
  • 网络commissioning;debug;start debugging;Boot Debug
  1. 您需要主机名或者客户端IP地址来启动调试引擎。

    The host name or client IP address is needed to start the debug engine .

  2. 启动调试模式类似于运行项目,只是要单击工具栏中的Debug而非Run。

    Starting in Debug mode is similar to running your project except that you click Debug on the toolbar , rather than Run .

  3. W形火焰锅炉燃烧系统的启动调试

    Start-up and Adjustment of W-shaped Flame Boiler Combustion System

  4. 低水温、低有机负荷条件下CAST工艺城市污水处理厂的启动调试及活性污泥培养

    Activated Sludge Culture and Preliminary Test of Wastewater Treatment Plant with CAST Craft at Low Temperature and Low Nutrition

  5. 600MW汽轮机组启动调试中存在问题的分析和处理

    Analysis and Treatment of Problems with 600 MW Steam Turbine Set Commissioning

  6. 扬二电厂600MW机组启动调试中的问题分析

    Analysis on Problems in Start-up and Test of 600 MW Unit in No.2 Yangzhou Power Plant

  7. 2×135MW机组循环流化床锅炉整套启动调试方案

    Integrated Starting and Commissioning Test Schemes of 2 × 135MW CFB Boiler

  8. 330MW燃煤发电机组整套启动调试实践

    Experience on the Starting Commissioning of 330 MW Coal-fired Generating Sets

  9. XPS-2型等离子点火装置的启动调试及节油评估

    Commissioning and Evaluating for Oil Saving on XPS-2 Plasma Ignition Devices

  10. 某电厂200MW机组整组启动调试存在问题分析及其解决对策

    Analysis and solution of problems in unit start-up and commissioning of a certain 200 MW unit

  11. 目的解决大型DAT-IAT工艺的污水处理厂低温条件下的污泥培养驯化和启动调试。

    The Fushun wastewater treatment plant is the biggest in this country that has been running with DAT-IAT type of SBR process .

  12. 35t/h循环床锅炉启动调试分析

    Analysis on Start-up Test of 35t / h Recirculating Fluidized Boiler

  13. 双流环密封油系统启动调试及常见问题处理

    Start-up Debug and Common Problem Treatment of Double-ring Type Sealing Oil System

  14. 通过从“调试”菜单中选择“启动调试”来测试您的解决方案。

    Test your solution by choosing start debugging from the debug menu .

  15. 大型抽水蓄能机组现场启动调试技术研究及应用

    Site commissioning and testing technology for large pumped storage units

  16. 130t/h循环流化床锅炉启动调试试验研究

    Start-up and Commissioning on 130 t / h Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler

  17. 无缺陷启动调试在南海石化汽电联产项目中的应用

    Flawless Startup Application in Nanhai Petrochemicals Steam and Power Project

  18. 无法在指定的计算机上启动调试管理器。

    Unable to start the Machine Debug Manager on the specified machine .

  19. 您可以简单地编写您的程序并启动调试。

    You simply write your program and start debugging .

  20. 使用以下的命令行来启动调试引擎

    Start the debug engine using the following command line

  21. 否则,必须重新启动调试会话以接受更改。

    Otherwise , you must restart the debugging session to accept the change .

  22. 抚顺污水处理厂活性污泥培养驯化与启动调试

    Acclimation of Activated Sludge of Fushun WWTP

  23. 必须先启动调试前端来监听特定的端口。

    The debug front end must be started in advance to listen on a specific port .

  24. 纯氧曝气&变速生物滤池组合工艺处理医院污水启动调试研究

    Study on starting up and commissioning operation of pure oxygen aeration-variable velocity bio-filter process in hospital wastewater treatment

  25. 新乡电厂440t/h循环流化床锅炉启动调试中的问题分析

    Analysis on Problems Occuring in Start-up and Commissioning of 440 t / h CFB Boiler in Xinxiang Power Plant

  26. 该机组的成功投运对以后此类大型汽轮机的启动调试具有一定的指导意义。

    So , it can be regarded as a good example for the commencement and commissioning of large capacity turbines .

  27. 启动调试以后,应用程序将具有某些权限,这些权限相应于从该区域安装的部分信任的应用程序。

    When you start debugging , the application will have permissions appropriate to a partial trust application installed from that zone .

  28. 大容量电站锅炉的启动调试技术服务及某些常见问题的处理

    Technical Service in the Field During Start-up and Regulation Test for Large Utility Boiler and Relative Measures of Some Common Problems

  29. 这个数据对象持有调试所需的信息,并且在启动调试会话时发送给调试器。

    This data object holds the information required for debugging , and it 's sent to the debugger when the debug session starts .

  30. 此文章系列的第2部分中将讨论可用于启动调试的其他参数。

    There are additional parameters available for turning debugging on , which will be discussed in the second part of this article series .