
  • 网络bond
  1. 不论如何,表达你关心对方而且你随时准备好了帮助对方是一个非常有效的感情纽带。

    Either way , establishing that you care and that you 're there to help is a powerful emotional bond .

  2. 通常情况下,员工(多为男性)与雇佣企业之间会建立起强有力的感情纽带,企业会组织员工集体出游和一些可携家带口的活动。

    Often , a strong bond would form between the worker and his ( rarely her ) company , with customs such as company-wide trips , and " bring your family " events .

  3. 他切断了和家人的所有感情纽带。

    He was able to sever all emotional bonds to his family .

  4. 我的数据库里没有人类感情纽带的机制。

    My database does not encompass the dynamics of human pair bonding .

  5. 当巴拉德和史密斯陶醉于往事之中时,一些年轻的澳大利亚拒绝承认任何与英国之间的感情纽带。

    While Ballard and Smith reminisce warmly , some younger Australians are dismissive of any emotional ties to Britain .

  6. 现在俱乐部和球迷之间似乎存在一种牢固的感情纽带?

    Now , it seems that there 's a strong " feeling " between the team and the fans ?

  7. 他的生活中没有必要的感情纽带与人际交往,因此,鲁滨逊对待人们的态度完全取决于他们的商品价值,即使是传统意义上家的概念在他看来也微不足道。

    Therefore , he judges people only by their commodity value . Even the concept of family is of no significance to him .

  8. 马萨诸塞州的家庭就放弃了与亲戚们都上的一所“家族学校”的感情纽带,将女儿送到了一所更便宜的州立大学。

    One Massachusetts family is giving up emotional ties to a'legacy school'attended by relatives to send their daughter to a cheaper state university .

  9. 欣赏自己的文化能产生和增强与同样分享这种文化的人们之间的感情纽带,还能够使你辨认,并去欣赏文化差异。

    Appreciating one 's culture creates and strengthens bonds with others who share that culture and also allows one to identify and appreciate cultural difference .

  10. 吊牌作为联系服装与消费者的感情纽带,从它的多维设计角度出发来探究吊牌发展的新趋势是具有现实意义的。

    Hangtag has acted as a link between clothing and consumer . Studying new trend of development in hangtag has great significance according to different point of view .

  11. 间接的,模糊的沟通,不仅未能解决问题,而且也将有助于缺乏一个亲密的家庭成员之间的感情纽带。

    Indirect and vague communication will not only fail to resolve problems , but will also contribute to a lack of intimacy and emotional bonding between family members .

  12. 这也许是因为他们觉得自己已经在网上如此放肆地秀恩爱了,收回这些照片就成了一件极其尴尬的事情。然而这项研究的协同作者解释道,情侣间通过在社交媒体上公开确定恋爱关系能够加彼此间的感情纽带。

    It is probably because they 're too embarrassed to back out as it 's all plastered over the internet . The co-authors of the study explained however , that by publicly confirming their relationships on social media , the couples had deepened their bond .

  13. 她现在感到一种感情的纽带把他们联系在一起。

    She felt bound to him by a strange tie of affection now .

  14. 以感情为纽带,打动学生的心灵,渗透教育性。

    Emotion is its ' bond , touching students ' hearts , permeating educational nature .

  15. 教师和幼儿的关系可被视为如同父母与孩子之间的那样的情感依恋型关系,在某种程度上,幼儿对教师的依恋与他们对父母的依恋一样也是以感情为纽带的。

    The relation of the teacher and child is like the relation of parents and child .

  16. 文化是维系民族感情的纽带,对文化的阐扬是精神文明建设和年轻一代人力战略的必然要求。

    Culture maintains the nation 's feelings , it 's an inevitable demand of constructing spirit civilization and manpower strategy .

  17. 另一位朋友说,“我想,不管我们中国人活到多大年纪,我们都会把白酒作为联系感情的纽带。”

    A lot . Another friend wrote , " I think no matter how old we Chinese people are , we take baijiu as a connection implement for communication . "

  18. 世说新语时代人与自然的关系,已经不再囿于功利实用的目的,而是由一条感情的纽带联结起来,变得更加亲近,也更加富于审美的意味。

    The relationship of human and nature in Shi Shuo Xin Yu Time no longer limits practical purpose , but get closer and more aesthetic meaning through an emotional bind .

  19. 信息本的使用保证了信息快速传递,便于追溯,重要信息有据可查,保证了管理的有效性。使信息本成为传递信息的桥梁,沟通感情的纽带。

    The use of Information Exchange Book guaranteed the fast transmission of the message , provided evidence for important information , and ensured the effectiveness of nursing management , which became a bridge of information transmission and affection communication .

  20. 似乎在寻找家园的马匹,其实是在寻找骑手,而画­作暗示了马就像人一样,寻找着感情的纽带和关联,这才让一个地方成为家园。

    So if the horse is looking for its home in looking for its rider , then the painting suggests that horses , like people , seek the ties and relations of companionship that make a place a home .

  21. 如果别人对你或是你的论点没有感情分,你会很容易驳回他。劝说专家知道这一点,所以他们会讨你喜欢,寻找共同之处,好建立感情纽带和共同的目标。

    It 's easy to dismiss people who are trying to persuade you if you have no emotional stake in them or their argument . Really persuasive people know this , so they will be likeable and look for common ground to help establish emotional bonds and shared objectives .