
  1. 有这么一说,吃早餐能帮助启动大脑功能。

    Eating breakfast helps to jumpstart the brain , so to speak !

  2. 微笑启动了我们大脑的奖励机制,就像巧克力--这种公认的开心秘方--是不可比拟的。

    Smiling stimulates our brain reward mechanism in a way that even chocolate -- a well-regarded pleasure inducer -- cannot match .

  3. 学习一门外语能使成年人重新启动类似的大脑发育过程。

    A way to again create a similar development in our brains is to try to learn a new language when we are adults .

  4. 2016年,杭州市启动“城市大脑”项目,帮助该市利用大数据、云计算和人工智能,在公共安全、交通和医疗保健等领地制定规划。

    Hangzhou 's City Brain project was launched in 2016 to help the city make plans in areas including public security , transport and healthcare with the use of big data , cloud computing and artificial intelligence .

  5. 我们还启动了一项大脑创新计划,彻底革新我们对人类大脑工作机制的理解。

    We 've also launched the BRAIN initiative to revolutionize our understanding of how the human brain works .