
  1. 为审判,是因这世界的王受了审判。

    Of judgment , because the prince of this world is judged .

  2. 撒但是这世界的王。

    Satan is the head of that world .

  3. 他是那个世界的王。

    And he was one of that world .

  4. 以后我不再和你们多说话,因为这世界的王将到。他在我里面是毫无所有。

    Hereafter I will not talk much with you : for the prince of this world cometh , and hath nothing in me .

  5. 实际上,圣经中提到撒旦是这世界的王,乃是指着那些服在他权柄下的人说的。

    But in fact the Bible says that the devil is the god of this world only as far as those who are under his dominion are concerned .

  6. 为了充分体现了我们内心世界的孤独,王让这种简单的生活片段,充分利用。

    In order to fully demonstrate the solitude of our inner world , Wang makes full use of such simple fragments of life .

  7. 假设我们招来了乔伊•切斯特纳特和小林尊这两位世界顶尖的大胃王。

    Suppose we recruit Joey Chestnut and TakeruKobayashi , the world 's top competitive eaters .

  8. 它是世界公认的编辑器之王,但许多用户发现它学起来需要一定的过程。

    It 's known around the world as the king of editors , but many users find it has a bit of a learning curve .

  9. 之前作过世界银行高级经济学家的王,现在是华盛顿大学国际关系方面的亨利·M·杰克逊教授。

    After serving as a senior economist at the World Bank , Wong is now the Henry M.Jackson Professor of International Studies at the University of Washington .

  10. 现在这世界受审判,这世界的王要被赶出去。

    31Now is the time for judgment on this world ; now the prince of this world will be driven out .