
  • 网络dark pool
  1. 暗池运营商liquidnet为另类交易平台的角色进行了辩护。

    Dark pool operator Liquidnet defended the role provided by alternative trading platforms .

  2. 美国地方法院的一名法官拒绝受理投资者起诉巴克莱(Barclays)和众多交易所的官司,驳回了关于该行操纵其“暗池”交易平台、使之有利于高频交易商的指控。

    A district court judge in the US has thrown out investor lawsuits against Barclays and a host of exchanges , dismissing claims that the bank rigged its " dark pool " trading venue in favour of high-frequency traders .

  3. 世界交易所联合会(worldfederationofexchanges,wfe)则认为,大量交易通过“暗池”完成,使投资者摸不清市场行情。

    The World Federation of exchanges argues that too much trading takes place on dark pools , making markets opaque for many investors .

  4. 李小加面临的挑战将是如何提高利润,同时击退来自上海证交所(ShanghaiStockExchange)和可能会夺走市场份额的另类交易平台(又称暗池)的竞争。

    Mr Li 's challenge will be to boost profits while fighting off competition from the Shanghai Stock Exchange and from alternative trading platforms , known as dark pools , which threaten to take market share .

  5. 根据市场研究公司Tabb集团(TabbGroup)的说法,巴克莱和瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)是美国最大的暗池运营商。

    Barclays and Credit Suisse are the biggest operators of dark pools in the US , according to Tabb Group , a market-research firm .

  6. 近期有关闪电指令和暗池的评论,错误地把这些对于市场结构的担忧,与有关从事大额算法交易(algorithmictrading)的市场参与者的合法性问题混为一谈。

    Recent commentary on flash orders and dark pools has wrongly conflated these market structure concerns with questions on the validity of market participants who engage in high - Volume algorithmic trading .

  7. 欧盟内部市场专员查理麦克理维(charliemccreevy)的发言人表示,欧盟的评估将包括暗池。

    The Brussels review would now include dark pools , said a spokesman for Charlie McCreevy , EU internal market commissioner .

  8. SEC还将调查是否应强制所谓的暗池交易参与者上报更多的交易数据,因为部分投资者通过暗池交易掩盖自己真正的交易活动。

    The SEC is looking into whether so-called dark pools , where some investors try to mask their trading activity , should be forced to report more of their transaction data .

  9. 证交会还将审查“资金暗池”(darkpools,即不公开显示报价的电子交易)和高频交易(hft)。

    The SEC is also set to examine " dark pools " , electronic trading venues that do not publicly display quotes , and high frequency trading ( HFT ) .

  10. cfa呼吁监管机构密切注意暗池交易量占比扩大的情况,完善与暗池交易相关的报告和披露制度。

    The CFA called on regulators to monitor the growth in the proportion of dark volume trading and improve the reporting and disclosure around the operations of dark pools .

  11. 股票交易平台Turquoise今天将宣布开通泛欧股票交易服务的计划,该服务将把由各银行运行的资金暗池(darkpools)连接起来。此举是旨在对抗整个欧洲地区流动性日益分散化的最新努力。

    Turquoise , the equities trading platform , will today announce plans for a pan-European share trading service linking dark pools operated by banks in the latest effort to combat the increasing fragmentation of liquidity across the region .

  12. 运行最大暗池之一的巴克莱股价下滑逾6%,其它大型暗池运营商的股价也下跌,包括瑞信、瑞银(UBS)和德意志银行。

    Shares in Barclays , which operates one of the biggest , lost more than 6 per cent , while shares in other large operators , including Credit Suisse , UBS and Deutsche Bank , also fell .

  13. 由银行运营的暗池在其中所占的份额最大,由交易所和Chi-X欧洲(Chi-XEurope)等另类交易平台所运营的暗池所占份额最小。

    Dark pools operated by banks accounted for the largest share of that figure , with those run by exchanges and alternative platforms , such as Chi-X Europe , the smallest .

