
yuàn wàng
  • wish;desire;aspiration;dream
愿望 [yuàn wàng]
  • [desire;wish;aspiration] 心中期望实现的想法

愿望[yuàn wàng]
  1. 他表现出与家人和好的强烈愿望。

    He evinced a strong desire to be reconciled with his family .

  2. 他满怀着寻求社会正义的愿望。

    He was imbued with a desire for social justice .

  3. 她的毕生愿望就是成为名作家。

    Her lifelong dream was to be a famous writer .

  4. 他最大的愿望是能再次见到自己的孙子孙女。

    His dearest wish is to see his grandchildren again .

  5. 她暗暗滋生出成名的愿望。

    She secretly nurtured a hope of becoming famous .

  6. 她的父亲总是对她什么奇怪的愿望都予以滿足。

    Her father had always indulged her every whim .

  7. 我可以理解她想保守秘密的愿望。

    I can understand her wish for secrecy .

  8. 她违背父母的愿望嫁给了别的人。

    She married against her parents ' wishes .

  9. 王子的愿望实现了。

    The prince 's wish came true .

  10. 她保证尊重我们的愿望。

    She promised to respect our wishes .

  11. 她必须懂得,自己的愿望不能先于别人的需要。

    She had to learn that her wishes did not take precedence over other people 's needs .

  12. 公司的目标和雇员的愿望之间经常存在矛盾。

    There is often a tension between the aims of the company and the wishes of the employees .

  13. 父母保护孩子的本能愿望应当与孩子独立的需要相平衡。

    Parents ' natural desire to protect their children should be counterbalanced by the child 's need for independence .

  14. 他们将尽最大努力实现自己的愿望。

    They will go all out to get exactly what they want

  15. 人们应该理解他们复仇的愿望是多么强烈。

    People should understand how thirsty for revenge they are .

  16. 部长们毫不隐瞒他们想要购买美国武器的愿望。

    Ministers are making no secret about their wish to buy American weapons .

  17. 拥有私宅是所有英国人心中压倒一切和根深蒂固的强烈愿望。

    Home ownership has been an overarching and innate desire of the British .

  18. 孩子的幸福安康应该永远比父母的愿望来得更重要。

    The welfare of a child should always override the wishes of its parents

  19. 她向父母坦言了自己想演戏的愿望。

    She confessed to her parents her desire to act

  20. 他期盼出现一个新政党的愿望几乎不可能实现。

    His hopes for a new political party have little chance of reaching fruition .

  21. 他最大的愿望一定是希望人们成群结队地到这个美丽的公园参观。

    His greatest wish must be that huge crowds flock into the beautiful park .

  22. 鼓励孩子在他的愿望和你的愿望之间找到一个折中点。

    Encourage your child to reach a compromise between what he wants and what you want

  23. 大人表达了他的愿望,希望法律委员会研究一下这一问题。

    His Lordship expressed the hope that the Law Commission might look at the subject .

  24. 一切都与我的愿望背道而驰!

    It all backfired on me !

  25. 在决定行动方针之前,她会对人们的愿望作一番调查。

    She will take soundings of the people 's wishes before deciding on a course of action .

  26. 我很难做到既兼顾工作,又达成做个好父亲的愿望。

    It 's difficult to reconcile the demands of my job and the desire to be a good father

  27. 他从事婚姻介绍工作,这多少有点讽刺意味,因为他最大的愿望就是自己能结婚。

    He is in the marriage bureau business , which is mildly ironic seeing that his dearest wish is to get married himself

  28. 他要访华的愿望终于实现了。

    His wish to visit China has at last come true .

  29. 他学习音乐的愿望这回算实现了。

    His wish to study music has come true at last .

  30. 他俩的结合违背了各自父母的愿望。

    They got married to each other against their parents ' wishes .