
àn zōng rǎng
  • Dark brown soil;dark brown earth
暗棕壤[àn zōng rǎng]
  1. 中国东北林区棕色针叶林土壤和暗棕壤的N养分差异性

    Comparison of Nitrogen Nutrient in Brown Coniferous Forest Soil and Dark Brown Forest Soil in Northeastern China

  2. 棕壤、暗棕壤及草甸土的H/F值相比较,以暗棕壤最大,草甸土次之,棕壤最小;

    The H / F ratio is the highest for dark brown soil , while the smallest for brown soil and intermediate for meadow soil .

  3. 对暗棕壤和黑土来说,微生物减小了Hu芳香化合物的量,促使Hu的氧化度升高。

    Dark Brown Soil and Mollisols , the microorganisms reduce the amount of the Hu aromatic compounds , prompted Hu degree of oxidation increased .

  4. 有机酸对森林暗棕壤磷的释放效应

    Organic Acids Affecting on Phosphorous Release of Dark Brown Forest Soil

  5. 长期定位施肥对暗棕壤磷素肥力的影响

    Effects of Long-term Located Fertilization on Phosphorus Fertility of Alfisol

  6. 草酸/草酸盐对森林暗棕壤的磷释放效应

    Effects of oxalic acid / oxalate on phosphorus release of dark brown forest soil

  7. 起源于暗棕壤和红壤的水稻土有机质特性研究

    Characteristics of organic matters in paddy soils derived from dark brown soil and red soil

  8. 还原剂对森林暗棕壤碱解氮测定的影响褐河乌繁殖观察

    Effect of Reductants on the Determination of Base Hydrolyzable N in Dark - Brown Forest Soil

  9. 3种土类的酸性淋溶过程和物质迁移过程顺序为:暗棕壤>棕壤>草甸土;

    In regards to the acid leaching and substance migration dark burozem > burozem > meadow soil ;

  10. 总体来看,暗棕壤烟叶化学成分协调性最优。

    Overall , the chemical compositions in tobacco leaf were optimal of dark brown forest soil . 6 .

  11. 黑土培育的小粒大豆脂肪+蛋白质含量为59.81%,仅次于暗棕壤。

    The oil + protein content of small-seed soybean from phaeozem was 59.81 % , just after dark brown soil .

  12. 本文研究了吉林省长白山区的主要栽参土壤(暗棕壤人参床土)的基本物理特性及其影响因素。

    The present paper deals with the physical properties of some soils cultivated with Ginseng in the Changbai mountain areas of Jilin .

  13. 蛋白质含量、脂肪+蛋白质含量以暗棕壤培育的小粒大豆最高,为44.22%和59.93%。

    Protein and oil + protein content of small-seed soybean from dark brown soil were the highest , 44.22 % and 59.93 % respectively .

  14. 外源硒在暗棕壤&蔬菜体系中的转化机理绿叶蔬菜,如花椰菜和大白菜,也都富含钙质。

    Transformation of Adding Selenium in Dark Brown Soil-vegetable System ; Green leafy vegetables , like broccoli and Chinese cabbage , are also calcium-rich .

  15. 采用综合评分法对不同土质长白落松木材的有关指标进行制浆造纸性能的综合比较分析得出∶土壤为暗棕壤的长白落叶松用作造纸用材较好。

    Comprehensive analysis of the relevant factors for papermaking by comprehensive evaluation method indicates that larch wood in dark brown soil is suitable for papermaking .

  16. 无论是连续浸提还是淋洗两种方式都充分说明暗棕壤中有着相当可观的可被有机酸(草酸和柠檬酸)释放的磷。

    Both repeated sequential extraction procedures and leaching procedures could fully show that , considerable P could be released from Dark Brown Forest Soil while extracted by organic acids .

  17. 本文针对北方森林暗棕壤碱解氮、速效磷、有机质的测定方法进行综合比较研究。

    The comparison of the methods for determination about soil available N 、 P and the soil organic substance in the dark brown forest soil were studied synthetically in the thesis .

  18. 在环境稳定的条件下,随着土壤年龄的增加,必将显示粘化过程,其地球化学特征向着暗棕壤的方向演化。

    Stable conditions in the environment , with the increase of soil age , the process will show sticky process , its geochemical characteristics toward the evolution of the dark brown soil .

  19. 单株产量以暗棕壤培育的小粒大豆最高,达12.65g/株,黑土培育的小粒大豆次之,为12.32g/株。

    Yield per plant of small-seed soybean growing in dark brown soil and phaeozem was the highest of the five soils , 12.65 g / plant and 12.32 g / plant respectively .

  20. 草酸能明显促进暗棕壤A1层磷的释放,且磷的释放量随草酸浓度增加而线性增加。

    Third , Oxalic acid could obviously contribute to phosphorus release in Dark Brown Forest Soil A1 horizon , and amounts of phosphorus release rose with the rising of concentrations of Oxalic acid .

  21. 无机磷分级方法Ⅰ的活性炭脱色法和方法Ⅱ本底脱色法都适用于北方森林暗棕壤。

    Activated carbon decolored method of fractionation of inorganic soil P method I and background decolored method of fractionation of inorganic soil P method II were adaptable for the dark brown forest soil .

  22. 不同类型土壤中碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾的变化趋势与烟株生长发育密切相关,暗棕壤的速效磷含量丰富、供钾能力强。

    The trend of available N , P and K in three soil types was closely related with the growth of tobacco plant . Higher contents of available P and K in dark brown forest soil could supply more nutrition to tobacco plant . 2 .

  23. 结果表明:暗棕壤和黑土培育的小粒大豆在株高、植株鲜重、干物质积累、叶面积指数、根鲜重、有效根瘤数量等方面明显优于其他类型土壤。

    The results showed that plant height , fresh weight , dry matter accumulation , leaf area index , fresh weight of roots and fresh active root nodules of small-seed soybean grown on dark brown soil and phaeozem were better than those of other soils remarkably .

  24. 黄山花楸适宜生长在温凉、湿润、云雾多、湿度大、土层较深、腐殖质含量丰富、排水良好和偏酸性的暗黄棕壤中,对光照、温度和湿度的要求较高。

    S. amabilis is suitable to cool , moist , misty and humid habitat , with humus-riched dark yellow-brown acidic soil well-drained and strict demands for light , temperature and humidity .