
  • 网络infective stage;infection phase;infectious stage
  1. 而再次感染阶段以TH2应答为主。

    While T_H2 response was more predominant than T_H1 response in the second infection phase .

  2. 腺病毒在宿主细胞中的生活周期以病毒DNA复制的起始为界限被分为早期感染阶段和晚期感染阶段。

    Adenovirus infection cycle in host cells is conveniently divided into early and late stages by the onset of DNA replication .

  3. 乙型肝炎不同感染阶段HBV-DNA载量与病程的关系

    The quantity of HBV-DNA in hepatitis B patients in different infected stage and their relationships with disease progress

  4. 表明IL-1在介导急血患者发热和炎症反应以及慢血感染阶段的免疫调节中可能起重要作用。

    The results indicate that IL-1 may play an important role in inducing the inflammatory reaction in patients with acute schistosomiasis japonica and in the immunoregulation in the chronic stage .

  5. 越来越多的文献报导表明Treg可以在急性和慢性病毒感染阶段发挥对抗病毒T细胞反应的抑制作用。

    Growing evidence suggests that Treg may play an important role in the suppression of antiviral T-cell responses in the acute and chronic phases of infection .

  6. 方法用时间分辨荧光免疫分析系统和适时荧光定量PCR(FQPCR)方法同时检测299例不同感染阶段的乙型肝炎患者血清中HBeAg及HBVdna的含量。

    Methods The quantity of HBV DNA and HBeAg hepatitis B patient of 299 cases in different infected stage were detected by time distinguish fluorescence immunity analysis systematic and fluorescence quantitative PCR ( FQ PCR ) at the same time .

  7. 所以,在腺病毒早晚期感染阶段转换的调控中,有一个重要问题就是:腺病毒如何在不同的感染阶段使用MLTU上不同的转录区?

    Thus , the transition from early to late stage infection by adenovirus involves a change in mRNA expression from MLTU .

  8. 严重烧伤病人急性感染阶段的微循环紊乱

    Microcirculatory Disorder of Severely Burned Patients During Acute Infection Period

  9. 通过光镜和电镜对各感染阶段进行观察,从形态学角度阐述其感染机理。

    To explain the infection mechanism by morphology study .

  10. 病人可以在医生认为可以服用抗逆转录病毒药物之前的早期感染阶段使用,或者在得不到抗逆转录病毒药物的情况下使用。

    It could also be given either during the early period of infection before doctors consider anti-retrovirals appropriate , or when anti-retrovirals are unavailable .

  11. 隐性感染阶段体温、呼吸、心率明显增高,其它指标也有一定程度的变化。

    The temperature , respiratory frequency and heart rate were much higher than the normal value in the inapparent stage and other indexes had some changes in a certain extent .

  12. 慢性HBV感染不同阶段细胞免疫及其与病毒清除的关系

    Cellular Immune Response in Different Phases of Chronic HBV Infection and Its Relationship with Virus Clearance

  13. CD8+T细胞不刺激的有效期间,艾滋病病毒感染的阶段,从而使艾滋病患者很容易受到大多数病毒,包括艾滋病毒本身。

    CD8 + T cells are not stimulated as effectively during the AIDS stage of HIV infection , making AIDS patients very susceptible to most viruses , including HIV itself .

  14. DAC处理对病毒极早期基因的表达在感染后不同阶段有不同的影响。

    Treatment with DAC has different effect on immediate early gene expression in different phases of infection .

  15. 这表示这些基因在文昌鱼感染的急性阶段可能发挥重要作用。

    The results indicated that the complement components play an important role in the acute phase of infection .

  16. 天然免疫系统是机体抵抗病原微生物入侵感染的最初阶段,在肝损伤及炎症的发病过程中起着重要的作用。

    The innate immunity , within which plays significant role in liver injury and inflammation , works as the first defense against pathogen invasion .

  17. ?获得性免疫缺乏综合症是艾滋病感染的最后阶段,会导致对免疫系统的严重破环。

    AIDS ( Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ) is the final and most serious stage of HIV disease , which causes severe damage to the immune system .

  18. 该研究组目前正在试图开发一种更精密版本的测试,以便在感染的稍后阶段检测出埃博拉病毒的抗体。

    The team are now trying to develop a more sophisticated version of the test to detect antibodies to the virus in the later stages of infection .

  19. 他和同事发现,在感染的最初阶段,冬眠的蝙蝠消耗的能量达到健康蝙蝠的两倍。

    He and his colleagues have found that , starting at the earliest stages of infection , afflicted hibernating bats begin burning twice as much energy as unaffected bats .

  20. 在感染的最初阶段,症状为非特异性并可容易地与包括疟疾、黄热病和伤寒在内的较常见疾病相混淆。

    In the earliest stage of infection , symptoms are non-specific and may be easily confused with more common diseases , including malaria , yellow fever , and typhoid fever .

  21. 方法携有截去穿膜区序列的EBVMA基因的重组昆虫杆状病毒感染不同生长阶段及生长条件的昆虫细胞,应用免疫打点法及MasterImagineVDS影像摄录分析系统测定目的蛋白的表达量。

    Methods Insect cells at different growth phases and in different culture media were infected with recombinant baculovirus carrying EBV MA gene , where the membrane anchor sequence was deleted .

  22. 这些估算结果与模型输出一致,其中具体的偏倚情况视不同的艾滋病毒病毒感染程度和阶段以及死亡率背景而有所不同。

    These estimates were in agreement with the output from the model , in which the bias varied according to the magnitude and stage of the epidemic of HIV infection and background mortality rates .

  23. 在褐藻酸降解菌感染的早期阶段,海带维持着较高的抗氧化能力和对褐藻酸降解菌感染较高的抗性,而且海带的抗感染能力与活性氧产生速率呈一定的正相关性。

    On early stage of infection by alginic acid decomposing bacteria , the laminaria japonica showed higher antioxidantive activity and higher resistance against infection , and its resistance against infection had positive relationship with productive rate of reactive oxygen species .

  24. 人体免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)的感染包含三个阶段,它开始于初期感染,然后是潜伏期,最后是艾滋病期或者是药物治疗期。

    The dynamics of HIV ( Human Immunodeficiency Virus ) infection consist of three distinct phrases starting with primary infection , then latency and finally AIDS or drug therapy .

  25. SW-H是第一个能在感染的多个阶段抑制病毒的转基因高抗病毒动物。

    SW-H is the first transgenic animal with strong antiviral properties that might suppress virus at multiple infection stages .

  26. 可将感染分成两个阶段

    The infection can be divided into two periods

  27. 慢性乙型肝炎病毒感染患者不同感染阶段及拉米呋啶治疗前后的乙型肝炎病毒基因组全长序列的分析

    Analysis of the Full Sequence of Hepatitis B Virus Genome in Patients with Different Infection Stage and before or During the Therapy of Lamivudine

  28. 艾滋病毒感染症状取决于感染阶段。

    The symptoms of HIV vary depending on the stage of infection .

  29. HIV-1早期感染是其感染过程的特殊阶段,具有独特的流行病学、病毒和免疫学特征。

    HIV-1 infection during early infection is a special stage , with a unique epidemiology , viral and immunological characteristics .

  30. 流行性感冒是一种粘膜病,舌下给药的方式比较好是因为你在感染(入血)之前的感染最初阶段就着手处理了。

    Influenza is a mucosal disease . That ( sublingual method ) is better because then you tackle the infection at the very early stage before the infection ( goes to the blood ) .