of their own short-term selfish interests but saying so is an inevitable invitation to cries of foul play .

  27. 教育收费中存在的暗箱操作和一费制的实施也促成了不规范的收费行为的出现。

    The " camera operation " behavior in education charge and the implementation of the " one-standard-charge system " have also facilitated the unreasonable charge .

  28. 股权转让价格的不合理及管理层的自买自卖、暗箱操作,是造成企业资产流失的主要原因。

    The main reasons for the losing of corporate economic resources are no reasonable transfer price , the management seller-buyer identity and operation in black box .

  29. 举个例子,即使是一项拨往我们军队的支出,但如果它可以附带暗箱操作和其它没有意义的支出,就不能被添加入我们国土防御的预算中。

    For example , a bill to fund our military can be loaded up with unjustified earmarks and other spending that may not add to our national security .

  30. 工程量清单报价与传统的定额报价相比,实行价格市场化,它的一系列优点使它可以避免工程招标中的弄虚作假、暗箱操作等不规范的招标行为。

    Comparing with traditional ration bidding mode , B.Q bidding mode implement price marketization . Series of its advantage prevent project from practicing fraud in bidding and tendering .