
  1. 水神感生神话的原型与生成背景

    Prototype of Water Deity Induction and Birth Myth and Generation Background

  2. 禹、契、后稷的感生神话:三代天命观的政治隐喻

    Myths of Heaven-Induced Lives of Yu , Xie and Houji : Political Metaphors of 3-Generation Outlooks on Mandate of Heaven

  3. 从文化成因、文化心理的角度来分析,中国人的门第观在远古感生神话中就已有表露。

    As a culture source , the origin concept in Chinese has started in the old myth about breeding by influence .

  4. 水神感生神话只是用各种水神替代了女子感水生子神话中的水。

    Water deity induction and birth myth only use various water myth substitutes the water in the woman sense water to a child .

  5. 联系中国文化的大背景,后稷感生神话是“宠神其祖,以取威于民”的现实主义精神的体现。

    Considering the diversification and non-generality of totemism , realism of Chinese culture , and the fact that the myth came into being in the civilized era , this viewpoint is open to question .

  6. 对神话原型的探析,从感生神话与图腾神话两个角度分析出僧人神异的出生与在修行中封自然界凶兽的度脱,体现出对远古记忆轨迹的重复。

    Based on the analysis of myth prototype , from the myth and totem myth , we get the monks birth and the practice of the degrees of nature fierce beast and this reflects the repetition of the trajectory of the ancient memory .