
  1. 我还决定开始做愚人节恶作剧。

    I also decided to start playing April Fool 's pranks .

  2. 发生在罗得岛州一位推销员身上的故事,可以说是愚人节恶作剧之最了。

    The story of a salesman in Rhode Island is said to be the worst trick on April Fools ' Day .

  3. 愚人节的恶作剧、笑话层出不穷!

    The pranks , the jokes , the tricks are endless on April fool 's Day .

  4. 我们在愚人节时才会恶作剧

    We tell practical jokes on April Fool 's Day ,

  5. 在英国愚人节早上搞恶作剧是传统习俗。

    In Britain it 's traditional to play sticks on people on the morning of aprill fool 's day April1st .

  6. 愚人节那天的恶作剧有的很简单(比如,说句你鞋带开了!)

    Pranks performed on April Fool 's Day range from the simple , ( such as saying , Your shoe 's untied !)

  7. 愚人节可不是只有恶作剧。

    April Fools ' Day is not all about pranks .

  8. 在过去一周里,对愚人节笑话和愚人节恶作剧的网络搜索量增加了一倍多,对简易的愚人节恶作剧和职场愚人节笑话的相关搜索量也大大增加了。

    Over the past week , Web searches on april fools day jokes and april fools day pranks have more than doubled , and related lookups for easy april fools day pranks and april fools day jokes for work also spiked .

  9. 而现在愚人节依然很流行。在过去一周里,对“愚人节笑话”和“愚人节恶作剧”的网络搜索量增加了一倍多,对“简易的愚人节恶作剧”和“职场愚人节笑话”的相关搜索量也大大增加了。

    And it 's still going strong . Over the past week , Web searches on " april fools day jokes " and " april fools day pranks " have more than doubled , and related lookups for " easy april fools day pranks " and " april fools day jokes for work " also spiked .