  14. 总部位于伦敦的特许金融分析师协会(CFAInstitute)展开的这项调查发现,通过暗池进行的美国股票交易量比2009年初上升了48%,截至今年3月占到全部交易量之和的31%。

    A survey by the London-based CFA Institute found that trading of US equities on dark pools had risen 48 per cent since the start of 2009 to account for about 31 per cent of total consolidated volume , as of March .

  15. 此举也使得turquoise这个于3个月前启动的交易平台,再次成为伦敦证交所(lse)的竞争对手,因为后者正计划推出自己的资金暗池。

    The move also pits turquoise , launched three months ago , against the London Stock Exchange for a second time , because the exchange plans to launch a dark pool of its own .

  16. 上周,美国证交会(SEC)曾就暗池的透明度发出警告。暗池交易系统允许执行大宗股票交易,在交易完成前不显示价格。

    The move comes on the heels of a warning last week by the US Securities and Exchange Commission over the transparency of dark pools , which allow the matching of large blocks of shares without prices being revealed until after trades are completed .

  17. 挤压纽交所市场空间的不仅有bats之类的新兴交易所,还有“暗池”供机构间进行大宗交易的私募交易所以及进行内部交易的银行。

    The NYSE has been squeezed out not only by upstart exchanges such as bats , but by " dark pools " private exchanges on which institutions trade with each other in large blocks and by banks making transactions internally .

  18. 它也刺激了暗池的发展,一些暗池由独立运营商创建,一些由交易所创建,第三类由chi-x等“多边交易设施”创建。

    It also spurred the growth of dark pools some launched by independent operators , others by exchanges and a third category by " multilateral trading facilities " such as chi-x.

  19. “我们面临大量发生在公开市场以外的暗池交易,而股票交易已经变成一种纽交所和纳斯达克(nasdaq)难于展开竞争的大宗商品,”bats首席执行官乔拉特曼(joeratterman)表示。

    " We face a lot of dark execution that happens , away from the lit market , and share trading has become a commodity in which the NYSE and Nasdaq have trouble competing , " says Joe ratterman , chief executive of bats .

  20. 不过,纽约南区地方法院法官杰西弗曼(JesseFurman)周三表示,原告们未陈述任何符合“操纵行为”定义的行动,也未陈述这些行动如何能够影响暗池中交易的证券的价格。

    But judge Jesse Furman of the Southern District of New York said on Wednesday that the plaintiffs did not allege any actions that met the definition of " manipulative acts , " or how those actions could have affected the price at which securities traded in the dark pool .

  21. 暗池这个名称用词不当,不可避免地产生了负面含义。

    This name is a misnomer and has inevitably gained a negative connotation .

  22. 这种机密性也就解释了他们为什么还有另外一个名字:暗池交易。

    This explains why they also have another name : " dark pools . "

  23. 3家银行的上述举措近乎于合并各自的暗池。

    Today 's move stops short of combining the banks ' respective dark pools .

  24. 不过,通过各类暗池进行的交易总量仍然不大。

    However , the total amount of trading via dark pools of all kinds is still modest .

  25. 闪电指令或者暗池听上去有点靠不住,裸交易的所有别名亦是如此。

    Flash orders or dark pools just sound dubious , as does any variant of naked trading .

  26. 截至10月,共有86个暗池交易系统在证券交易委员会进行了登记。

    As of October , there were eighty-six alternative trading systems registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission .

  27. 正是使用技术才招致了“暗池”这个不雅的名称。

    It is this use of technology that has been given the unfortunate " dark pool " appellation .

  28. 暗池可进行大宗股票交易,价格在交易完成后才会公开。

    Dark pools allow the trading of blocks of shares with prices made public only after trades are completed .

  29. 此外,在散户投资者无法涉足的庞大场外交易“暗池”中,可能存在更多的高频交易。

    And there is probably more in the gigantic " dark pools " of off-exchange trading inaccessible to retail investors .

  30. 国际货币基金组织还表示,这类暗池交易活动基本不受市场监管者控制。

    Also , the IMF says the activity of these trading systems is largely outside the reach of market regulators .